Need an honest opinion regarding tattoos
By inked4life
@inked4life (4224)
United States
January 4, 2007 10:23am CST
Hey guys, just wanted to get your HONEST feedback about how you feel when you see people with lots of tattoos. I have both arms close to filled, and gt a lot of negative looks and comments from people. Now I don't know if it's just the tatoos in general or the content (mostly images from horror movies, portraits nothing graphic).
The worst comment yet was from a small kid who grabbed her mom and said "Look mommy, he has tattoos,he's a bad man."....much to my disappointment, the mother shushed her but did not try to correct her.
So, let me know what you guys think.
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52 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I have absolutely no problem with it..I myself (when money, time allows and a good artist can be found) intend to get tons of work done and being a female, I'm bound to get nasty comments and b.s looks etc but bottomline is tats will tell the story of my life, any work I get done will be of things close to my heart and I wasnt put on this earth to please, impress or follow anyone but ME so whoever doesnt approve, well I'm sorry they may feel that way but I'm not looking for approval of anyone which means their opinion means jack squat to me...
That being said..I think it is a shame that the little one wasnt corrected, I think its a shame that the mother apparently has a negative view without being educated....Hell I think that stereotypes in general are awful but they exist and there isnt a damn thing we can do about it other than educate when given the opportunity and not let those who are negative get us down..
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I doubt I'll ever really get used to it..I mean I'm a naturally friendly person for starters and being Canadian its even more so in me ya know...I think though its when my kids, who have been raised with the Canadian polite and courteous attitude, get that nasty look or snide response from ppl that really sets me off....
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
6 Jan 07
great response ravenlady, regards to your previous post, we encountered the same thing when moving from Canada to US (we moved from Calgary, my wife is from NB originally), and it has basically taken us 2 years to get used to living here....very different
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I hear ya ravenlady,my kids are always being complimented on their politeness and manners, something that seems to be sorely lacking in most of the kids I've met here
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
People!...and we wonder why then the "little people" grow up so god dam ignorant sometimes. I've been a tattoo artist for 16 years now and I have been through the same stuff. People fear what it is they don't know. Us tattooed folk are pretty down to earth people and it's funny that alot of the "non-innked" think we are the strange ones. WE ARE LIVING..while they are hiding. Since I got the outlines for my throat pieces I get even stranger looks....except from the native american population, they seem to look at me straight in the eye now and gimmie the head nod!
keep getting inked!...
p.s while I notice if I'm out and someone's judging me cuz'a my looks....I'll find someone to hold a door open for and do something nice for someone else, while my "judge" is standing there like an iggnorant human thinking I'm less, or stranger than them...I do something that they have forgotton to someone standing ifnfront of both of us!
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
5 Jan 07
great comment...tht happens a lot to me...I'll hold open a door, give up a seat for a woman or elderly person, and they look baffled that I would do something like that.
It's really frustrating as I am probably one of the most down to earth people you'll ever meet...some people hang art on a wall, I hang it on my body
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I'm from Canada and its common to be courtious like that, holding doors, saying "have a nice day" etc..its how we are over there and here in the U.S ppl (from what I've experienced since moving here) really dont knwo how to react regardless of who is being friendly etc so the fact that you two are as inked as you are you get a bum rap right from jump one but when you do something so natural and polite it really must throw ppl off LOL...
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Ha! Great strategy....I love it! Actions speak louder than words...and your words would likely be wasted on them anyway!
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I think it's awesome. I love tattoos, and I love seeing someone who's confident enough to express themselves so totally through that medium. I hate the stigma of tattoos that exists even in this day and age. They're a form of art, not something only criminals and soldiers get!
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Right!! Thats' exactly what I tell people. They buy art to hang on a wall...I put it on my body.
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
5 Jan 07
thanks for the post...i guess the bottom line for me is that I like how it looks on me and so does my wife
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@blogyourself (1577)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Honestly, I think it is kind of neat. I love watching the tattoo shows on tv and seeing all of the different things that people have. Its art and when you get a tattoo you are kind of putting a part of yourself out there in the public. I think there is a stereotype, especially if you have a lot of tattoos. People think that you are a dangerous person or something. I really think the tattoo shows on tv might change that stereotype a little or at least I hope they have. I understand not wanting to get bad looks, but how do you feel if someone is just staring. I’m sorry but if you have that many tattoos you should expect a few stares. Lol I often find myself inspecting people’s tattoos to see what they have. It isn’t because I am afraid or think they are bad. So, don’t get upset if someone is staring at you with a blank expression on their face. It might be me! Lol
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
22 Jan 07
LOL...some people will come upand grab and twist my arm trying to see what I have. I don't have a problem with people asking to see them or inquiring where I got them done, it's just the judgement without knowing anything about me that I don't like.
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@valkyriegrrl (17)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I, for one, love tattoos, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer this question, but here goes.
Body art is beautiful to me when it is done well. Yours look nice. I'm a horror fan, too, so the subject matter appeals to me. My husband has toyed with the idea of getting tattooed, and I did caution him that although I love them, not everybody does! He is thinking along horror lines, too. My opinion is, it's your body, who cares? If someone else doesn't like it, that's their problem.
I have a friend with 1 very large piece and about 3 smaller to medium size pieces(all flowers/tribal/nonthreatening type stuff). She had some trouble with guys not wanting to go out with her because of the tats and started to regret them. I say forget that. Find guys/gals/whatever floats your boat that like your tattoos!!!
Seriously, people are way too uptight. Maybe someday tattoos will lose their shock value, but that's part of the fun of them, I think! If everybody had them, they wouldn't be as unique.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Great response...I am getting much better at just brushing off the negativity now. It's only been a real problem since I lived in the South...was never an issue when i lived in Canada
@wiessied (646)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Well i got a good portion of me covered with tattoos back,legs,arms,chest,so i dont really care if people have tats or not i got my first when i was 12.So i guess if someone would say something i give a crap.Peoples opinions of my tats dont bother me,im a junkie
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
19 Jan 07
you are's very soon as i finish both sleeves I want to get started on a full back piece
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@Dara_momto4 (842)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Body modification, be it piercing, scarification, or tattoos, have been around a very long time. Tattoos can help heal a loss of a loved one (memorial tat) or show that something has been overcome, or just show the real you. To me it's a beauitful form of self expression-we have one body, why not make it beautiful? Some of the same people who judge tattoos 'bad' wouldn't view cosmetic surgery the same way. I have several tats and want to get more. Each of mine are special and have alot of meaning for me. And if someone doesn't like that I really could care less! I love them and it's a bonus that my kids love my tats as well.
Tattoos do not make anyone a bad person and I'm sorry people have judged you that way.
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@Jennibug29 (157)
• United States
21 Jan 07
In general I find people that have alot of tattoos tend to be more open minded, of course there are always exceptions. But i see someone with a story to tell, why they got such art, their experience. I really just see a person.
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
21 Jan 07
What a great answer..every tattoo I have has a story behind it or some special meaning to me.
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
2 Feb 07
As a tattoo artist I can tell you first hand that a LOT of people give me a double take when I say what I do. It's not that I look innocent but they usually think librarian or some geek-like profession. Along with that comes the question, "How can you do tattoos without having any?" The answer is simple, they're under my clothes silly.
People have been getting tattoos for ages, they have even found them on the skin of mummies in Egypt. For something that has been around for so long, there is a lot of misconceptions about them and trust me, I get some of the strangest questions before someone gets one. We have an "over 21" policy so you have to be 21 even though the state says 18, I personally don't think that at 18 you are ready to make that kind of commitment.
The tag of being bad because you have a tattoo stems from the ink and art being considered taboo. I wanted a tattoo when I was about 14 after I saw a huge draon on someone's back, needless to say, the reaction of my family was one of disgust. That's why I love thousands of miles from them. The bad seed LOL. Be proud of the choices you hae made in regards to your ink.
My motto: "If someone has a problem with it then that's exactly what it is ... THEIR PROBLEM!"
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
7 Jan 07
While having a tattoo isn't my choice, I have no problem with those who elect to have them. I certainly would never judge someone because of their body art. Would I want them to judge me because my body has freckles? shallow. The only thing by which I judge a person is their actions. It is very sad that the mother is allowing/encouraging her child to judge people by their exteriors. And to think, I had visions of world peace.
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
7 Jan 07
yeah, I've learned to mostly ignore the looks and comments from people, but the one with the kid really go to me. I just cant imagine sstanding idly by and teaching my kid intolerance to others
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@Keba83 (55)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Its a form of art i believe, and your body is the canvas, its like why do people buy expansive paintings or why do you want to own a bentley !! its a hobby.. and the world needs to accept it.. my mum a staunch catholic wouldent let me get inked as a kid and seeing me crave for it she finally broke in .. i havent had the chance yet but im looking forthe right design.
must tell you yor tattoes are a bit scary, but very intricate.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
12 Jan 07
great response keba...thanks. You are smart to wait for the right design..make sure you get exactly what you want, it's with you forever.
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@hopefoo (1145)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 07
Yes! I think people are judgemental like that. If they take a look at you and you happen to have tattoos or piercings, they immediately assume that u're a bad person. The general pblic are more kind towards cosmetic tattooing and piercings like eyebrow tattooing and stuff. However, I believe that more and more people are viewing tattoos as a form of art, not as proof of being in a gang anymore so don't worry, we're getting there! :)
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
16 Mar 07
i have tattoos,and most of my friends do.
to me it was a natural progression as an artist to jump to living canvas.
i get negative comments sometimes just because i'm female,but i don't listen to it.
i see beauty in the individuality.
me personally,if my child blurted out a negative comment to somebody,be it anything regarding someone's appearance,i'd correct them immediately.that's teaching them rudeness.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I personally love tattoos and love to see them up close and talk to those that have them. Are they for me? Probably not. But I would never put down someone that loves them and has them. To be honest if someone bases their "good or bad person" stuff on tattoos, they need some psychological help and I wouldn't WANT them as a friend!
I do think you are right though, too many people are quick to judge that tatts mean you're a bad a$$ed person. I think it's sad that they are so closed mind and can't see it for the art that it is.
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@Desdemona (1301)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
I am fully covered on my torso. I could careless what people think about me.
The way I see it is, if someone does not like it than they should say nothing. If they do, I usually throw a comment back at them like: "does your mother still dress you? or nice haircut, did you get it down at Price Cutters?"
lol...sorry, people are brave to get a tattoo done and they do the majority do so to express themselves.
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@nibory (177)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I have very mixed feelings about tattoos.
I love to be different so I'd kinda like to have one, but I can't think of anything that I might want on my body for the rest of my life.
Almost every girl that bends over has a tattoo on her lower back and while I think they look pretty cool and sexy, I don't want to do what everyone else is doing.
I do sometimes ask to see someone's tattoo if I think it's really good work but most of the time I just don't understand why people want to put permanent art on themselves. I'll see a really cool tattoo and admire it but I always wonder what if the person gets tired of it. They can't just change the picture.
Some of the stigma might come from the fact that so many tattoos are used by criminals in jail. Also most of the people I know personally with tattoos aren't my favourite people. But it is definitely time to stop judging people by their tattoos. A lot of people are getting them, not just sailors and criminals.
@recycledgoth (9894)
19 Feb 07
I currently have four tattoos and am in the process of designing my next one. They are not particularly small or discreet, although they are on my upper arms. I have had some sideways glances and looks but it is my choice. I really don't think having tattoos means your are any worse than anyone else hun and it shouldn't matter.
Unfortunately, though, people have a misconception that seems to let them believe the worst simply because of the way someone looks
@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
You said you wanted some Honest feedback so thought I'd give you mine. I don't particularly like the looks of a whole lot of tatoos on a person, especially if they get graphic or demonic type ones, but that's just my own personal opinion. I do feel that 'every' person has the right to do what they want and feel is right for themselves whether it be tatoo, piercing, or whatever. I am not going to judge someone just because they have tatoo's. I have 5 different people in my life who are covered in tatoos, and some others who just have a few, and I love them just the same. They are the ones who have to live with what they do, and it is their personal right as an individual.
I do feel that the child should have been corrected, or better yet taught to respect others as individuals and not place judgement on them.
@pagibig (297)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
I think tattoos are cool, but i won't personally get one. I can't endure that much physical pain. So i settle for the henna tattoos instead. At least if i don't like the graphic anymore i could always change it.
You have the exorcist one? I saw your profile and i was shocked. Basically because exorcist really scared me. Then i realized it was a tattoo and i thought it was kinda cool.
There is nothing wrong with people with tattoos. Tattoos are no different from paint on canvas. It's just that instead of a canvas, you chose your body/skin as a canvas.
Some very conservative people would say that having a tattoo is a form of self-mutilation. Good thing that people have grown accustomed to tattoos and it is now being promoted as works of art and as self-expression.
Unfortunately, (in my country at least), a common notion is you get a tattoo if you are a criminal. Which would probably be why people with tattoos are viewed as 'bad' people.
Just ignore them and know for yourself what type of person you are. Just continue being a good person and people will learn to see beyond the tattoos. :D cheers.
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