What is your Favorite Season and Why?

@AskAlly (3625)
January 3, 2007 1:01am CST
Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, hunting, tourist tornado etc etc you pick one and tell us why.
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11 responses
• Canada
14 Mar 07
My 2 favourite season are: 1) Hockey - Self-explanatory, I'm Canadian, and there is no better sport, even if the Leafs are struggling right now. 2) Salt - It makes a huge difference, we don't give this season enough credit.
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• Canada
15 Mar 07
Game On! My bothers a huge Leaf fan. I just like hockey.
• Canada
15 Mar 07
Great question. As a long distance truck driver I vote for summer. I've driven in enough bad weather in 25 years that I wouldn't care if I ever seen snow again. Yes I love the 4 seasons that come with being a Canadian, I just didn't expect to be still driving after all this time.......I'm tired. Goodnite.
@wiessied (646)
• United States
23 Jan 07
My favorite season is summer there is so much to do in the summer more hours of the day and such,i hate the winter i dont like the cold,and being in doors gets boring.
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• United States
12 Mar 07
My favorite season is the winter and spring. The weather is so beautiful. I hate summers and fall, as I cannot stand the heat up to 125 degrees. Today it is 90 degrees in the desert in the USA.
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@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
9 Jan 07
My favorite season is fall.I love see the rain.I also enjoy walking under the rain.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
9 Jan 07
The fall is my favorite. I live in Michigan, so you can get all kinds of weather from September to November. There is something about the cool crispness to fall weather that is kind of haunting. I have never been able to explain it. I like how summer tries to hang on and how the trees give up their leaves. I like trees better when they have no leaves. I like the woods in the fall and the smell of a gentle woodsmoke. The invigorating smell of a pine tree seems more prevalent in the fall. Traveling to northern Michigan in the fall is fantastic. A sunny fall day is a marvelous experience for me.
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@vignesh19 (607)
• India
8 Jan 07
Winter Winter is one of the four seasons of temperate zones. It is the season with the shortest days and the lowest temperatures. In areas further away from the equator, winter is often marked by snow. Depending on place and culture, what is considered to be the start and end of winter vary. Contemporary meteorology takes winter to be the months of December, January, and February in the Northern Hemisphere and June, July, and August in the Southern Hemisphere. However, many cultures in Europe and East Asia consider winter to begin in November.
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@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Spring is my most favorite of all seasons. It is so nice to see everything come back to life and hear the birds sing. I love watching the flowers bloom, the grass turn green and the trees begin to get their leaves. The smell of Spring also makes me smile.
@Manly001 (707)
• India
5 Jan 07
spring season is my favourite ?
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
15 Mar 07
This is hard to pick, because if you ask me there is something wonderful in all the seasons. I'm origionally from Michigan, and we have the most wonderful seasons there. (not Like in Oklahoma, it gets way too hot here) I love the Fall as all the trees change color, and the leaves fall to the ground, it is absolutely breath taking. I love Spring, when all of the flowers blossom,and it's finally warm enough to go outside without a coat. SUmmer is wonderful as well, as in Mi. It never gets too hot. (I absolutely hate summer here, it gets too hot to go outside, and we usually spend most of the summer inside) Winter is great too, as I love sledding, and it brings back childhood memories of forts and snowmen and snowmobiling. (: I can't choose just one. (:
@willocfc (963)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
I am more of a colder weather type person, so im a winter person more than anything, although in australia although we do have some cold days during winter we still have alot of warm ones so i have never got to enjoy a white winter
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
Don't be too upset having never experienced a white winter. Good grief I would trade with you in a heart beat. The winters here are cold and it gets so quiet, colorless and desolate at times. If it were not for friends family and planned activities on the days when its not -40, we would all be stir crazy. Careful what you wish for.