global warming

United States
January 2, 2007 10:27pm CST
This shouldn't be too hard a topic for mylotians. Does anyone think that people can really influence the planet's temperature? We can't even figure out how to control the temperature inside our houses (set the thermostat, open or close a window), so how do we control the globe? I guess we can always ask Al Gore. What better source of scientific insight than a politician and divinity school flunkie. Considering how well we control earthquakes, tornadoes and tsuanmis, situations of a less massive extent, why do some humans think we can or do control global warming?
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37 responses
• United States
3 Jan 07
Some humans think we can control global warming merely because they have no idea how insignificant humans are in this world. For example, suppose the UN declared an international day of global warming. This in an attempt to raise global tempatures so as to extend the growing season in the colder climates. This would be to raise more food. Alarmists forget there is a good side to global warming. On the day of international global warming, the plan would be for everyone on the planet to switch on all the internal combustion engines, launch every jet plane and all day long for everyone to eat beans. Even still, there would not be any warming that would last. What heat that was trapped by the resulting greenhouse and "other" gasses would be lost later as sunlight was reflected from warming the earth by these same gasses. The world is the world's largest ecological system. Everything is interdependent. Make an adjustment in one part of the system and the other parts compensate. Humans are just too puny.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I like the way you explain things. I DO try to be responsible in my energy use, I am not a power glutton. I do not, however, believe that we, as humans, can fix the problems, expecially since animals producing methane gas are just as guilty of polluting as we are. I do believe we are in a warm cycle, and I have often thought that that would mean that we would change where we grow a variety of crops.
@justiman (428)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I agree with you. I like the way he explains things too. He seems to put things in such perspective that even George Bush would have a hard time not understanding them!
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@myte003 (179)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Being part Blackfoot Indian I'll just do us all a Great Big Old Fashioned Native Indian ANTI GLOBAL WARMING DANCE!!!!! Surely that will cure all the worlds ills etc.!!!!!!!!!!!
• United States
9 Feb 07
All things condsidered, this will probably be as effective as all the talk going on.
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@justiman (428)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I'm not even going to pretend to be one of these smart people you and your ozark gang over there brings out in your topics but I do like to respond to them. I don;t know if this is true cause I don't understand exactly what global warming is but isn't it happening because the planet is getting closer to the sun? and people are saying its because the ozone layer is weakening? I have seen on the discovery channel that scientist believe the atmosphere is exactly what it was a million years ago. I will tell you what I believe. I believe the planet and our weather goes in cycles. and this melting that is taking place is something that has probably happened several times in the earths existance and we will never and have no way of ever knowing anything about the past billions of years. Thats my redneck story and I'm sticking to it!!
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@smuggeridge (2148)
4 Feb 07
we can't control the climate. Its impossible, we can however alter it, as we are doing at the moment by releasing so many green house gases which is warming us up. It is our responsibility to try and set this back to as close as normal as is possible so the earth can change the climate in the perfectly natural way that it has been for the past several billion years
• United States
9 Feb 07
I can't emphasize enough that global scale characteristics such a climate, are long term events. Time, on the global scale, which is measureed in millions to billions of years. Interglacial events reflect periodic warming and cooling. An example from the recent past is Alberta province in Canada. In recent times, and that means the last centruy or so, it was too cold to grow wheat there. Whether cold, hot or inbetween an occurance that did not start with humans and probably won't end with our interference or help. Look beyond your life span to get a prosepctive of climate.
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• Germany
3 Jan 07
Well we cannot control the consequences but we should not forget that global warming is happening due to a lot of human activities and we can control them if we try. Then automatically global warming will be controlled.
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
3 Jan 07
I totally agree. There are things we as humans can do. I personally think Al Gore explained it well on Oprah. It is something for us to be aware of and realize that this will effect the future of our grandkids.
@Meowth (522)
• Romania
5 Feb 07
global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the earths atmosphere and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.the main cause of the human induced component of warming is the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide .
• United States
9 Feb 07
Excellent! You provided your definition of global warming; thank you. I prefer to associate issues of the planet and other large scale naturally occuring events such as climate to a much longer time frame. This keeps things in prospective. It makes it much easier to deferentiate between "human induced" factors which we can influence, from those well beyond our control.
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• India
4 Jan 07
Global warming is in current context is whole-sole result of our activites. If you have ever heard of CFCs (the Clorofloro Carbon), then let me tell you that the major cause for the global warming is CFCs only. CFCs are bassically used in refrigration devices and in some other like Deodrants, Sprays and Shave Foam etc. Other than CFCs the automotive pollution which is more than normal indicator impart in increase of Carbon in the atmosphere, which indirectly result in the trapping of sunraise in the atmosphere and increasing the temperature in turn. I think that's enough!!
@sesha1240 (303)
• India
4 Jan 07
the best possible solution is: PLANT MORE & MORE NUMBER OF TREES
• Romania
4 Jan 07
and recycle! You plant trees but we cut down a lot of them! How many of you recycle paper??? I do, do you?
• Nigeria
3 Jan 07
well i dont think Global Warming is possible coz temperature is natural though temperature can be controlled but as for the tsunami and other Natural disaster i dont think they can be control ...but they can only be foretell..
@justiman (428)
• United States
31 Jan 07
ha ha ha ha ha ha must be refering to his anal probe problem! I don't care who you are, that sh!ts funny! no offence Red
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• Malaysia
4 Jan 07
Actually we are the cause of earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis. When we rob the earth's natural resources for example oil, the strength of earth's platform is decreased. The same when we flatten hills to set up buildings. This activities disturbs the symmetry of the earth.
• India
4 Jan 07
Its human being who are responsible for globalwarming. We only talk about measures to control it. we can stop it completly, but at least we can give a try. Better said than done..
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
I'm not sure what's up with global warming, but I try my best not to be a disposable junkie and I reycle. We live on a farm so I am afraid I contribute to the emissions level somewhat more, but it is a necesity
• Canada
5 Jan 07
if people didnt make cars which cause pollution, fly these stupid planes all over the world poisoning the earth we wouldnt be in a situation to worry about global warming....people have been polluting for years and now they want to try fix it if they want to fix it give up your cars go back to heating your home with a wood stove go back to the old horse back riding were the only pollution you get is the gas they
• Canada
5 Jan 07
well im going to move to mars...i wont live long but wtf earth is going to hell anyway!
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@Auxarcer (150)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I think this is a no brainer. Of course we can, and have influenced the planets temperature, and we've been doing so for quite some time now.You need to consider two different worlds....the world where there are no autombiles,aircraft,refineries,factories,power plants, and so on, and so forth. Home heating is wood,peat and animal dung. Then you have todays world with all of the above and much, much more,spewing heat and pollutants into the air 24/7/365 x well over 300 years now. Which world is hotter and getting hotter?
@balasri (26537)
• India
4 Jan 07
Global warming - Global warming
It is very easy.Got to plant as many trees and plants as possible. Must check the emission from our vehicles Should not burn tires. Should not pollute our surrounding rivers and lakes.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I believe people as a whole can control temperature more, but an individual can't do much. They say not to use aeresol, or drive cars too much, etc... but why should I cut back if no one else will? Really the only way it can be controlled is if there are laws to ban things that ruin it - but I don't think they are about to ban hairspray anytime soon :)
@ilvrshn (463)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Yeah, yeah. It is so easy for us to joke about it and make it seem like it unrealistic but it is real. Some people may not like Al Gore but what he speaks on Global warming is the truth. We may not be able to fix all things but there are something that we can fix. It may not affect our generation by why are we going to leave this world for our future generations to clean it up when we have detected it early on and do something about it. it like the astroid tht is set to hit the earth in 2029, you think if we didn't know about that early enough that we couldn't divert its path. That astroid can still find a loophole and hit the earth.
@slimes (353)
• Ukraine
3 Jan 07
Of course it can be controlled as soon as possible time to come
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I have run across studies that show that global warming may be caused by plant life. I beleive one of the articles was in Scientific American magazine. I do not worry about global warming. I drive a lot less than than I used to. I figure I am doing the best I can to help in that way. In my opinion, Al Gore is an extreme socialist over-reactionary. I do not listen to politicians when I want honest and factual answers. I am enjoying the near 50 degree weather here in Michigan. I think the causes are not fully understood by any means.
@hiitssomu (657)
• United States
4 Jan 07
this going to be the worst thing in earth. after sometime we will see this earth is become a place which is not suitable for lives anymore! the very recent study showed that one of the biggest ice-sheet of north pole has broken so quickly in last 5 months which is very very unusual. We have six such ice-sheets at north pole. so only five more! moreover as this time is winter, it is still at near north pole, during the next summer that piece of ice will come to the sea near to Canada, which will be major concern for the ships near the coast of Canada. After this also do u think we should not very prompt enough against global warming. Few simple activity in our day to day life can help to prevent global warming. should not waste electricity, don't roam around with your car unneccessarily or unplanned way,, don't watch the TV if don't need that etc. these all ultimately contributes to save energy, which is main cause of global warming.