Men, are you whipped? Is your wife or girlfriend in control?

United States
January 3, 2007 6:34pm CST
If so, tell me about it. Tell me how it came to be - how she came to be the one who is in charge. If you're happy with it, tell me why. If you are unhappy with it, tell me how it came to be, and tell me why you are still in the relationship. I have not really been whipped, as I'm a little more dominant by nature, but my relationships tend to be fairly equal as far as who is in control.
6 responses
@puma_nz (999)
• New Zealand
11 Jan 07
We are fairly equal as a Couple.. and thats how I would want it to stay.. we both tried the dominating thing but it only made things worse.. So we pretty much shared each others ideas.. now.. we work well together.. Because Im a cop he loves the idea of me wearing the PANTS!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jan 07
Well, what I meant by dominant is, I usually seem to end up in that role just naturally. I don't really consciously think about it, but I never have a problem making the final decision regardless of if my girl has an opinion on the subject of conversation or not. I just naturally tend to take the lead in manners. I don't have a problem leaving a decision about something or another up to her unless I feel strongly about it, but if she has no opinion, it never turns into a back and forth "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" fest - I avoid that by making the decision even if I don't mind one way or the other.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
14 Jan 07
I am not a man but I will respond anyways. In the beginning of my relationship with my bf, he was kind of shy and just said yes to everything i suggested and thios behaviour really gets me tired. I need a MAN - I need someone to take control, without bossing me around. We talked about it and I created a monster *ha ha ha* Nah, just kidding, but now he is not afraid to stand up for himself, and I can be pretty stubborn so now we have alot more fun in the relation =)
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• India
11 Jan 07
mercedes benz s class - mercedes benz s class-the best automobile in the world
sorry i am safe because i am not married yet
@puma_nz (999)
• New Zealand
11 Jan 07
you dont have to be married...
@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
26 Jan 07
zwe shar it and help each other out with every evering
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Women have a lot of trouble with submission. They really have a nature to seek control of the man. Then the man is left with a choice - to either fight them (and ruin the peace of the house) or let them have their way. Myself and many other men have let them have their way far too often.
• United States
11 Jan 07
since no one responded to this then i really dont think they are as you say whipped. if a girl is in control it's because the man lets her have a life and make her own decissions. the man is probably still in the relationship because he loves her and because he lets her control her own life. now i'm not controling or anything. i'll let my man go out with the guys and drink or play poker and i dont boss him around but i will ask him to do things for me. i dont tell him hey get me this or that.. i ask him can you get this for me.. and he also does the same. he doesnt boss me around or tell me what to do because if he did. i wouldnt be in the relationship. no one tells me what i can or cant do. we make equal decissions and we pay equal bills and we have equal time away with friends or family.
• United States
11 Jan 07
Well, what you describe doesn't mean your man is whipped, but what you described also isn't how I define whipped. Asking him to do something for you is perfectly normal... but as a comparison, hypothetically, if you were ordering him to do something and he jumps up and does it right away, but then if he asked you to do something you would say "do it yourself", then that would make him whipped. I know many guys who are like this, but it's harder to get through people's heads when talking to them in person. So since we are anonymous here at MyLot, I'm finding out if guys will tell more now that nobody knows them for real. I consider myself more dominant, because while I have no problems doing something she asks me to do or asking for her input on something, I have no problem making the final decision if she doesn't have any input, and often I'll make a decision on something even if I don't have an opinion on it (not counting serious issues). So often, the girl sees this and becomes even more submissive to me on her own.