Are you sick of being told how to live your life??
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
January 2, 2007 9:05pm CST
We seem to be becoming a Nanny State in the UK. We are told by the government and stupid people on TV:
How to eat properly
How to loose weight
How to exercise
How to bring up our children
How to clean our homes
How to be a better lover
How to meet a partner
How to dress
How to furnish our homes
How to think
The list is endless. However the only ones who are successful are the ones who sell us all these ideas.
How did our parents ever cope years ago when they didn't have someone telling them how to live their life's.
I am all for useful information but most of what we are presented with is just commonsense.
Is your country turning into a Nanny state??
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32 responses
@the_dutchess (2610)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
i live in the philippines. the government, in terms of telling people what to do, is okay..not that strict. but i believe in the end, it's your own decision whether you will follow it or not. what is important is you think wisely, you think of the pros and cons of what you are doing and it must always be for the best of everybody not just yourself
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@jenjonic (6)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
i also live in the philippines. so far in my observations and experiences, it's not the gov't who dictates us what to do. it's the showbusiness or the entertainment industry who's dictating us what are the norms in our society today. even what's beautiful or not is measured according to the entertainment industry's standards.
@vianneivanne (91)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
Hello, fellow Pinoys! What I can say is that our government should show us a good example if they want us to take them seriously.
Lifestyle check, please... And please, please find a way to prosecute the big tax evaders, gambling lords and all the other big shot thieves.
And more thing, government employees should be sent to charm schools and be taught how to be punctual,smile more often, be effective and refrain from looking at the clock if it's 5:00 o'clock already.
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@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
3 Jan 07
The reason the government has taken to handing out advice like confetti is because we tend to blame the government for everything that goes wrong even if it's our own fault, and demand to know "why didn't the government tell us!"
Eg, there was the issue where several middle aged people fell for those scams where some Nigerian offers to give you half their money if you supply your bank details - only a really stupid, greedy person would fall for this, I mean, who gives out their bank details to some complete stranger from Africa? But the victims blamed the government for not warning them! So the poor old govt has had to do an expensive publicity campaign about it, and the FSA's website is full of warnings.
And it's the same story with all the other issues you raised. People have loudly blamed the government for obesity in children (as though ministers were personally in charge of the child's feeding instead of their parents). And govt has sighed, and issued leaflets on how to eat properly because they know that telling people to take responsibility doesn't work - when they do that, they are simply accused of evading their duties!
Same thing for exercise - people loudly blame the government for the fact that citizens are too lazy to do any exercise, so govt has sighed and issued guidlines and tried to exhort people to move a bit.
In fact pretty much every bit of nanny state advice is the direct result of people blaming and attacking the government for something that is in fact the individual's fault.
I really doubt ministers want to spend hours on weight loss leaflets, when they could be spending time on far more serious and exciting strategy.
You are right that thirty years ago govt didn't bother to do any of this stuff, - but then thirty years ago people didn't blame the govt for everything either. As a result modern govt has an awful lot more work to do - they must perform the same functions as their counterparts thirty years ago, PLUS they must contend with a whinging, mewling population that demands hand-holding at every turn. Really, who would wish to be a minister?
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Jan 07
I understand what you are saying, but at the same time alot of people have been brought up not to think for themselves nowadays and will cry to someone else to sort it out.
At the same time the government needs to have more control over what we are fed by large coporate businesses and take some responsibility in protecting us.
Thanks for your response it was interesting reading a different perspective on this question.
@rainbow (6761)
28 Jan 07
I do my best to be a good person, bring my kids up as best I can and eat a healthy diet, if I failed then I tried, The diet shows made me ill last year so I'll stay plump thank-you very much, everyone knows more about how to deal with my kids than me but they seem to survive. My dog is happy, I have given up watching a huge amount of helpful programmes as them make me reach for the prozac. I like being me, so I blow a big raspberry to all the people who could make me a better person as then I would loose something precious - my sense of humour.
God, I feel better for a good rant. England is indeed a nanny state but I am a rebellious older teenager - lots of years older but still young inside, lol
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Well, just human behavior - the would be masters looking for subjects. On the other hand, however, there is nothing wrong with being instructed or being taught proper manners or behavior. Simply accept those you think or find profitable and ignore the rest.
@vianneivanne (91)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
I get tired of hearing people telling me how to live my life because I don't do what they say anyway. They're wasting their time, that's for sure.
They can never tell me, "Oh, I know how you feel," because they absolutely don't.
They can never tell me, "You know it will make you fell better if you do this," because I know what makes me feel better.
This is my life and I am accountable for it.
I appreciate the concern, dahlings, but please mind your own life for crying out loud!
I'll seek your wisdom if I want to.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Jan 07
So many people don't use their head. Look at the multi million pound industry for dieting, make-up products etc. If the information they did give us was of any good we would all look like heads on lolly sticks with the perfect face. All they do is feed us with false hope that so many believe in.
I must admit, as I get older I can see what they are doing. But then they don't really need me anymore as the next generation come along even more brainwashed than mine.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
3 Jan 07
here in the philippines, most of us in still stuck with our culture and traditions. our parents brought us well before in a more strict environment. some families still follow the arranged married tradition. some don't. some go for strict family ties. some don't anymore. we don't have much strict rules here. which i find really good for everyone.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
Its good to be able to hold onto your culture and traditions but at the same time be able to move away from them and still be accepted.
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I live in the USA and I think it's been one for awhile now! Everywhere you look "they" are telling us the 'proper' way to do things.. and if you think about it, the proper way to look too!! I've stopped listening haha. I only watch TV when I'm going to bed and I stay away from certain articles. It's been working!
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
Good for you!! If more people did this then we wouldn't have to put up with so much rubbish on the TV.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
4 Jan 07
There are far too many people and authorities that feel they know what is best for the individual. The practice becomes more prolific every day and I agree with you that we are reaching a level whereby guidelines are set up for the most obvious factors of life.
However, this certainly does not bother me, I simply ignore such advice and live my own life.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
There needs to be more people like you out there!
Commonsense is the best thing to have when living our own life's!
@sidrah (26)
• Pakistan
3 Jan 07
I live in Pakistan which is at its peak of illiteracy. Trust me, u guys are soo lucky, that u are a provided a proper guideline to follow, taught the rite code of conduct that shd be applied in crawling along. I wish it was so here, atleast wid da awareness amongst people,dey wudnt go abt doing crazy things and involve demselves in healthier activities, raise their kid properly, give dem good education and get rid of this alien concept drilled in their minds dat tells dem" Dotters shdnt study"! I am sure ur country doesnt encourage dis
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Jan 07
well am not sure if you would call Nanny stae but I have never listened to alot of what they say soyes it is justcommom since to do .
and our parents and grand parents might of made some mistakes but I think all got raised up pretty good
I have to laugh at some of the things the try to tell you to do
@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Jan 07
I agree with you, it's alright to give me advice, but to nag or dictate is another story. Yes America is becoming less and less of a Free nation each year we have these bigots running our country. Their the moral police, problem is their morals are wacked.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
Too true.
More and more we are fed propaganda and made to live our life's fearing the unknown.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
I live in Australia, and the government and and television try to tell us how to live our lives as well. I do not like it but then again some people probably need a push in the right direction as there are so many people obese and other things you have here. So yes our country is doing the same here.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
I don't know about Australia, but its certainly not working in the UK. More people are fatter than they have ever been before. More people drink, teenagers still smoke.
Whatever they are telling us does not seem to be getting through.
Maybe thats the reason. When someone tells you to do something you tend to do the opposite.
By the way congrats for winning The Ashes back. I have watched every match and am very depressed that England did not retain them!!!
Thanks for your response.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
4 Jan 07
You make some good points. It is the purpose of most governments and the media to control our lives as much as possible. They are the people with the power and they have to find away to keep it by telling us what we can and cannot do. I don't know if the US is becoming a nanny state. Maybe a fanny state...but that is another subject. I ignore the gov't and media at all costs and try to think for myself. All long as I can, I will do as I please as long as I don't violate the rights of others.
@rainbow (6761)
3 Jan 07
I cannot reply to this as I have not been told how to - yet! will check my TV sure there will be something to help, lol!
There is a lot of good advice out there, the lies are in our heads. Telling what is practical in our everyday lives is hard. Stars with money and staff may have perfect lives, the rest of us just listen in bewilderment.
My mum just did what she could, and my dad just worked every hour he had. The buckets of commonsense were overflowing but it was still hard.
I'm also a short chubby mum and my partner also works every hour just like my dad did, I get through the day as best I can, like my mum. Watching the perfect people getting it right makes me depressed. I never stop from dawn til after dark and having time to worry if I'm doing it right means I've forgotten to do something far more important.
Sorry to whinge but it felt good.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Jan 07
Well don't be depressed. All these stars who live the perfect life would fall apart if commonsense was the next fad. Maybe then all of us with it could give them some advise!!
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
3 Jan 07
Nope, in my country we don´t have this kind of thing, or at least not in the same level you have there. But I don´t care much about these "How To", at least those like "loose weight, be a better lover, etc" they are useless for me and I don´t really care about them.
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
3 Jan 07
On the one hand, we see such things because a lot of people want to know these things, such as how to lose weight, get in shape, dress stylishly, etc.
In the U.S. there are lots of lawsuits so companies and the governments have to spell things out specifically so they don't get sued... like one company that made a Superman Halloween costume printed on the box 'this costume does not enable you to fly'... because you know some idiot will buy the costume, try to fly, and then sue the company because he got hurt jumping off a building.
Many people today behave like children, so in a way it's not surprising that they get treated like children.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Jan 07
This is also happening in the UK now. We are constantly being told we can sue for anything nowadays.
In some cases this is right but in alot it is ludicrous. Some people need to take responsibility for their own actions instead of just being spoon fed and then complaining when things do not go their way.
I remember a case where a man was driving a Winnebago and decided to put it into cruise control, thinking this meant he could leave the wheel. Of course it crashed and he sued the the company and won because it did not state you couldn't leave the wheel. There will always be idiots out there!!
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Jan 07
This is so true. People so easily judge each other now if we do not fit into the correct boxes when bringing up children, cleaning our home, eating the right foods etc.
If people were left alone abit more and made to think for themselves, maybe we wouldn't need other people telling us how to wipe our own arses.
@ilvrshn (463)
• United States
3 Jan 07
That is deep. I have notice that is many different country that they practice this. Like Iheard one country, they tell you how many kids that you are allowed to have in a household. That is getting ridiculous. Almost controlling. I wouldn't want to live my life like that. There are too many rules has it is!
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Jan 07
I know, that is totally controlling and very scary that the majority can be ruled like this.
@khalid111 (186)
3 Jan 07
ive never been told how to live my life ive been give advice but never been told how to live it to be perfectly honest i like people giving me advice cause it make e think at a different angle
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
Advise is good to listen to if it is not rammed down your throat, as we have, alot of the time, in the UK.
Thanks for your response!!