Christains vs Mormonism
By kitakazoo
@kitakazoo (41)
United States
January 4, 2007 11:39am CST
First of all, I am an exmormon and I am not looking to convert anyone!I am wondering why do Christians claim that Mormons are not a christian religion. They believe their scriptures are a second witness to the divinity of Christ. They close all of their prayers in Jesus's name, also their sacrament prayers all center around the atonement. The official name of their church includes Christ's name. Much of their rules are just the same as any churches.
After studying many different religions it seems to me they are very much a Christain organization.
What exactly is the differences?
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10 responses
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Christians do not believe the Book of Mormon is from God. They believe that it was written by man and was not part of the original Bible.
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@Bba11er45 (10)
• United States
5 Jan 07
its in the beliefs. As a christian I was taught that I was saved by faith inspite of myself. Mormons are saved by faith after they have done all they can. To me that is whack. If that was the case then the disciples would totaly be in hell. Also they teach that they will one day be like God when they die. In the book of Isaih it says that Lucifer (Satan) said he would one day be like God. Thats a problem if you ask me. Dont get me wrong I love Mormons. Most of them truly love God but the ones in charge are totally teaching the wrong beliefs. Also the fact that they try to put their scriptures on the same level as the Bible would totally be blasphemy.
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@kitakazoo (41)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Why would Christians obey the commandments if just believing in Jesus is enough to ensure being in Heaven?
@praiseitem (515)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
Also if a person can get their hands on a copy of the film, "The God Makers" Part 2. I watched that film and I couldn't believe what the Mormons are teaching their flock. I had to lift my jaw off the floor after that film. I cannot speak for the God makers part 1 because I never seen it.
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
14 Jan 07
Christians are people who obeys ALL the teachings of Christ. Mormonism has MANY teachings that are directly contradicting the teachings of Christ. Therefore, they are not Christian. Logical, isn't it?
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@kitakazoo (41)
• United States
15 Jan 07
You might think it's logical to you, but I don't know what teachings of Christ Mormons are missing or are contradicting.
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
To name some, Bible said that a bishop must have one wife, in Mormonism, they can espouse many as long as those are vigin. Another, they believe that the Father has flesh and bones as tangible as man's. Bible speaks otherwise for God is spirit. Those are only few. Want more? :D
@goldenboy20 (555)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
There are 11 false prophecies which Joseph smith was made, showing him to be false prophet:
False Prophecy 1: New york, Albany and Boston have not been destoryed for rejecting the Mormone message:
Doctrines and ?Covenants 84, p141, 142.
114: "Neverhteless, let the bishop go unto the city of New York, also to th city of Albany, and also to the city of Boston, and warn the people of those cities with the sound of the gospel, with a loud voice of the DESOLATION AND UTTER ABOLISHMENT which await them if they do reject these things."
115: "For if they do reject these things the HOUR OF THEIR JUDGMENT IS NEAR, and their house shall be left unto them desolate."
This false prophecy was given in 1832 that these cities desolation and utter abolishment was neawr. 160 years have passed and these cities rematin unharmed. This makes Joseph Smith a false prophet.
What is your opinion with regards to this errors my friend? I hope that you will be with me as i discuss them.
False prophecy 2: The earth did not reel to and fro like a drunden man "not many days" after Dec. 27, 1832.
Doctrines and Covenants 88, p150:
87: "For NOT MANY DAYS HENCE and the earth shall tremble and reel to and fro as a drunken man: and the sun shall hide his face, and shal refuse to give light; and the moon shall be bathed in blood; tand the stars shall become exceeding angry; and shall cast themselves down as a fig that falleth from off a fig tree." From 1832 to 1995 are 59,170 days. Many days have indeed elapsed since 1832 and these events prophesied by Smith have not yet happened. The phrase "not many days hence" makes Smith a false prophet.
False Prophecy 3: Bloodshed inSouth Carolina did not lead Chrit's second Coming (v12)
Christ did not come in 1890, when Smith would have been 85. (v15, 17)
Doctrines and ?Covenants 130, p.238.
12. "I prophesy, in the name of the Lord God, that the commencement of the difficulties which will cause much bloodhes previous to the coming of the Son of Man, will be in South Carolina."
15. "Joseph, my son, if thou lives until thou art 85 years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man..."
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@ZiggyGein (15)
• Canada
25 Jun 08
Christianity actually is somewhat logical...
Mormonism is a cult and a scam
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@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
12 Jan 07
Christians follow the Holy Bible; Mormons follow the Book of Mormons. There are so many differences in here already.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God; Joseph Smith is just an ordinary person. To Mormons, Joseph Smith is a prophet; to Christians, Joseph Smith is not a prophet, the Prophet is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the founder and head of His Church; Joseph Smith is the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints.
There are many other differences also in worship, etc.
@kitakazoo (41)
• United States
13 Jan 07
To be fair -
Mormons also follow the Bible. They also believe that Jesus is the head of their church and that Joesph Smith was following his instructions to translate the Book of Mormon and restore Jesus's church as it was when he was on earth. They do not worship Joesph Smith.
Their meetings are often not as different as many other Christian churches. I have been to Christian meeting with all of the same elements of worship and in the same order.
@kiwimac (323)
• New Zealand
12 Jan 07
I consider there are as many Christians in the LDS church as there is in any other church, Far too few! If a person believe on Jesus Christ then they are partakers of salvation.
@kitakazoo (41)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I'm with you there. You are not what you say but what you do.
@goldenboy20 (555)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
Before anything else my friend, i would like to discuss further the errors of mormonism especially the false prophecies of joseph smith, with due respect to you my friend. I would like to discuss those errors not to persuade you but to reveal there errors. First of all, i am not a dogmatic kind of christian who is stick or believe in one religion. I am a mere christian, belivers in Christ, and Christ can save me, not religion, trough faight in him. But i want to help you my friend in dealing this kind of problem. But allow me first to discuss those errors. But i will discuss it with love, not with sarcasm. I love you my friend, and i want to help you in dealing your situation.
Christian believes in Christ, but mormonism believes in joseph smith. A cultist looks to his leader to decide the truth for him. Joseph Smith is the Mormon's ONLY basis of religious authority. They believe that he is a prophet of God. The only issue whyich Mormons are not well-prepared to discuss, is the issue of Joseph Smith's claim to be a true prophet of God. This issue is not in their manual. A mormon missionary is trained to give a testimony in which he states: "I testify by the Spirit of God that i Know that josepth smith was a prophet of God and that the book of Mormon is the Word of God." To you mormon, HOw do you know that joseph smith was a propet of God? If your answer is "Becaus God spoke to him," so how do you know that God spolke to him.? If your answer is that "because he was a prophet of God, my dear friend, this is circular reasoning, which is not valid. So how do you know my friend that he was a prophet to whom God spoke? Is it the you got on your knees and prayed for God to show me if Joseph Smith was his prophet, and if the Book of Mormon was inspired, and then you will said that you have a burning feeling in your hear that these things are true? My friend, you don't determine truth by a burning feeling in your heart, but by the word of God. "He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool" according to proverbs 28:26.
My friend, we can test joseph smith's claim to be a prophet of God by testing if his prophecies all came true. According to Deuteronomy 18:20-22, it states that if someone claims to be a prophet of God, but HIS PREDICTIONS FAIL TO HAPPEN, then this person is a false prophet. (YOu can meditate this verse my friend) If that is so, joseph smith has many prophesies that have made. If all of the promisses that was made by joseph smith, therefore he is truly a prophet of God and that all of his teachings will true. But if there is ONLY one propesies that was made by joseph smith that doesn't come true, then he is not truly a prophet of God but a fraud. If you allow me my friend, i will prove this in the other page of response.
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
14 Aug 11
If you are an ex Mormon you should know better, Mormons believe that Christ was mortal and he was born from a woman not a virgin. Christians believe that Christ is god and he was born from a virgin. Look, I could be wrong here but I do know what Mormons believe because my brother is one.