Ghost Encounters 2
By XariCazari
@XariCazari (18)
January 4, 2007 12:33pm CST
Because I'm still new to this and don't know how to add more
to my previous discussion lol...
Ok so the house on the reserve was scary, like it had an eerie vibe to it, the spirits/ghosts there were bad, or atleast thats what it seemed.
The very first time I stayed there, the morning after the first night we slept I woke up with what looked like a bunch of little rashes on my leg, but they were in the shape of finger tips, 5 of them across my calf..
Another time there I was struggling to try and hurry up to get outside to watch everybody setting off fireworks, thats when Aaron (we'll use names now, the man of the house), stuck his head in the door and said to shut off the tv, so as I was still putting my shoes on I took a step towards the tv and it off. So being in the house alone with a spirit that close I ran outside!
Another 'nice' incident with the spirits of the house was involved downstairs, my ex, kelly, and me would stay for a long time with his cousins, so we ended up doing laundry eventually, which is downstiars.. So doing our laundry one night we forgot to put it in the dryer, it was night and we had few lights down there so I refused to go down there, the light would probally go out on us.. So a couple hours later, sleeping on the couch I woke up to the sound of the dryer.. Ignoring it I went back to sleep, the next morning Aaron went downstairs to do his own laundry and told us to come take ours out of the dryer.
Another time, involving a not so nice spirit, me and kelly were babysitting Tammy and Aarons boys over night, so when we were all settled and the boys were asleep we went to bed too, but we slept in Tammy N Aarons bed, it was all good, I got my glass of water, placed it at the very back of the hardwood bed stand (attached to the head of the bed), so we shut of the lights and went to bed. Middle of night, again, I get splashed in the face, my cup had bed knocked over, and to be able to splash me it would have ahd to been moved a little closer, Kelly had his back to me so there was no way he could have spilt it, oddly just my face was wet, so i just closed my eyes really tight and slunk down in the blankets, until morning.
Tammy had once mentioned to me the sounds of little girls giggling and whispering in her room and in the hallways, ALSO the sound of cowboy boots walking up and down the hall(Her father had always worn cowboy boots).
Ever hear of a doppleganger? (Spelling) Well Aaron thinks their house had one, or perhaps just a shapeshifting ghost..
One night (Before we had ever met) Tammy and Aaron watching a movie, boys in bed, tammy got up and went to the washroom, seconds later she came walking out into the kitchen(they have a half wall so yew can see both rooms), wearing different clothes, Aaron asks how she had changed so fast, she walked back towards the bathroom (where you cant see around the corner) and then Aaron heard the toilet flush and tammy came out in her regular clothes.. Creepy..
So onward..
A few years later 6 of us, Tammy, Aaron, Brett(Kellys cousin), Lacey(Bretts gf), Kelly an myself decide we want to move to the big city, so we do.
We found this ancient old creepy house, litteraly, it had one of those standing bathtubs! and creeky long stairs, it had an upstairs and a basement. It had also been 3 seperate places at one time so it had 3 bathrooms an 3 kitchens, pretty nifty.
So we get moved in there, the guys go and find jobs an me an Tammy start to put stuff away. So one of the first days we're there, arranging stuff Tammys aunt comes to help. The guys are off looking for jobs, the 2 older boys at school and the baby asleep, so the three of us are standing in the kitchen, putting away dishes, sorting through stuff and we're fairly spread out, and then we stopped talked for a moment and heard this low, (male sounding for sure) voice, right from the center of us, and we all look at one another and ask if the other had heard it.
The next was the fist night we slept there, Lacey and Brett claimed a basement room across the hall from me and Kelly, nothing happened to us the first night but the next morning when we all got up and were sitting around talking Brett brought up that he hadnt slept that good because Lacey had woken him in the middle of the night because she had woken up and seen a little boy at the door.
I think 'they' were curious about us being in their home..
The next came about a week later, Kelly had left to go to work at 6am with Arron, it was still dark outside. So I'm trying to fall back asleep when I get this sort of eerie prickly feeling, and then it feels as if someone is crawling up the bed bedside me, to freaked out to look I try to go back to sleep, it would all be better if I just slept till it was light, I thought. So the crawling feeling eerieness stops and im esily half asleep, I get this cold sort blowing in the face, conituesly like breathing, I claim its just the cold off the window at the time, so I went back to sleep. Eventually when I got up I checked the window, there was no way a breeze could have come off it. So from then on I'd just get up with Kelly and stay upstairs until it was light!
Thats all just in the first week!
So eventually Brett and Lacey get into a fight and move out, me and kelly claim the bigger room across the hall, we had it all set up nice, it had two sides to it so we made one the bedroom one a tv
So its just after xmas and I had a new digital camera, so Im playing around with it, its timers and what not so I took some pictures of myself (black and white) sitting on the couch, I didnt notice, but a few weeks later when my mom was going through my pictures she gasps kinda shocked like, so I take a look and you can notice, two pictures in a room of me on the couch theres this light coming from behind my head, its black and white so can there be this yellowish tinge?? The next picture is worse!!! You can see this whole face!!!! (I have the picture if anyone wants to see) Can you imagine.. a spirit being that close, and not even knowing... creepy... Eventually I claimed him (its a man) as my ghost, it was creepy but he never really bothered me..
But one night, me and kelly had gotten into a fight and I went out with Tammy, so when we got home Kelly was sleeping upstairs on the couch, so we woke him up an then we all sat around and talked, he said that he was sitting downstairs watching tv and the posts on the walls fluttered out once in awhile, freaking him out, and then when he tried to go to bed he had barely fallen asleep and it felt like someone had walked up and kicked the side of the bed, so that freaked him right out and he ran upstairs. I kind of thought it as my ghost was mad at him for upsetting me, but thats just a though..
Other random things that happened..
Remember Lacey saying she saw a little boy? Well the oldest boy, Morgan was told to go to bed and he claimed he couldn't, he said he kept hearing someone falling down the stairs, it was completely random.. But it would add up, yeah kno?
And then, asked to turn off the tv, Morgan claims it kept turning back on, this might not be a ghost encounter but it could..?
The cupboard doors in the main floor were always open in the morning.
The lights in the basement ALWAYS unscrewed.
Now, my mom, (think back) after seeing those pictures, went about the house, randomly stopping in areas to 'feel the vibes' (shes a wiccan and does this sort of what-not), upstairs in the boys's room she claims it was a very calming feeling, peaceful.
Down in the dinning room she kept looking at the stairs through a door, she claims, their two little boys, they sit on the stairs (which adds up to laceys encounter). She took a venture downstairs, into our rooms, she said she didnt like the feeling, it was sort of sad, cruel, but she said there is an older man down there (My ghost), so as far as we knew we had 3 ghosts...
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