MY daughters two year old
By babystar1
@babystar1 (4233)
United States
January 2, 2007 6:55pm CST
My daughter got a two year old, and just does not listen, she tryed everything, even sitting him in a naughty chair.He goes to pre school and seems to really like it.He is now the only child in the family.My daughter does pay attention to him most of the time, but she can't sit there all the time with him. When he wants something he wants it right now.Any one out there ever have this problem?
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39 responses
@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Jan 07
my daughter's soon to be 20 months so she aint far off from age of 2 and she is very very demanding, ive never seen a baby like her in the past lol, but she doesn't get what she wants when she demands i make her wait because if i did give her everything she wanted, she will grow up like that and i will have a very hard time in saying NO, lol!
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
3 Jan 07
My daughter does not give in either, but them he starts crying and throwing his toys around. thanks for your reply
@fxysxysrkly (619)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Let them do it. They will tend to realize that they are not going to get what they want and just stop doing it. My mother told me that i did that a lot and that is what she did to make a pair of twins and a son stop demanding so much. This is a key factor they have to earn what they want not just give it to them. They will take advantage of it!
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@ladymalissa (85)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I have to agree with the others.My son just turned three and he started demanding things and not letting me out of his isght for a second and I had to just let him cry and throw his fits.So he would learn that you can not have everything you want just because you want it.I have set a program up for him that I had for my daughter when she was his age.If he starts to throw a fit after being told no he is in time out with no tv and toys.It sounds mean but it isn't.My son starting throwing a fit in the store and got down on the floor kicking and yelling for a toy.When I told him no he just got worse so did I.I just set down on the floor with him and when he seen I wasn't going to guve in he stopped.If you let them see that they can push your buttons then they will all the time I love my kids with allmy heart and thank God for them every day.But I will teach them right from wrong so that if I am not here and something happens to me they will be ok and be able to adjust to and earn what they want not just have it handed to them on a silver platter.I know this must sound mean but it is just teaching them how to become a better little them.

@marinejunkie (16)
• Iraq
3 Jan 07
I know you have had several people tell you that there is some sort of problem here. Let me say this, most boys until they reach 7 have this problem. They have this reserve of energy that they can't get rid of. I have three children. My oldest son, 12, was the same way and now my youngest son, 4, reacts the same. My daughter, 7, never acted this way until now. They have to have it now! First off, the toy throwing will stop- you have to be consistant with the discipline. I am not saying spanking or the like. What we had to do with our children was to allow them their feelings with perimeters. When they throw their toys, the toys they throw get taken away from them. If they have no toys to throw- what happens? They learn to respect them more. Also, we have taught them that when they get angry they express it correctly. It is hard to get a two year old to respond correctly- but it can be done. You can't show anger or disgust- be nice and say- "now (name) if you throw that you will have to pick up the mess and you will loose (this item) for awhile until you can learn to behave. It has really worked. My wife and I learned techniques form a program called "Love and Logic". Most people that we know have tried this with very good success rates. Instead of telling the child "NO" you give them the choice- "you have the choice to do this or that- but remember, you have to live with the consequences!" Example, "yes son, you can choose to throw that toy, but if you uwant to keep it and don't want to clean up the mess, you will put it up and tell me how you feel. Maybe for older children, but hopefully you grasp the concept. Basically, you have to get down to their level and out think them. At two, we told our son- Please don't do that- it is not nice and you don't want to have your toys taken do you? He responded well most of the time- but he still can be a handfull. The thing to remember is not to loose your temper and show them you are upset- they will react to that and know they can push your buttons.
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@Clairec23 (136)
• Ireland
3 Jan 07
That is good advice. I have a two year old boy at the moment and yes he has his moments but he is just learning, that's what that age is about. They have to push the boundaries to discover themselves. I'm not too strict with mine but I let him know if I'm not pleased with his actions and now before he acts up, he'll look at me to see what my reaction is and how far he can take things. Respond to him in a calm way and eventually he will learn to act in a calmer way. It's only natural that he will be a bit lively at times, if he's no trouble in school, then there probably isn't a problem. He is probably fulfilled at school and has a lot of activities to distract him as well as other children to play with. He may get a bit bored at home sometimes and doesn't know how to handle it. Have some patience with him and I'm sure his behaviour will improve. He is very young so don't be too hard on him or expect too much from him.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Thanks for all your comments,I will be sure to tell everything, you all said.
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@dixielol (1579)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I know exactly what you mean! My niece is 2 years old & the same way. She is so spoiled. If you tell her NO she just falls down on the floor face first. She has blooded her nose doin it alot but still does it. We have gronded her from her TV, from the puppies from going to the store & tried spankin her. Nothing works. & takein her to the store is a nightmare! She screems & runs off & hides. She walked up to someone the other day in the store & smacked her butt & said "beep beep, outta my way." I just stood there embarassed as crap! The guy smiled & said "well your a cutie" When she starts running off & we put her in the cart she starts screaming "help me, help me!" Everyone just stares. One of us end up taking her out and sitting in the car. I havent found a solution yet. If you find one though please share!
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
You are not the only one that this has happened to. My grandson does the same thing ,she puts in in the cart when they get to the store, and he dont like it when she takes him out he runs off.I guess you have to go shoping by yourself and leave them home with a sitter.But if I fine a solution I will share it with you good luck.
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
4 Jan 07
The naughty chair is the "worst" thing she's done? What about a good ole fashioned spanking? As for the attention thing, let the kid cry it out, and she shouldn't let herself be drawn in again and give in to the crying, or the kid will know that tantrum = mommy gives attention. When he wants something, don't give it to him until you're good and ready to do so.
@JusThe4OfUs2004 (12)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Yes I am going through the same thing with my 2 year old. And have been going through it for the last 8 years with our 10 year
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
yes some of the older kids are more trouble than the two year olds. Wait untill she turns sixteen,It gets worse
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@rubypatson (1840)
• India
3 Jan 07
I have a one and a hlf year old son, and i am facing a similar problem, but i dont give in to his tantrums, i just ignore him he cries real bad feel sorry but then sometimes i pick him up but i dont give his demands
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@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
3 Jan 07
My 2 year old boy is exactly the same. He's very demanding and when we dont do what he wants he screems and through away his toys and look for the dog to slap him. I think is their way to call full attention. I also dont know what to do.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Thanks for you reply, she has dogs to and he slaps them also.Children at this age must really want your attention,she can't even go to the bathroom without him following her.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
3 Jan 07
The best way is to stop paying attention, when he acts demanding. When he rolls on the floor, let him do it...cry, rolled..just don't pay attention. He will stop if no one care. He will learn how to say please and be nice.
@bonnielass (484)
• United States
3 Jan 07
He is 2. LOL, this is what 2 years old do. Expecially boys. I have 2 of them i know. Just keep up with the ruiteen you are doing. Mine do the corner since 6 months. they had no idea of course but by 2 they knew what the corner was for. Not that it always works but if kept up in time it should.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Thank you for your comment.She does do the naughty chair
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
3 Jan 07
This is a normal step in child devekopment and the reason the call the age "the terrible twos".
This child is now aware that he is a separate person, developing a sense of his own desires. The problem is he cannot express himself well and has not learned some necessary concepts, like waiting or presenting alternatives. If your daughter can continue her discipline consistently then she will weather this problem as he grows out of it into the next stage. Some books on chilc development might be helpful!
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
thank you for your reply I will let my daughter know.
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@ecpunzalan (401)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
Patience is a virtue as they say, your grandson should see this and learn it from her mother, other wise he wont learn. Try talking to him... and ask help from the pre-school, terrible two are really hard to handle but you have to go through with it... so tell her to be a model for her child...
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@tanya6 (333)
3 Jan 07
Hi my son is 2 as well he has his moments but is generally a good boy. Children of this age dont seem to understand the world doesnt revolve around them. I just talk to him clearly and dont shout and usually he will listen, somethimes i have to give him a time out, he will learn in the end just have pationce.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
You are lucky that he is so good.My daughter does talk to him and tell him waht he did was wrong,but he starts crying .But she does not give in.
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@moulikrishna (122)
3 Jan 07
Hi,It is not an easy task to bring up children.The children of 2 years age have generally undeveloped mind so they need guidance from parents to develop into a able person so it is in ur hands to make ur child the best.
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
3 Jan 07
My kids are the same way! They all have a mind of their own and dont want to be told what to do. Ive tried everything, spanking, time outs, taking toys away, talking to them at eye level..and nothing seems to work. They only act up when they are at home, too!
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I am glad I am not the only one with this problem. thanks
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@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
two year-olds are like that. that's why they're called "terrible two". your grandson sounds very much like my niece when she was two. so i don't think this is anything to worry about. be firm with him, though. when you mean "no" it has to be "no".
isn't it a bit too early for him to be in school, though?
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
No, he likes school she puts him in school just 2 days a week, and he just can't wait to go.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I do agree with you that kids still need to be spanked. Send Supernanny my way.
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@patootie (3592)
3 Jan 07
Ohh dear .. those 'naughty twos' ... for most children it just one of the phases they go through .. both mine went through the naughty two stage .. near drove me demented .. but then they move on to being three ...and the 'naughty' stage seems to pass by ...
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
3 Jan 07
My son can get that way as well, especially before we had his little brother a couple of months ago. I'm sure it's just a stage, and something he will eventually grow out of. Also, there is nothing wrong with making him play by himself for awhile as well. HE can play quietly, but it will take some time for him to get used to it. I know with our little guy, we started making him play by himself alot more when we found out we were preggers with his brother, so it wouldn't be such a transition, just doing five-ten minutes at a time and workign your way up to more really helps. He plays by himself alot now. Good luck!
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@gemini13 (333)
• India
3 Jan 07
two is really a very young age to teach them or make them undrestand even i hv a friend with a 18 months boy
he listens to things which she says but at times he is stubborn cries a lot but eventually it will reduce it is a child's tendency u hv to b very patient till they reach certain age
u must start telling things which will help him in future so that he will become is so habituated to listen such things that it might seem very right to him , the only thing u do is b there for him b available but i guess u r a working mom so u must try to fetch some extra hours for ur little one leave ur personal life for a while witha mutual understanding with ur spouse or partner what so ever
it needs a combine effort from the family as he is the only child in the family
raising a child may sound easy but it is a very sensitive work