love or infactuation

September 29, 2006 8:35am CST
how to differentiate between love and infactuation
4 responses
@Si1234 (457)
• India
29 Sep 06
One glance is all that is required for infatuation. I would differentiate this way -- when you're infatuated, you think about that person all the time and can't take your mind off them. You want to see them NOW. When you love someone, there is no impatience. There is no hurry. There is no time pressure.
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• United States
4 Oct 06
Very true. Infatuation has no real reasonability or explaination.
@chintoosk (445)
• India
3 Oct 06
love is strong emotion....infactuation is just a simple feeling.
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Nov 06
Infatuation is generally a temporary feeling you have before you know someone really well. Whereas love is an emotion encompassing so many different aspects. Love is trust, honesty, reliability, integrity, fidelity, a committment to name just a few.
• Australia
3 Oct 06
I think you would have to listen to your thoughts. If your mental voice keeps talking about the special little things they do, the way they smile, etce so on and so forth, it may be just the signs of attraction. But then if your relationship with that person does not deepen. If you and they are not making and emotional connection, if the bond is entirely one way, then it is a sign of infatuation rather than love. If he or she just lets you hang around or be a friend and they are not getting closer to you, but you still hang off their every move and turn. Then that is enfatuation. I feel that love is about the mutual connection between two people for reasons beyond the purely physical.
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