What would you do...
By soldenski
@soldenski (2503)
United States
January 2, 2007 6:09pm CST
I live in an apartment complex, we are assigned one parking spot, and we pay $40.00 for a extra one. When we get home, for the most part, someone is either blocking our parking or parked in our parking. Today I came home and found someone parked in my parking, I honked and no one came out. There was someone in the truck but I blocked the truck and went to my mom's home. About fifteen minute's later the truck owner was telling me to move my car so he could get out. I said no, now your going to wait for me. I have told the manager about this situation, and he has done nothing to stop this behavior. I think it's the other resident's to make sure no one is parked in here but also for the manager to inforce it. He told me I could call a tow-truck but I feel that is his job. What can I do to stop this. I can't be looking for whoever it is that is parked in my spot, all the time. This is really insane!!!!!
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34 responses
@Muslimah (811)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I know.... thats messed up and your paying for the spot... i would call the tow truck and get cones to block my space when im gone. If the person moves the cones then you know your going to have a problem or to be fair the person may be new to the complex and not know the rules. So knock on the door ( or slip a note under the door or put it in the mail box to be on the safe side) inform him of whats going on. Hopefully then he'll stop doing it. Hope this helps take care.
@silvergillies (65)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I have almost the SAME problem!! I share a driveway with the neighbors. They constantly park in the middle and block it or park where it is impossible for me to get in or out. Since the driveway is split up the middle no one knows what to do. But the tow truck thing works. The truck charges the owner of the car not you, and if it's your space and in your lease or paperwork, then you have every legal right to do so. I did it!! My neighbor was furious but, the cops measured the driveway and beacuase they were over the half way point, they lost and had to pay the tow truck. Needless to say they don;t do it anymore!! Good luck, I really feel your pain!!
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I think if I called the tow truck on one person, everyone will get the message. So next car that is in my way or in my spot. I am going to call for a tow truck. I will take picture's and post them here!!!lol
@silvergillies (65)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Trust me it works. I tried being nice and polite, I tried handling it like an adult, but they just kept getting worse. So they left me no choice. They will get the message!! :)
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I would feel bad about calling a towing truck, but if you are paying for your spot, and it keeps happening I would definitely do something. why isn't your manager??? Seems as if he's getting the revenue to MANAGE! I guess if its the same person who is doing it, I would then call the towing truck...That's the best I can answer too......good luck!
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Thank's mytwodaughter's. I am going to call a tow truck although I feel bad. I feel worse, coming home in a hurry (because I have to go to the bathroom, or worse my children do) and then I can't park my car because someone is in my spot. Luckily, the manager, has put up cement block's around a no parking zone, which if someone park's there, they block me. The manager is trying now, but I guess he does not want to be a bad guy and call a tow truck.
@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I think that you have received some great advice so far. Personally, I probably would have done what you did. Of course, it seems as if you need to be careful with who you mess with nowadays. I do agree with the other poster's suggestions about calling a tow truck or the police. I would also try and find out who the is the manager's boss. I would just handle the situation yourself, to get it taken care of, but you shouldn't have to do so because that is the job of an apartment complex manager.
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
That how I feel, that it is his job, but he does not want to be the "bad" person and call the tow truck so I have to be the b**ch. Thanks for your reply
@pebbles724 (642)
• United States
3 Jan 07
If you are paying an additional $40 for an extra parking space, I feel the manager should be strickly enforcing the parking policy. Are there signs clearly posted so that visitors know those spaces are reserved for tenants? Is there adequate vistors parking spaces? If you are not getting co-operation from your manager, you should contact the owner of the complex.
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
6 Jan 07
We don't have visitor parking because this is a parking for tenant use only. Visitor's are sappose to park outside. When I have visitor's, the first question I ask is "Where did you park?" they alway's park outside or in my spot
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I am so sorry that the manager isn't willing to help out more with your problem. YOu are right that the residents should be watching out for this themselves. I think that it's sad that you have to pay $40 for an extra parking spot and you still can't get it because other people are rudely using it when they have no right to be there. I hope that for the most part it is just ignorance on the part of those who are taking your spot, and not that they are doing it anyway and not caring. I hope that you can find a solution! ^_^
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Well the manager is trying to help the situation, he put up cement block's and put "No Parking" all over the complex.
@turboboost_me (45)
• United States
3 Jan 07
yea call a tow truck and piss someone off then deal with theyre bullshit in the future nah go to ur manager and tell him to do somthing about it or hes not getn that extra cash if u ask me hes jus bein a greedy a$$hole
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Yeah He is greedy. But the neighbor's are disrespectful and I am not going to tolerate it anymore. I will call the tow truck on everyone now. lolololol
@firemansgirl001 (916)
• United States
3 Jan 07
If it is the same person, start sending them the bill for the parking spot. Keep track of when they are in your spot, and let your landlord know you wont be paying for it , if he cant inforce the other tenants.
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
That would be great. The problem is they are visitor's car. Thanks for your reply
@Bevsue (251)
• United States
3 Jan 07
You are probably have to deal directly with the owner and let him know that the manager is not doing his part. Perhaps you can organize the other tenants to protest by not paying rent until there is a solution to this problem.
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
The other tenant's are the problem!!! lol Atleast their visitor's are the problem. I have 5 neighbor's who have no respect for anyone and park where ever they want
@rommelramos (75)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
report your grievance to your local police!
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Thanks for your advice, it is private property so they really can't do anything.
@jackpot (138)
• India
3 Jan 07
Ya, get the vehicle towed. Not only will the owner have to pay the fees for the towing, it will be a good lesson (you can call it a good precedent) to all.
The other thing you can do (and I have personally done this) that whenever there is a vehicle parked in your slot, just block that vehicle's exit from your slot and forget your vehicle. In fact you can go out to roam someplace (by public transport or walking) and come back a couple hours later. More often then not, it is some visitor's car and you can get back at them in this manner!!
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would love to do that but I was afraid that my car would be towed. But now that I know the manager will not call the tow truck, then I am going to do it.
@exhibit (23)
• India
3 Jan 07
c its really ur bad luck that u have to suffer,......so why dont u put up some notice board or something of that sorts.........if this still does nt help just make some arrangement so that the parking is reserved for u only...if this still can't be done just make sure to inform people living near ur place thaqt in case someone parks near ur place that person should be informed.......
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I have made arrangement's to have the spot for myself. I pay for the spot. My neighbor's each have their assigned spot's and know that no one else is sappose to park in someone else's spot. Some people just have no respect and do whatever they want.Thanks for your reply
@youfearthetruth (98)
• Canada
3 Jan 07
lol i would block them in to...and when he asked you to move you should have said um im gonna have to charge you rent for parking in my SPOT i pay for that space! and call a tow truck on thier stupid arses...how rude
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
We think alike!!!lol. I just wish they were not able to move their car. Someone that was parked next to me moved their car so they would be able to move out. I was upset, I wanted them to have to wait for a while. Thanks for your reply
@khalid111 (186)
3 Jan 07
if i paided for a parking space i expect to use this parking space take full action so it is urs as ur payin out of ur hard earned money
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Yes I am paying money for that spot. I get so upset too. Thanks for your reply
@mrsjumppuppy03 (3301)
• United States
3 Jan 07
If it is perpetually the same car in your spot, I would post a warning notice on their windshield that any further infractions of parking in your allocated spot will force you to have them towed. The next day, I would call the nearest tow truck service and have them removed. You can also file a complaint with you local police, so that they have it on record. Since the building manager is not enforcing the building policy, I would find out the management company or building owner and file a grievance with them as well. Good Luck
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@eternalskyes (273)
• United States
3 Jan 07
You need to call the Owner of your complex. Should be on your lease, or somewhere in the office of the complex, if they wont do anything. Contact the police for advice, tell them whats going they might be able to give you advice. And if none of that works, then that call the towing service and have the vehicle towed
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@theaustinproject (99)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Are there any free spots or visitor spots that you can park in when your space is taken up?
If the manager is unwilling to do his job and ensure you have access to your paid parking space, you could request a refund and/or find out who his boss is and complain. Apartment managers usually step up their efforts when their boss is asking questions!
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Yeah that would be a good idea. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for your reply
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I was, I was so mad yesterday that I wanted to smash his windshield. I would have too if I was not afraid of going to jail, I would not care if I had to pay for it, it would be worth it, just so I could see their faces. hahaha
@fun4july (32)
• India
3 Jan 07
u have an serious problem. if u r paying for the paking then how could anyone park in your place of paking. u have complain the police so that u can avail the parking space u have paid for that. if u really wan the parking space than u have to do complain in the police then automatically your problem will solve. this is the my suggestion to u so that u can avail ur space of paking.