Random Thoughts #2 - Religion
By Ravenladyj
@Ravenladyj (22902)
United States
January 3, 2007 5:25am CST
Intolerance. Why is there so much intolerance in the world when it comes to religion? What does it REALLY matter what faith your best friend, neighbour, coworker, parents, kids etc etc follow or practice? Does it really have an impact on your life? If that person is a GOOD PERSON then what does it really matter to you?
Dont you think we should encourage each other to follow whats in our hearts and souls rather than tryign to make each other the same...I personally feel that regardless of what path you follow, if it makes you happy, helps you live to the best of your ability, gives you what you need to have peace and contentment then GO FOR IT!! I actually wouldnt WANT anyone to follow the exact same road as me....my spiritual path is just that "mine" its geared for just me and how I choose to live, how I see the world, how I think and feel etc...and that in all honesty cant be copied because there really is only one me and I'm it....
So why the intolerance? any thoughts?
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30 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Jun 08
I think every group, religious, or otherwise have the intolerant in their ranks.. That's what makes it so easy to stereotype a group, because each one has a fair share of 'bad apples'.. and they then become the focus of someone's dislike, attributing the 'bad apple' tendencies to the whole group! Same old, same old since the beginning, and I agree
.. it's quite ridiculous, when will we ever learn?

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
9 Mar 08
My best friend and I are of different faiths (I'm Catholic, she's Jewish) and actually use that to teach our daughters (3 between us) tolerance and knowledge. I've not been afraid to ask some of my customers (Muslim) to explain about their faith....if anything, the Muslim women I've met have been gentle, caring women and mothers.
For me, my faith is something that was chosen for me when I was a young girl (seeing as my family is predominantly Catholic), and as a young woman, I rebelled and stepped out to try a Charismatic church. I found many of the same issues with both faiths; however, after I lost my mom nearly 6 years ago, I found myself drawn back to the church I grew up in. It gives me comfort and helps me to feel closer to my mom. There are things that I do not like about Catholicism, but I keep those choices to myself.
@angel108 (570)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
You're true. actually being different as long as it doesn't personally hurt someone is okay.In fact to be true to oneself is an act of courage. And yes someone's religion doesn't really matter as long as someone is good. In fact there's only one common ground of all religions and that is love for God.
@janeshrathod (104)
• India
6 Jan 07
according to me it is the competetion that which religion is the best, or eho is supereme is the cause of all the problems.
white skinned people alwas thought they belong to the supereme and all others are inferior to them.
similarly in religion there is this race for supremacy.
but according to me it is not whom you follow, it is how you follow.
what is the level of your faith that really matter
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
I am not religious, and I respect the rights of others to believe as they do, however, there are times in which we have to make collective decisions in society, which can lead to a clash of value systems.
I've had co-workers before who were fundamentalist Christians. We worked well together, we planned office parties together and we enjoyed each other's company. Yet when we step into the voting booth, we're usually voting against each other's values.
On the one hand, I don't want to have a personal conflict with them, but on the other hand, their candidate's winning can have a direct impact on my life, just as my candidate's winning can have a direct impact on their's.
It's a very difficult problem; and I'm sure that all of us at one time or another, wish everyone shared our exact same value system, even though we realize it isn't feasible.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
4 Jan 07
good question. i think because we humans have more grey-matter than animals and that forces us to think toooooooo much for our own good. dominance in there throughout the animal kingdom, so this alone cannot be a factor for converting others to your belief. as humans, i think, we all carry this supercillious air about us which makes us look down on others. and then we talk, again tooooooooooo much for our own good. our level of communication has reached such heights, that instead of smoothening out the edges of civilization, it has led to more misunderstanding among races. and then we have knowledge, which again is becoming a modern curse. we have developed such ways & means of dominance over other sects that any kind of conciliation has practically become impossible. i think the entire human race should actually go back a thousand years and start afresh. there would be certian codes of conduct like you can practice your faith only in the confines of your home....no community display (i'm a hindu by faith & i'm sick & tired of meaningless temples coming up everday in every nook & corner), you can communicate only to further the benefits of man & animal globally & not destroy, no weapons of destruction can be made as there would be no race for dominance...wishful thinking & anyway i think i'm drifting away from the original topic. but seriously it pains me to see the earth as we've made it today & instead of trying to rectify our errors, we all go trying to force each other to follow our own insular ways!really wish the world had more such people like you.
@multisubj (451)
• India
4 Jan 07
Religion when practised at home privately does not breed intolerance. When religion becomes business/source of livelihood, prayer houses spread the feelings "we" and "they". Proof: X Church hierarchy does not like their authority being challenged by Y Church. Same is with Sunni and Shiya in Islam.
Intolerance grows when a religion believes that it is 100% correct, whereas every religion has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Religion will not allow you to live your own life with the best of your ability. For example, you have to grow beard and wear a turban if you want to be of Sikh religion. A head with a turban and beard may obstruct your getting a good job. A girl has to wear woman full veil and hide herself in Islam. Then how can she function effectively as a nurse or a teacher or a tennis player?
Thus religion affects civil liberties. The interpreters of religions "preachers at prayerhouses" they use their half knowledge and become dictatorial.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
4 Jan 07
youve got the point there...i somewhat agree with you..true you must do your own thing as long as your not stepping anyones lives and vice versa...theres no harm in evengelizing of what you have learn about God...if somebody follows coz they think that they can be save why not?? justleave at that...everyone has the right to choose or to be converted its a free world we are living...
@thewatchlist (653)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Most religions seem to need to claim that they have a monopoly on eternal happiness (or something of that sort). Also, many of the bigger ones aren't so fond of those who do not walk their way.
Religions are memes. They are designed to spread. If they don't spread they die.
@sahergul (774)
• Pakistan
4 Jan 07
well religion is a secret thing for any believer of it... and yet attached to his / her emotions and i think no one just blindly follows his religion he would have some knowledge / reason what makes him follow that... so whenever someone having no knowledge of your religion just talks about it you just feel like no arguments but violent :) ... cheers
@boyetpenajr (27)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
Note: "RELIGION CAN'T SAVE ANYBODY" No matter how many religions you join and quit, it won't guuarantee a passess to heaven. It is how you believe and live what you believe. You shouldn't be forced to join any relition. It is by willingness and faith that drag you into it.
@ranjit123 (64)
• India
4 Jan 07
yes i agree that today the world is full of intolerance whether the intolerance is due to nationality,religion or racial comments.
as far the reason its irrespective of one being educated or not if one see/hear's any offence to the belief one tends to react .its just that the reaction one makes is without giving a thought to the cause of the action.
yes its true that no one can immitate others whether imitation is with respect to looks,belief etc . its just that ppl want to show that their thinking also matters and they show it in various means of agitation.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
3 Jan 07
i have never understood why it should matter what someone else believes, but for some their salvation depends on conversions, however silly it sounds it is their duty to try to change your mind, if you wont do that then they get angry
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
Everybody can do anything he wants. But if we care, we say what's right, no matter what it costs.
I am a Christian, a slave of Christ, a servant of God. I follow the Holy Bible. Christians are commanded to preach the Word which is the Holy Bible so as a Christian I do follow. I speak what the Bible speaks and the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, that means it hurts.
As we perform our duties as Christians, we hurt feelings of others naturally especially those who do not believe in God or even if they believe, if they do not obey. As said in the Bible, Christians will be persecuted.
I as a soldier of Christ am concerned with the salvation of people. It is my work to preach the Word and it is God's work to open the hearts of those who hear. God does not compel anybody to obey Him and so do I.
Preaching the Word should not mean that we are compelling people to believe in what we are saying. Preaching is an element of salvation because faith comes from hearing the Word of God. And so we keep on preaching, wherever and/or whenever possible.
@zoeokeeffe (184)
4 Jan 07
Religion causes a great deal of intolerance in the world. I agree with your points. The place would obviously be a much better place to live if everyone could accept each other without judgement or prejudice. This will never happen but if we keep talking about it maybe the message will spread.
@pebbles724 (642)
• United States
3 Jan 07
You are so right Ravenladyj. I cannot understand why there is so much hatred and intolerance towards people's religious beliefs. It is so hypocritical because all religions worship God in some form and God is peace and love. Why can't we all live together on this earth and respect each other's beliefs?