Should Pit Bull Terrior be banned...

Pit Bull Terrior - This the breed Pit Bull Terrior..

Many say that its the most ferocious dog ever...
January 4, 2007 3:57am CST
It is touted as the most ferocious dog ever.many countries are now banning the pit bulls so that they cannot be shown in dog shows and cannot register in kennel clubs.. But many proud owners are there saying pitbull is the dog to get.Its loyalty is unrivelled.. Give ur views guys....
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2 responses
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
5 Jan 07
NO. The people who exploit Pit Bull Terriers and train them to be vicious should be banned.
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@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
I agree with BunGirl. It is the bad owners and breeders who should be banned, not the animal. Pit Bulls have received a bad rep mostly due to the media. Any dog has the potential to bite, it is how they are bred, raised, and trained that makes the difference.
@nuttmeg (440)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I've worked at several vet hospitals when I younger as a receptionist, but also helped with the animals when help was need. I was able to interact with all sorts of dogs, including pitbulls. I also have friends who have pitbulls. And you know what? I've never met one that was mean or who bit a human being. In truth, the meanest dog that I ever ran into was a golden retriever, who'd would have happily gone for our throats had the cage not been in there to stop him. All breeds are capable of biting or being aggresive, some just fall into the stereotype for it while others do not. Little dogs, especially, are notorious for biting, but rarely get reported because they're just that...small dogs, plus I think it's also a mixture of fear and need to be dominant. Yes, pits were bred for fighting, but in a sense so are many types of breeds in different fashions. If they weren't meant to fight, then they were meant to guard and then attack. I think many factors will affect how any dog turns out: the owner and the way the handle/train/treat the dog, the dog itself, and just plan old ignorance. I think it's really sad that so much effort is going into to stamping out such a beautiful breed...a dog, no less, rather than working on the problem in a positive manner. Don't get me started on PETA lol
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