Do you believe in life on other planets?

@cristi20 (2139)
January 2, 2007 4:08pm CST
Do you believe in life on other planets??
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10 responses
@smacksman (6053)
2 Jan 07
Yes, it should be possible for life on other planets in other solar systems. As these planets are many thousands of earth years away there will be a huge time lag in going there, gathering physical data and then returning again. In that period of time, the life form may well have developed substancially from our first sample. And that sample will have evolved in transit back to earth so we will not know what it was when first collected. Interesting problem!
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@cristi20 (2139)
• Romania
2 Jan 07
interesting point if view from view!!gathering data from near places that our technology can research can lead us to a close clue to our big Question...have a nice day!rated as best response!
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@cristi20 (2139)
• Romania
2 Jan 07
sorry for my writing errors..interesting point of view from you!
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@smacksman (6053)
3 Jan 07
Thank you christi for an interesting subject,
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@cr1st1nel (3564)
• Romania
3 Jan 07
Yes i believe that there must be life on other planets, just think a little how big is our universe and how many planets are in it. It is impossible like life on other planets to not exist. I am sure that in the universe, somewhere far away from us are other intelligent creatures. Good luck!
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• United States
6 Jan 07
I agree with you 100%.
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• United States
6 Jan 07
Yes, I believe that there are other planets with life. This universe is way to big for only earth to have life.
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• Romania
6 Jan 07
Yes I believe that there is life on other planets because the universe is very big, and our planet couldn't be the only planet which supports life.
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@flor1n (234)
• Romania
2 Jan 07
Yes! I believe in life on other planets.The universe is to big to be just for us :D
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@aelyus (634)
• Romania
6 Jan 07
maybe exists life on ther planets but not as we imagine life. i only hope that civilisation are peacefully or not so evolved like us. did you see the "independece day" or "war of worlds"? scarry...
@lsen06 (4998)
• India
9 Jan 07
i believe it.
@missjackie (1357)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
2 Jan 07
If there were no life on other planets, it would just be a big waste of space.
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• United States
2 Jan 07
Of course there is. I don't doubt it for a moment. Two things factor into why we can't or haven't found this out yet. 1. Because of the vastness of the universe, we may never cross paths with other life. 2. Mankind's technology may not be geared right to detect others forms of life.
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@tarakt (13)
• India
9 Jan 07
Yes, I do because Universe is too big. It's above our iamgination. We can never even count exect figures of planets in Universe so to meet all don't think about that. Even in earth there are many conditions like cold, hot, too cold, too hot but we can bear that. So its possible that these type of environement any other planet have. Or in other conditions its possible to grow other community of life. By some inventions the planet that we know that might have life. So it's possible.