This discussion is not for defaming girls but you have to admit boys are smarter

January 4, 2007 5:15am CST
You girls will have to admit boys are smarter...........HOW well i will show you....In the present day we all are enjoying ourselves on mylot,orkut,other sites,going to discos,playing computer games etc.... isn't it????? now all this would not be possible if we still used to be like the stone age people. We have gone through a lot of scientific advancement which we owe to the great scientists...Actually the scientists and the mathematicians have made it possible for us today that we have computers,cars,televisions,etc. etc.. Now my logic behind saying boys are smarter or let us put it this way Boys are way ahead in intelligence compared to girls because I can name hundreds of MALE SCIENTISTS and Can u Girls name Even a hundred female Scientists...... Here is a few name i shall write down you people give me a few female scientists of their caliber..... THE names are Albert Einstein,Issac Newton,James Maxwell,Ampere,Joule,J.C.Bose,Satyendra Nath Bose,Archimedes,Laplace.etc. etc.... THe list will be endless... I will await responses
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66 responses
@kou7hik (243)
• India
4 Jan 07
The very fact that your are a boy and you have started a discussion stating "This discussion is not for defaming girls but you have to admit boys are smarter" shows that guys are not smart enough
2 people like this
@emarie (5441)
• United States
4 Jan 07
hahahaha..this one made me true
• Romania
4 Jan 07
The name that you provide are from an age when women were supressed and not even allowed to work in ofcourse that society gave a lot of male smart people because women weren't allowed to join the club...but i will give you a couple of names though : Marie Curie.. Ana Aslan..Mata Hari..
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Something tells me you are not going to get very far with this one. Generalizations are bad, especially when you pick one criteria to make the assessment on.
• India
4 Jan 07
this comment from u my friend was really the best comment i have ever recievd thanks....i always stated this is not for defaming girls but i wrote watever i felt
• Canada
5 Jan 07
lol roz
• Canada
5 Jan 07
holy crap i went through five pages of this discussion and not one woman posted this link? wtf? ok here is a list of over a hundred women scientist throughout the years bios on famous female scientist satisfied or would you like more? cuz i can find more if you would like? no offense to the women that posted or if anyone posted this link but after reading five pages and not seeing it i was appauled...some may not be sooo famous but they were scientist fyi i am female...
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
4 Jan 07
Pathetic discussion. Failed to take in account the centuries that women were not allowed to get the same level of education that man did. Failed to take in account the influence of church on limiting (to say the less) women role in society. Failed to research what present day women and men are doing in all the areas of knowledge. Failed to give any scientific base to support your claim.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
4 Jan 07
OH YEAH!!! ...this should get the best response rating!!!
@azriel (2107)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
here, here! and for being a great wise man, i give thee a "+" rating.
@MissGia (955)
• United States
4 Jan 07
the only thing i got out of this was that there are more Male scientist than female scientist and that makes boys smarter than girls..and thats the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard.. i think you should change this discussion to "Men are Better at Science than Women". i think both are equally smart, but in diffrent areas.
1 person likes this
• India
5 Jan 07
womens should be encouraged but there is no need of encouraging boys
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
5 Jan 07
I disagree on that. I have known alot of men that are stupider then women. You have some nerve to even post this
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
4 Jan 07
So are you saying the only acceptable response is to name female scientists? has a list of female scientists if that's necessary. However, science is not the be all and end all of intelligence. What about intelligent thinkers, philosophers, writers, mathemeticians, just to name a few? Women are in all these fields. And, you seem to say that because you can name scientists that's definitive proof. You're not taking into account a few things. For one, there are up and coming women who are going into the scientific field who haven't had the chance to gain fame yet. And, that just because former female scientists don't have the same name recognition as males doesn't mean that they aren't as intelligent.
• India
4 Jan 07
ooooh is that so??????? but my dear friend all the fun u have today,computers,internet,cars,tv, not due to the work writersor philosophers but pure scientists...and if the female scientists would be really so intelligent then their work would also have made them as famous as their male counterparts but it did not happen so you can now understand that in all th advancement of science males have played a bigger talk through ur brain not ur mouth
• India
4 Jan 07
see friend wemen are not allowed to take a profession seriously till the middle of 19th century even in the socalled scientifically and economically developed countries. when they are not allowed to partisipate in the race how can they get a price.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Jan 07
But, the fun I have with computers and television and whatnot aren't the only measure of intelligence. If that were true, than you might as well say there were no intelligent people until those things were invented. You honestly believe philosophy, literature, art, psychology, anthropology, history, and a wealth of other subjects have no merit in assessing the intelligence of a human being because they didn't lead to the invention of the television and the internet? And, it's a fallacy to say that intelligence is directly correlated to fame. Did you know the person who invented Kevlar which is used in bullet proof vests was a woman scientist, Stephanie Kwolek? Are you saying that doesn't show brains, just because her invention isn't fun (although Kevlar is used in outdoors gear which some people find fun) or because her name isn't a household one? Can you formulate an argument that goes beyond the fun we have here? You really can't use that as your only measure of intelligence, can you?
1 person likes this
• India
5 Jan 07
i think you are one of those species who have somehow managed to continue till today from the stone age. if guys like you had their way, women's role would still be confined to wedding a man, bedding him and bear his children. you men are so full of conceit that even the children women give birth to, have to take your names. bear no illusion, women today are enjoying the fruits of liberalization not because men have suddenly become benevolent, but women have forced them to get up and take notice of women capabilities. men (& not humans) have ruled this world for more than 1000yrs but give women the future 1000yrs and i'm sure the list of women scientist would far outnumber your list.
• India
5 Jan 07
hope u r true but i doubt it very much.........
@leanette (3002)
• India
5 Jan 07
OKAY, just because there are a hundred male scientist you think that females are less smarter? This is dumb. and if you any smarter you'd know that women didn't have the liberty to take part in professions in earlier years. They used to get married at a young age and bear children. BUT still they couldn't be kept away from exploring, i am sure there are a hundred and over female scientist but just to name some few here : Look at today's world, there are women working and taking care of their children, husband, homes etc etc, i don't think man could do any smarter job than that! :P IF YOU Were any smart you wouldn't start this kind of discussion in the first place without enough proof and reasoning.
@mags31ca (203)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
Albert Einstein-1879-1955 Isaac Newton-1643-1727 James Maxwell-1831-1879 Ampere-1775-1836 Joule-1818-1889 J.C. Bose-1858-1937 Satyendra Nath Bose-1894-1974 Archimedes-287 B.C.-212 B.C. Laplace-1749-1827 Perhaps before we continue this debate you could come up to date. That said we are still living in a world where a large percentage of the female population are not given the educational opportuities of males. None the less even in this horribly slanted playing field three women have won the Nobel Prize for chemistry, two for physics, and seven for physiology and medicine. You have started an interesting discussion here, but you really backed it up with any facts. Perhaps you could do that and give everyone a chance to respond in like.
@mags31ca (203)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
That should read "never really back it up with facts"
• United States
4 Jan 07
Go mags31ca! I agree, the original poster of this topic missed the whole issue. Women were not allowed to be in these professions or were not taken seriously (they didn't have funding, they couldn't publish their research, they haven't been famous for their work) until very recently. Now institutions like MIT are graduating 53% males and 47% females. I can bet the poster that pretty soon women are going to be making as many advancements to science as males have in the past!!
• India
4 Jan 07
by writing such an article you have shown your dumbness and your false pride that is the so called male ego! if it would not have ben for us u would not have seen the light of this world. so just stop crapping.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
4 Jan 07
fact is fact uh...then state some facts...i have yet to see some solid facts that should back up your false statements.
• India
4 Jan 07
i told it once i am not defaming girls and also i told in one reply that i always respect feminity... But fact is accept it gals
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Ok buddy, who brought you into the world. Hum, I don't think it was a guy. If it wasn't for Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, James Maxwell, etc's mothers. They wouldn't be here. You can go on and on til your face turns blue. But men like you forget to give your mom's credit. That night/day you where conceived, she could of said she had a headache, lol.
@leanette (3002)
• India
6 Jan 07
".......god has given u that ability and we donot have that if u give birth to a scientist does not prove u r a bigger one...and similarly teh mom of a smart child need not be smarter than him or her" you FOOL! Mom's do not give birth to scientists ! They give birth to babies :P and with the mom's care and love and intelligence and smartness and etc etc they turn out to be big great people... they pass on their talents to their children... but i guess in your case your mom REALLY had a headache and decided to pass none to you ! :P
• India
5 Jan 07
this comment of urs is called a balchal arguement in our language...or rather baseless arguement..... god has given u that ability and we donot have that if u give birth to a scientist does not prove u r a bigger one...and similarly teh mom of a smart child need not be smarter than him or her....
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
4 Jan 07
how about some of these...and by the way I am a man Elizabeth Garrett Anderson 1836-1917...opened a childrens hospital in London, the first to be completely staffed by women Elizabeth Blackwell 1821-1910...founded the New York Infirmary for women and children as well as the first womens college to train doctors Marie description necessary I could go on, but for a complete list go to I think you'll find women have played a huge part in modern advances especially in medicine (alittle bit more important in my mind than discos and computer games)
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@Xtauseef (158)
• Singapore
5 Jan 07
There is no need to discuss.....its a fact.....Boys are smarter....Both have mind but gurls are not given same opportunities like boys..........
@leanette (3002)
• India
5 Jan 07
You are one big, Male Chauvinist PIG! Men opressed women, like the one above me said, cos they were afraid we'd take control, with their physical power. They 'physically' opressed and not intellectually, if we were encouraged we'd have turned better than them and they knew that.
• India
5 Jan 07
this has been my most successfull discussion and it feels so good to poke the fighting nature in girls.....the fight like anything and have shown excellent tenacity... kudos to u all girls......but after all thsi and wat all girls said that the lack of famous sceintists in girls occured due to their lack of exposure to science in early who were they oppressed by????? MEN.....becoz we are marter and smart people dominate lesser ur own logic is something that supports mine..
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@azriel (2107)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
wrong again buddyboy. the era that youre stuck in is the era when men oppressed women because they are AFRAID to let them take control. try doing a little bit of research, wont hurt you know...
• United States
4 Jan 07
Good thing you don't choose to measure intelligence by literacy and composition...
@emarie (5441)
• United States
5 Jan 07
well thats not nice...we have to be fair on the part that quite a few people here on myLot come from different countries and don't speak/write english as their first language....but point well taken =)
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
5 Jan 07
The problem with your theory here is that you are listing all the "smart men" who lived in a time when women weren't allowed to be educated. They never got the oppurtunity to be educated. If women would have been given the oppurtunity in that time, and not locked into the stereotype that women should be teachers, nurses, or simply homemakers, then there would be an equal number of female scientists and geniuses. The fact that you didn't think your little theory through shows that you are apparently not one of those men who are smarter than women.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Also, saying that men are smarter than women simply because there are more men than women in a profession is a really bad analogy. Here's what you said sounds like: There are more female teachers than male teachers, so obviously females are better teachers, males should just find something else to do. There are more female nurses than male nurses, don't be a nurse, guys, you'll suck at it! There are more female stay at home parents than male, so don't even try to raise a child because it is OBVIOUS that you will fail. All of that is logical, no?
• United States
4 Jan 07
Hun, during those times, women weren't allowed to persue such careers. There have been countless records on how many women have tried, but have been pushed back. You CANNOT base your assumption because of society's faults.
• United States
4 Jan 07
In addition, biologically, women have more brain activity at any given moment than men. Also, please explain why in all my advanced classes, women outnumber the men profusely.
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
4 Jan 07
If you are going to take all the credit for that does that mean that you will also take the credit for starting to destroy humanity. Examples obesity from watching to much TV. Vision problems, Lack of communication outside of the internet. Health problems for the children that play to many video games and don't play outside. Hey you want the credit then you must take all the problems that come along with it. Also remember behind every great man thier was women. That saying is out there for a reason.
• India
4 Jan 07
and behind every great war there is a woman,mahabharat,ramayana,troy,world war 1 etc etc...
• United States
5 Jan 07
HAH!! Its a proven fact that women are smarter then men. Plus we live nah, nah nah nah ...nahhhhhhhhh! LOL
@leanette (3002)
• India
5 Jan 07
ahahah! YEAH! Long live women! :)))
@kou7hik (243)
• India
4 Jan 07
I really donot like to see this argument. Is there a way to ignore groundless discussions like this?
@emarie (5441)
• United States
4 Jan 07
yes...don't read it.