grocery stores
someone following me
weird men in grocery store
weird things that have happened to you
What would you do?
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
January 3, 2007 7:21pm CST
I'm at the grocery tonight with just 3 of my children, my middle two boys ages 8,9 and my daughter 2.
This guy was like following us around the store and kept going out of his way to talk to my kids and try to talk to me. After about the 3rd isle I was starting to get annoyed and kind of scared. He kept trying to touch my daughter and she was freaking out, you'd think he would of just left her alone beings that she was screaming bloody murder, but nope, he just wouldn't give up. I finally had to say..."Sir, you are upsetting her, she is scared of men she does not know." He replies with "I'm sorry...I don't mean to scare her" and then starts to try to touch her AGAIN! I'm like WTF??? I pulled the cart away and tried to bolt down the isle to get away from the man. I go clear to the other end of the store, and guess what!?! Here he came again. Well, a manager must of seen what was going on, and came over and asked the man to leave. He had no grocery cart, no groceries. I don't know what the heck he was doing. When I got to the check out counter, the same manager came over, introduced himself and said that they have been having problems with the guy for the last week or so, coming in and following women with children around. He apologized and insisted that he walked me to my van incase they guy was still out there.
I kinda feel bad for the guy, but he was really creepy. Maybe he has lost a child and that's why he's so obsessed. I don't know, maybe he's just sick.
Would you of let him have it and told him where to go? Or would you of just kept being polite. I don't know what I would of ended up doing if the manager had not come over. What do you think?
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106 responses
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
4 Jan 07
WOW! That is scary. I think I would have tried to be polite for a few minutes, then I would have had to go off on him. Or I would have gone to the check-out counter and requested to see the manager.
If they have been having this problem why haven't they reported him to the authorities? He may be sick or he may be wacko, either way he needs to be taken off the premises by the law and made to stay away from a public domain.
I am not so sure if I wouldn't call the manager and request this if he wants your business again.
You never know what kind of people are out there and the law is suppose to be there to help the public. It is the mamagers civic duty to get this taken care of so he will not have to continue to apologize to his customers.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I don't know why they don't do something about it. I'm hope the next person will insist on it! Something needs to be done! Thank you for your response!
@missytia (387)
• Australia
4 Jan 07
OMG you poor thing. Is your daughter ok? How freaky. I don't care what excuse this man has. There is no excuse for deliberatey scaring a young child like that. He has not right to even touch you or your children. Very strange indeed.
I probably would have done the same. I would have been polite to start with and then I would have told the man to leave all of you alone and to stop following or you would contact management and the police.
For a while until you know he has disappeared from the store, I would try and do your grocery shopping either without your children in the daytime or have a male go with you.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Yes she's fine. It was freaky! I don't have the luxury of going without the kids or with a male, so that won't work, but thank you for the response anyways! Have a great day!
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Too scary!! I'm glad the manager was paying attention, but what upsets me is that since the manager has noticed him doing this before, why on earth didn't he report it to the police??? I mean, if the manager's been having problems with him for over a week, certainly the police should be aware in case he has dangerous intent. Clearly something is wrong with this man, predator or not.
I don't think I could have kept being polite to somebody who was scaring my kids (and me) like that. If that kind of thing ever happens again, I'd go straight to the manager or somebody that's working there and ask for assistance. I still hope that the manager of this store contacts the police about him because maybe after he's been booted out of the store so much he'll just stay in the parking lot instead. At least in the store a person has more protection than when he'd be in the parking lot! Wayyyyyy too scary!!
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
It was scary! Hopefully the man gets some help and this never happens again! You would think that they would call the police, I don't know why they didn't. Thank you for your response!
@wavelander (1526)
• Portugal
5 Jan 07
I'd have punched him! lol Nowadays you hear such creepy stories about sick guys that we'll never know what we are facing.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
4 Jan 07
well, i would have done almost the same thing you did, instead i would have went up to the manager first. when it comes to my children i follow my instincts. and mine would have flashed a big sign over the guys head going "preditor!!!" i have had old men (grandfather types) come up and talk to my children, but i've never really felt they were threatening. don't get me wrong, i have felt threatend before. while i was pregnant, i was walking back from the doctors office and this guy kept passing by me and eventually asked me if i wanted a ride. i said no (of corse) and he got all pissed off and drove off. if someone feels creepy, the normally are. and since they've been having problems with him, it seems he either is a preditor or has some sort of mental condition. but the manager was nice to have walked you to the car. i pray for people like that who help women and children.
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@MzLefty (311)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would have freaked out too,I probably would have said a few choice words.I do not understand why he was beening allowed inthe store,if they were aware of how this guys acts,he may be some kind of predator.These days you cannot be too careful.I would have asked the store manager why he is allowed to wonder around the store and harass the customer's children.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I was so frazzled with the kids and him, I couldn't think straight. I know that if it ever happens again...I won't be so nice next time!
Thank you for your response!
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
4 Jan 07
That has happened to me as well. I took my daughter to walmart with me to do christmas shopping, and an older man about 60 began to talk to us, and started following us through walmart, he kept grabbing my cart with my daughter in it every time I would turn my back, and my daughter would SCREAM bloody murder as well, so I would NOT turn my back and finally he went away once I stopped reacting to him. But, you never know what COULD have happened. You or I could very well have been the victims of an abduction/rape....its good that things turned out fine for us all!
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
OMG! Now that guy I would of KNOCKED OUT! I had some lady pick up my son right out of his carseat when he was no more than 2 weeks old at a laundry mat. I had him right by me, and I turned around (but stayed within arms reach) to put a quarter in the dryer. She didn't speak english so she didn't understand me when I asked her what she was doing...but she didn't hand him back and I became hysterical. She just kept walking away from me, like I wasn't saying anything at all. I started screaming at her. I felt bad afterward. The owner came over and told me that she meant no harm, and that she just wasn't right in the head. I told him well, then someone should be watching her, cause next time-I'll swing! I never went back again. That was scarier than this! Thank you for your comment!
@firemansgirl001 (916)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would have freaked out. I couldnt imagine someone doing that. I would probually make a huge scene so others would watch to make sure someone would come and help.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Well, that's what I was about to do when the manager come over, I didn't know what else I could of done!
Thank you for your response! Have a great day!
@ZowieR (940)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
Im almost in tears reading this, that man is more than likley a pedifile. As a parent this is one of my biggest fears. he was probably trying to cop a feel fo your innocent daughter, or worse steal her out from under you. I would have made a BIG scence to make him leave the store.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
He could of been. I didn't know what the hell he was doing, I was just trying to get away from him! THank you for your response!
@mommamichelle (466)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would have told the man off!! one thing I'm really bad about is being protective over my children. My picture should be in the dictionary under "momma Bear" LOL
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I'm very over protective too. When I told my old man what happened...He asked "When do you have to be to court?" lol. He figured that I hit him or something. Thank you for your response!
@Starlady0_1 (586)
• United States
4 Jan 07
wow that is really creepy. I think the manager handle it very well. I hope he went and extra step and call the police and informed them to be on the look out.
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@virginiab (9)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I have a 6 month old daughter and there are always strange people trying to touch her. I let them know right away, and very firmly that touching her is NOT ok. As far as i am concerned, as her parent, its my duty to protect her, and that means that there is no room for being polite to strangers. Of course, that doesnt mean that im mean to all strangers- but your mommy instincts will tell you who to be wary of.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would have ignored him and walked away as fast as I could - finding a manager or worker ASAP to alert them of the situation. I wouldn't be polite to someone who is obviously crossing the line. Any normal man would have known that trying to bug your kids that much was going too far. Most parents don't even like their kids to TALK to strangers let alone be followed by them.
You shouldn't feel guilty, the guy may need help but the best you can do is tell on him. On surprised the manager admitted this guy has been bugging people for a week! I would have thought the manager would have filed a police report if someone kept coming in and doing that, at least that's what I would expect from my local stores.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
That's what I thought. You'd think if they have been having problems with him that they would put a stop to it ~ rather than it continueing to be a problem. Thank you very much for your response!

@celestial_fantasia (620)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would have been as polite as possible, told him that you were not comfortable with him touching your daughter and you are in a hurry so you need to get done with your shopping. Then I guess I would have gone to the service counter and reported the incident. Luckily the manager came out, that guys seems pretty creepy. I feel bad for him also, yet there is common sence in the whole matter.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Yes, common sense is one of the things this guy was lacking. I could understand him continuing to talk to her if she wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs. I don't know whether or not he felt bad and was trying to console her or what, but it was definitely not working!! I feel bad for him, but he has to know there are just somethings you cannot do! Thank you for your response!
@Sawsen (793)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Well, I would have definately called the manager had he not come, or I would have been the one screaming bloody murder. I'm sure he was a child molestor or something, because he didn't seem to be going after your boys. How scary is the world coming to? I think if this has happened more than once, the manager should've called the police, because maybe the next time around, the mananger wont be there, and someone will get hurt.
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@hobohobo (678)
• Indonesia
4 Jan 07
I feel sad when I read your story, I think the man doesn't guilty. Maybe he just miss her daughter, or He just trying to find what he lost.
If I be there I will tell the manager, or someone who in charge there to talk to the man and give some explanation so the man would not disturb anyone, maybe he just desperate because he lost what he love
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@Great_Nate (84)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Why does it make you feel sad. Just cuase you miss your daughter dosen't give you the right to touch other people's kids.
There is definately something wrong with the guy if you ask him to back off and he just continues to try the kids even though they are screaming like crazy.
If it were me, I would of pushed him hard to the ground if if he tried to touch my kids again after I told him to back off. And if he presued after that I would of knocked that baster out with my fists.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
5 Jan 07
The first creepy feeling I had, I would have gone looking for the manager myself. If you feel creepy, then he is creepy. I trust the grocery has asked for extra security monitoring as well. You do not have to be polite to strangers who are bothering you.
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• United States
5 Jan 07
girl, it would have asked what his problem is, waited for a sensable answer, if it was not satisfactory i would have screaamed help!help!help!! or sprayed him in the face with my peper spray, and asked questions later!!!
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Wow.. that is a scary story. I am not sure that I would really even wish to go to that store again anytime soon, in case that man is still around. It sounds to me like he may just be really alone and lonely, which I can relate to in a sense and it makes me feel sorry for him, but on the other hand there is always the chance that he could be dangerous. After all, he couldn't seem to understand to leave you guys alone, and any reasonable person should have taken a hint long before they were told to leave as he was. I am so sorry that this happened to you and your family! What a freaky experience. I hope that something can be done to help this man and get him to stop bothering and worrying poeople the way that he is. It sounds like he could use some counselling. Maybe in the meantime you can shop somewhere else? ^_^
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
But that's my favorite grocery store, lol. Actually it's like the only grocery store...there is another one, but their prices are sky high and they don't take coupons. I'm being light-hearted about this at the moment, but it's very serious. I hope this man gets help too and I certainly hope this don't happen to anyone else!
Thank you very much for your response! Happy New Year!
@andrew_lbp (44)
• Singapore
4 Jan 07
If I were in your shoes and the manager did not come over, I would shout for help instantly.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Oh, if the manager had not come over, I would of done more than shout! Thank you for your response! Cute avatar, lol
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
At first, everyone deserves some politeness, but after he went to touch her again I think that I would've said a few nasty words and went away the same as you did. If I were in that situation and the manager hadn't come along, I could almost guarantee that he would be wearing some sort of product from that store. It's so hard to know who is just being nice or may need human contact from those that are mentally ill and in that case, you just don't know what they will do, as in most cases, they don't know.
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