Do you BELIEVE that your thoughts create your experience of reality?

January 3, 2007 12:40am CST ya?
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12 responses
• United States
3 Jan 07
I absolutely believe that my thoughts create my INTERPRETATION of my experience in reality. God, you're mental, I LOVE it! I wish I could plug into the way your mind works just for a few minutes. Amazing.
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
4 Jan 07
What the bleep do we know is a great movie and a great book, I've seen and read it.
• United States
4 Jan 07
Dis, I promise you, that when I can find the time to dedicate to sitting down and watching a few movies uninterrupted, I will definately do so.... if I can find them.
• Canada
3 Jan 07
More movies for you!!!! #1 The Secret #2 What the bleep do we know? ****these should take priority over the others****** don't hesitate..... go get them, make some quite time(no matter what!)......and watch these two movies...they will affect anyone who watches them and will change the ways we think as well....I PROMISE!!!! ...I swear, I used to go through all kinds of "weird" experiences....I STILL DO.....and these movies let me know UNDOUBTABLY that I was right...about it all!...I can see by the way you write that these movies will deffinately make sense to you...I like to reccomend The Secret first but either will show you kinda how these brains of mine are tick'n....I bet you that yours start tick'n like never before!....GO DO THIS TOMORROW! me!
• India
3 Jan 07
Ya sure be possible that your thought make new invention
• Canada
3 Jan 07
We all do it, every minit of every day...and most of us are completely un-aware that it is even goin on!
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I have a friend who repeats to herself (and to me) "I'm so depressed, I'm so depressed..." I had to tell her to stop hypnotizing herself into depression. When I put it that way, she understood me.
@chukwudi (1098)
• Nigeria
3 Jan 07
yes,it has been helping me a lot in my life
• Canada
3 Jan 07
and me as well my friend. NEVER stop believeing!
@yugi_sen (1741)
• India
3 Jan 07
Well i belive my thoughts create my future. I have experienced a lot which comes to reality which where just a thought in my padt. its so strong that it comes true. you can also get your power of your subconscious mind :-)
• Canada
3 Jan 07
I see that you have been paying attention to life as well!...our power as humans is limitless...we only have to is our ONLY job! peace Dissposition
@34momma (13882)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Oh i do for sure. people don't understand how very powerful your mind is. the thoughts, feelings, and actions you put out there come right back to you. it is not always easy to think positive, but i do my best. no matter how hard the situation i always try and think of the positive side of it. it is the old saying "what goes around comes around."
• Canada
3 Jan 07
We are what we think and so too does become our reality. I have been thinking this way for so long now that I almost forget that other humans may never even get close to "seeing" that they need to make an adjustment in their way of thought. Human intention and the true realiziation that the power of our mind has absolutely NO LIMITS... is what will save this planet one are one of the smart one's for KNOWING of this power we posess! peace thank you for your insight Dissposition
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
Reality and Truth are universal absolutes. Just too vast and great for a single human finite mind to handle and comprehend, let alone translate into words considering the limitations of human language. Even the words Reality and Truth in themselves are just approximations for want of a better term. We may attempt to define it in terms of metaphor and analogies but it is not enough for there will always be a point where the anology breaks down. And any definition presupposes the possibility of error. Yes our thoughts create our own experience of reality in the real sense of the word reality not the reality the modern man perceives it to be.
• Canada
3 Jan 07 you know The Secret? seems you do!
@rainbow (6761)
4 Jan 07
Yes, the real world can be grim so I twist things around in my head until they seem better. I can usually find a better way of looking at my problems if I can find a new viewpoint. If it all gets too much I go and escape in a book, when I read I can forget it's just a story and get involved with another world. The best one is dreaming, when we are asleep we can have whatever we want and be with whoever we want.
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Yes, I do believe that our thoughts create our experience of reality. Thoughts are connected to physiology. Think scary thoughts and your body responds. Think happy thoughts and your body responds. As Edgar Cayce said: "The Mind is the Builder..."
@mangrove (122)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
@GardenGerty (162451)
• United States
4 Jan 07
This matches up with what I always told my kids,"You cannot choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you respond to it." MOST of the time I receive just what I expect from people and from life. Welcome to myLot.
@patootie (3592)
4 Jan 07
I know we can create bad experiences ... so I suppose anything is possible .. and without thoughts we have nothing at all ... so I guess the answer is yes ..
@conniej14 (248)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Sure. My thoughts are the driving force behind everything I do. My thoughts are me and mine and no one can take them or change them unless I allow it. My thoughts are very deep sometimes and no one gets me but I don't care.