By zoeokeeffe
@zoeokeeffe (184)
January 2, 2007 4:36pm CST
I can't stand bad manners. Is it just me?
I don't know if I'm getting more impatient or intolerant but I seem to be noticing that there is an extreme lack of manners in the world lately. Every time I go into a shop the advisor doesn't give you eye contact, say please or thankyou and sometimes doesn't even tell how much you need to pay, just looks at you. Then there's people who barge past you and don't apologise, people who don't hold the door open as you are about to walk through it and don't say thankyou if you do - all thnigs I was taught you should do from a very young age. So as I said is it just me?
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5 responses
@iheartducks (343)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I agree - people do have bad manners and I think manners are important, you have to be nice to someone if you want them to be there for you. I grew up saying please, thnak you and excuse me but it seems like more and more people are not learning those values as children. Our world could be so much better to live in if people were nice and actually care about one another!!!
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@SarahEC (545)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I absolutely hate bad manners. I was raised to have very very good manners, so it irritates me to see people be rude and inconsiderate of other people. I hope to teach my children good manners since there are less and less people like that.
@zoeokeeffe (184)
2 Jan 07
Thankyou for your comments. Its nice to know other people feel the same and its not just me.
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@pumpkinjam (8858)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 07
No, it's not just you. I come across many people who lack manners. There is no need for it. It doesn't hurt to be polite. People don't seem to be taught manners any more. I've had so many people praise me and my kids on how polite we all are as if it's something unusual, apparently it is. Although, it's not only younger people who haven't been taught. I find just as many older people who are rude. Some believe it is their right to have everyone fit around them just because they are old. It's usually old ladies in supermarkets who leave trolleys in the middle of the aisle. You say excuse me and they don't hear you - or at least pretend not to - so you have no chouce but to push past and they give you dirty looks because they were in your way, as if they have every right to hold you up because they have all the time in the world.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I agree and the rudeness is spreading. Of course, it doesn't help when it is bad manners to tell someone else they have bad manners.
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
No it is not just you. I notice it as well, especially when I go shopping or to a concert, or anywhere in general. The minute you step foot out of your house.. It seems like a lot of people will run in to people who act in this manner quite sadly. I know that every time I go out somewhere I will encounter at least one person who lacks manners.
What's even more troubling is when you go out to a place & have to deal with a large majority of people who just have no manners at all. I know when I have days such as these.. I will be more than thankful when I get back in to the comfort of my own home.. It's sad how people dislike leaving there own home these days because of these reasons..
I know one thing that makes me very impatient is when.. I am grocery shopping & I find people who will stand in the middle of the aisle & they can see that I am coming through or trying to get through.. And they will literally refuse to move when you say excuse me politely. And when they do end up deciding to move, they end up giving you a dirty look like it was your fault or almost like you are really bothering them. I know that this tends to always happen when I go grocery shopping. That is why my other half & me will take turns or he will do the grocery shopping because I just have no patience with these type of people these days..
Another thing that bothers me is when people will leave there cart right in the middle of the aisle.. And you literally have to move it.. And when you do so they give you a grouchy look.. Yet they should have been more respectful of other people who we're shopping.. I dislike this immensely personally! . . I always seem to run in to people who do not only have bad manners, but they also tend to be rather inconsiderate at the same time I have found..
I know how you feel about people not holding the door open for you when you are walking out.. Or when you end up holding the door open for them as well.. I had actually had an experience where this man I was right behind as I was leaving the store.. Decided to look back at me & gave me a dirty look.. Why I don't quite understand? And then he ended up literally not holding the door open for me.. And I ended up getting knocked in the face with the door as well.. I just found that so disrespectful..
I know that personally I was taught to have good manners.. I always say thank you if someone brings me something or I always will tell others to have a wonderful day as I am leaving the store.. And so forth.. So having to come across people who don't have good manners just baffles me I must admit. I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to have good manners these days.. But I find a lot of people just only care about themselves & could care less about the person behind them in line or whomever they may be crossing paths with..
In conclusion.. I just want to say it is not you who only has to deal with this.. As I go through it on a regular basis I find.. The only thing I find is sometimes.. Some people will surprise me out of no where when they are willing to hold a door open for me.. Or are willing to say to me "thank you" or "your welcome.." Just show some form of good manners..
I guess those acts of kindness & good manners help me to have hope sometimes.. As I know it's moments like those that makes you feel like.. Maybe not everyone out there in this world has bad manners these days. I know what I try to do during moments like these is.. To try to continue to be polite even when they the may not be the same way in return. I know that it really makes my day when people are nice to me, ESPECIALLY when I least expect it.
Thanks for allowing me to share! xx