What would you do?
By brendalee
@brendalee (6082)
United States
January 4, 2007 12:03am CST
What would you do? Remember that question because I am looking for advice not sympathy. This story may be long and sad but I need to get it off my chest and I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance.
Its after midnight here, so it is January 4th 2007. Today would have been Charlie's 3rd birthday and also its been three years since my father died. Let me tell you a little about Charlie. The day he was born I was up at the hospital with my dad who was dying. I had called home because my dog Jessica was about to give birth. I was told that she had one pup in the driveway, but it was brought into the house and it was okay. I then went to my dad's room. He seemed in great distress although he was in a coma. I knew it was the end. I held his hand and told him it was okay to go and that I loved him. A tear formed in his eye and he took his last breath. So after I returned home, I wanted to know about the dog that was born first. He was black with a small white patch of fur on his chest that looked like a cross. I considered him a gift from my father. I loved that dog.Charlie was an inside dog. He went out into a fenced in area to do his duties. He hardly ever left my side. He followed me everywhere. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without him scratching at the door. When I ate dinner he would lay his head on my lap and just stare off into space,probably hoping that I would share my food with him. I would do the dishes and he would lay behind me as if to keep me company. That dog meant the world to me. We also kept three other pups from that liter. Well, it was Friday the 13th of October. it was kind of a windy day. My boyfriends son went to school that morning but he didn't close the door tight and the wind blew it open. All five of the dogs got out. I awoke to a state trooper yelling in my house. Luckily a neighbor had called them thinking something was wrong. I managed to get three of the dogs back in. Charlie was missing and so was Lily,his sister. I did everything I could. I walked up and down the road and through the fields. I called the dog warden. We drove around a few blocks over and over,day and night. The police had our name and number.Neighbors did too. I put an ad in the paper. Lily came back around 4:30 the next morning but no Charlie. I had recieved many calls about him being spotted but I was never able to find him. Then on the morning of October 18th I got a call from the sherrifs department and they said a black dog had been spotted on the New York State Thruway. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is a very very busy toll road. The speed limit is 65mph but people go much faster. My heart sank. I have seen what happens to deer when they get out there. But I didn't think it was him. I live a few miles from there but I didn't think he would cross into there. Besides I had reports of him being elsewhere. But the thruway people had my name and number and said they would call if they saw him again. So we went out looking again. It was late afternoon when we got a call from someone who had been out on the thruway and saw a dog that looked like mine. We immediately drove to the toll booth,we were only a few minutes away. A state trooper was there and he told us that he saw him 2 hours before. Why didn't they call me? So he starts yelling at us..."He's part rot isn't he" over and over. He told us that he almost had to shoot him because he tried to attack him. Then he chased him almost a mile down the road. We asked if they had to shoot him if they could just try to injure him but they said no and I totally understand their reasoning. So we asked about calling in a dog catcher, maybe someone could shoot him with a tranquilizer gun. To me, any dog on the thruway seems like a serious matter that should be taken care of quickly. Many lives are at stake out there. We were told that they couldn't call anyone until they had seen the dog at the same area several times. They didn't want the dog warden to have to sit out there and wait, possible for nothing. We were also told that we couldn't go out and look, we could drive around the roads that went near the thruway. We gave them our name and phone number again. All I could do was wait and hope. Then on Thurday morning, October 19th I got a call from the thruway informing me that a dog had been hit and killed. I had to go identify him. He was seven miles away from home. I didn't think it was him. One reason is because when they called me the guy kept asking me if I was so and so or if I knew her. They didn't even have my name right. Then he tells me that they have been chasing this dog for almost a week out there. Why the hell didn't anyone do anything about it? So then he tells me that they have the dog at the Weedsport toll booth maintenence building. We get there and they have Charlie in a bag out by the damn road. I'm sorry but he deserved better than that. I know, to them he was just something they had to clean up but to me he was the world. My buddy, my best friend, My Charlie. I talked to a dog warden who used to work in an area by the thruway and she told me the only safe way to catch a dog out there is with humane traps. Charlie had to have been hungry,tired,scared, and missing his family. Of course he was going to attack and run. I think if someone had been out there who was trained in catching animals, maybe Charlie would be alive today.So now my goal is to help make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else. If anyone can give me some ideas on where to start, I'd appreciate it. I'm not out to cause trouble or place blame, I just want to make it better for someone else. Thank you for taking the time to read this. So my question is, if this was you, would you just let it go or would you try to make a difference?
Happy Birthday Charlie!
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22 responses
@enchantedemerald (454)
• United States
4 Jan 07
My heart goes out to you. I read your entire post and could feel your frustration. I would try to make a difference in Charlie's Memory. Call every animal shelter,animal warden, and animal control in your area to find out what their procedures are for an animal that is running loose near a busy roadway. Then I would start researching what The Humane Society,Best Friends, and other animal rescue suggests in a situation like this. Start networking where you live to find other animal lovers and brainstorm with them. Use the internet to help you do some of this research. Look into learning how to humanely trap an animal. The best thing would have been if someone would have taken the time to try to trap Charlie in the first place instead of letting him run free. This project is going to take some time to organize and to get your name out there as someone who is trying to prevent this tradgedy from happening to someone else. Remember this is going to be difficult but keep the end goal in mind- a rescue operation for animals that are near busy roadways.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Wow, what a great bunch of ideas. Thank you very much. I already had a list of places started but I sort of lost motivation. I knew today was going to be one of the hardest for me. But I decided that from today onward I'm going to take a new direction and try to make things right. Thanks again.
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@enchantedemerald (454)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Glad I could give you some ideas. Of course today is a toughie-it's part of the grief process. Good luck to you and keep us posted on your progress.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
4 Jan 07
It is never easy to lose a cherished pet. I completely agree with the poster on this. You have to find out what exactly the current procedures are before you can try to make changes. Perhaps you could enlist a few others in the area to help you in your crusade. Take it one step at a time and stick to your purpose. Never give up. You will discover ways to improve the current procedures.
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@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
4 Jan 07
How sad sweetie. what an awful way for charlie to have to go and so young too. :( Poor baby.
Its hard thing though, you would have thought they would have called the animal catcher to come and get him instead of doing that.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Thats one of the things I want to change. They told me they couldn't call the dog warden until they had seen the dog in the same area a few times. But after the trooper chased him for a mile, I didn't think he would come back to that spot.
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@SK401001 (934)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Hello I read your entire story, and I do feel for you. I have a dog that I love very much and concider a part of the family... I would let it go, you seemed very sensitive about how the presented charlie to you, I know it hurts realizing he is gone, however you can't expect these people to go the extra mile. I think your lucky that they actually lucked for him and even called you, I think that was very nice of them. I think it was an unfortunate event, but I would let it go and move on.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I wish you would have said more. Is that your dog in your avatar? its a cutie.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I will remember that saying.
2 people like this
• United States
4 Jan 07
I am so sorry for your loss.
I had a red Min Pin who got a back injury from a fall and was paralized from the back. We followed the vets instructions and he recovered and was able to walk again. We had him for 2 more years.And then I noticed on the sidwalk where he had just pee-peed was alot of blood. I went in the house and called the vet. We had to put him down, so that he would not suffer.
Thank-You for sharing that. And you are not alone.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Thank you for sharing your story too. I am sorry for your loss. I think it might be harder when you have to make that decision.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Actually they didn't spend that much time at all looking for him. They were just keeping a watch out for him as they patroled the thruway.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
18 Mar 07
Well this Story has certainly saddened me and I have to say it was certainly handled Badly
I am so sorry that you lost your Dog this way. And I agree that you should take some Action to do something about how it was handled. the laws there seem to be different from here. I know here it would have been handled different.
@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I have just glanced through this right now sweetie, but I will come back tomorrow and comment more on it. For now...*big big hugs*
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Thanks, I will look forward to your response.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
4 Jan 07
Firstly, I'm so sorry about Charlie. They can be your babies and I know he would have beeen extra special because of the connection with your Dad. I am in Australia so don't really know what the proceedures are like over in the States but it seems like Emerald has a good point in that you have to get the word out that it is not acceptable for this to happen again. Good luck in your endevour I hope it is successful and will help you get thru your grieving process by doing something positive.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Thank you for your kind words and yes, I think he will help the grieving process.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Thanks and it would help keep the thruway safer for the people driving out there too.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Even though your answer was short and sweet, it shows me that you took the time to read my discussion and for that I thank you.
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@mangmamani (134)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
I am very sory about your Charlie. But I know that Charlie is happy wherever he is. and you should too. Charlie has a sister Charlie would like you to take care of her as you take good care of him.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Yes, I have two of his sisters here and a brother plus their mom. And I will take care of them just as good as I took care of him. They are more spoiled now because i realize that I could have lost them all that day. Thank you.
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@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Wow brendalee I am truly sorry for your loss of Charlie. It's a shame that no effort from the police was put into finding him. I would do something in his memory to help other pet owners when their dogs turn up missing. Maybe you could help pass a new law called Charlie Aert where which ever way you decide to handle this. Im sorry I couldnt offer muc more advice but I think the other people here who posted gave some good suggestions. Happy Birthday Charlie! R.I.P.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Well... it does sound as if they need to implement something better in your area to help with Stray dogs other than this way. This actually seems quite Cruel in my opinion. I would think it would be easier to use a Dog catcher type of approach. But maybe it could be Funding as well. Maybe they feel this is the cheapest way to do things not really carrying if it is a family pet.
I feel Sorry for your loss, and Sad memories for today, but try and make this the beginning of your life, and look to the Good things from now on, and enjoy 2007. You are in control of you destiny, and what you want it to become.
@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
Im so sorry to hear that. I myself got a rottweiler/lab mix and a pitbull and would be destroyed if this happened to me. There would be no way I could ever let that go. See Im always scared my pitbull will get out and since the ban against them here I know she would be shot or put down as soon as they got her. I hope you can get some kind of satisfacition. Again from one dog love to another Im sorry for your loss.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
First of all I know you aren't looking for sympathy but I am sending some prayers your way. Poor Charlie. I know exactly how you felt. My husband and I split up a few years ago and he took the dog. I still consider the dog mine (he visits) He did the same thing followed me everywhere. Well one day in the fall the daughter put him out and forgot about him and he got away. When she discovered he was gone she panicked and called the neighbours who were home for help. They managed to find him but he was standing in the middle of the highway. They called for him but I guess he thought he was in trouble cause he laid down and cowered. Poor Shadow. Anyways he was hit by a transport but fortunately he lived. He is a Rotti too. He has some injuries but he is going to make it. I know this story doesn't help you any but I just thought I'd share so you'd see there are other people who love their precious rottie's. I agree with you and the way people think. They give Rotti's such a bad name. I honestly do not think it is the breed but the way they are raised cause ours is a big suck. If you can pursue this and make a difference then I say go for it. Perhaps talk to someone at the animal control center and ask if they know where you could start. I hope all works out well for you. Happy Birthday Charlie!
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@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
I feel so sad for you. Espically since Charlie has a conection to your Dad. I wish I was there to give you a hug. So consider yourself hugged. I would take the advice of the people you suggested that you could find ways to change this from happening again.
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@Fluplup (555)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I'M VERY SORRY, YES I WOULD TRY TO MAKE DIFFERENCE. You're a great writter, you should start with your book of your life.... I love to read everything from you. Anyhow, I made comment on the picture you post in your other discussion. I love dogs and cats, they are part of my life and family! THEIR LOVE ENDLESS FOR YOU..... SORRY.....
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