hurrah!!!!! i've won the lotto!!!!!
By BittyBiddy
@BittyBiddy (2903)
January 4, 2007 5:43pm CST
Woohooo!!!! I can't believe it! I'm absolutely jumping up and down here with the excitement! Who should I tell?????Well, actually I haven't won the lottery at all, but WHO would you tell if you won it? Would you tell anyone? Why?I wouldn't tell a soul. I'd find some way of giving my family money anonymously, but I wouldn't tell anyone other than my husband. I think money causes too many arguments. There'll always be someone claiming that you didn't give them enough, or that you're too mean, or they'll be jealous of the money.
What do you think?
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97 responses

@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
I don't even play the lotto. LOl! I keep forgetting to. Last week it was seven million and I'd every intention of playing it and I forgot to again.
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@pari123 (21)
• United States
5 Jan 07
well...thats true...i wuld b announcing jus to the family n dear ones...agreed with u for the fact that money doesnt make one happy and creates various probs , this money matters !!
Btw , nice way of startin the discussion ! :)

@youfearthetruth (98)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
go look at rock_the_parties profile she just copied your discussion 5minutes ago.... she re worded it but its the same
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@teenal (1400)
• Dublin, Ireland
5 Jan 07
I wouldnt have to tell anyone. Whoever came into my house first after I'd checked my numbers would find me lying flat on the floor clutching my winning ticket after having a massive heart attack from the shock of it.
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
LOL! Like that film....Waking Ned.....did you ever see it? Oh it was so funny. I think I must watch that at the weekend now that I've been reminded of it.
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@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
4 Jan 07
Meh, I never win anything, EVER. So I don't buy any lotto tickets and such. Which increases my chances of NEVER winning anything. It's a vicious cycle.
I wouldn't tell anyone until I received the money (or at least part of it, in some cases they don't pay the full amount right away). And then I'd just tell a couple of people who I knew wouldn't try to steal my money and murder me or something ;)
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jan 07
So very true, I would be afraid of getting murdered in my sleep or any way.
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@ukchriss (2097)
5 Jan 07
I agree, I wouldn't tell anyone, It would just cause too many problems and arguments,
I would pay my debts, buy a house which i would tell everyone I had won, which in a way wouldn't be a lie and just keep on living the same way I live now,
I wouldn't want anyone coming to me asking for money...
I would rather give some to a cancer charity and to the people who have helped me in the past,
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Yes, you'd have to keep living in a similar lifestyle to the one you have before you win the lotto. Otherwise people would guess that you'd won. And even if they didn't guess, they'd still be wondering where you'd gotten the money from.
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@Persia (151)
• United States
5 Jan 07
i would tell NO ONE and invest it all secretly...muhahahahaaaaa, no just kidding, i'd tell my fam and break them off a lil change. only the ones that i now would give me some money if i won you know? We can dream right? Yea it keeps me going.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Yes. We would be nowhere without our dreams. Well.......most people would be......I might actually GET somewhere if I stopped dreaming for a while. :/
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would tell my family that I won because if I won I would be sharing with them first as I would help take care of my parents, my brother and his family and my sister. There is no way that I would have my name or photo published for anyone to know. My closest friends would know as I well since I would help them out and they would tell me if they won as well. If people found out that you won, you would have a lot of lost cousins, brothers, sisters, friends and family members that you do not know about. LOL
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
I agree about the long lost relatives. You'd also probably have a bag full of begging letters through the letter box every day.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Depends on whether you mean the Irish lottery or the Euro millions. If it was the Irish lotto I of my mortgage, give each of my siblings the money for a deposit on a house, I would keep working although only do a 2 or 3 day week. Then I would buy some land down the country and have an animal sanctuary!!
Dunno if I would be able to do all of the above with the lotto though.
If I won the euro millions I would create giant charitiies and work at that as well as buying a nice big 7 bedroom house in Dublin city centre with big garden etc. No more work and before I left I would tell my boss she is a ****. And I would also go into the bank where I have my mortgage and tell the manager there he is a ****.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
6 Jan 07
Oh, there are so many people I'd love to call names if I won the lotto. I suppose that would be one advantage of having so much money. :)
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Absolutely NO one. Infact I won't even buy lottery tickets in my home state Pennsylvania) because you have to let the state publish your name and how much you won. A neighboring state (Delaware) is one of two in the country here that has a privacy right. Whenever I go to an auction on the PA/Del border, I slip over the line and buy loterry tickets.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Wow. I can't believe they're allowed publish your name like that. That's an invasion of privacy. It's not a safe thing to do.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Yep. It's created a lot of problems for lottery winners too. Lots of sad lottery winner stories and they all start with the publicity and the strain it puts on winners families.- I just read your response stating they pay extra for publicity over there. I think that's a good idea but given the choice, I wouldn't take the extra money either. I think a lot of people would though. It's their 15 minutes of fame.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I know the first thing I wouldn't do is have my photo, name etc. splashed all over the media. I can imagine who and what would come crawling out of the woodwork? Then I would pay off my mortgage, give to my favorite charities, give gifts to all the people who have helped me or made a differece in my life and NOTHING to my greedy relatives who are only interested in money
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Here, if you win the lottery, you're paid an extra 40,000 euro to go public. I still wouldn't go public though. It wouldn't be worth it.
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@niranjan05 (106)
• India
5 Jan 07
friend many loto companys are there they are cheaing friend they will ask you to pay some money for clearence and when you did that after erification you will be handed over the money they said but at last they will say any reason and cheat you
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@nomi_prince4u (248)
• Pakistan
5 Jan 07
Yap man I agree with you this coz I know how they cheat!and what the matter they say to cheat!!!!!!I hate them ,they are the F*U*C*K*I*N*G A*S*S H*O*L*E*S!!!!
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
5 Jan 07
OMG, I can't believe it. I won too. I played the numbers and then 2 hours later I was the winner. I did it all, vacation, house, cars, money to name it. I did it, bought it...or went there.
Then I woke up...
I think If I won anything big playing a lottery. I wouldn't have to tell anyone..........They would hear me
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Ha ha Mari. :) At first I was starting to feel a bit jealous in case your win was bigger than mine. I might add you as a friend.....just in case you ever do win.
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
7 Jan 07
i would tell my boyfriend and my boss. i have to put my 2 weeks in ya know. i wouldnt tell very many other people than that because then they would all want a part of the money. or someone would try to steal it from you. i would give my family money but i would tell them its from me cause otherwise they may throw it away thinking its a scam or a joke. money does cause a lot of arguments but if you handle it responsibly and dont blow it then it'll be fine. i dont think my family would complain about how much i gave them because they would be grateful for what they did get. i dont believe my family would be jealous either cause they dont play the lottery. they are religious and dont believe in it.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Thank you for reading it properly. :) For that I might actually have considered giving you some of it.......if I had won. LOL!
@itsokrelax (733)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I wouldn't tell anyone. I would first make deposits into their accounts and wait to hear the stories of how they were givin a lot of money then I would tell them.
@Croquetilla (1797)
• Spain
4 Jan 07
howmany money do you win ? fisrt you tell you family then go to the shopping and buy something that you like alot of time.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
I think you'll have to read the post again.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I would wish for you to win the lottery. I agree that relatives could come running from the woodwork and that could cause problems. However, you would need to win a large amount for the jealousy and greediness to rear its ugly head. Do you play very often? I would share it with my parents and immediate family and one of my girlfriends. They all could share in the joy for us. Hopefully you have a close friend or two and of course your immediate family to party with you.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
I never play the lotto. I keep forgetting to. But I'd have plenty of people to share it with - family would come first.
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Jan 07
Excuse my English, but I think I'd be too gobsmacked to tell anybody. It would certainly take a while to sink in... until I had the cheque in my hands, in fact.
Then, I would go to the bank, and quietly deposit some into each of my immediate family's bank accounts, buy myself a nice country home somewhere I enjoy being, such as the North Yorkshire Moors, furnish it and then sit back and take a biiiiiiiiig breather. Ahhhhhhh, it would be nice, but I fear it's all pie in the sky!
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@Rosy001 (363)
• South Africa
5 Jan 07
he he he !!! you're too funny you. Had me going for a sec and here's me waiting to see how much you won....LOL!!!don't play Lotto, but i've spent the lotto many a time my dreams!!Planned how i'd even spend it:)
i would tell my hubby, sister and my folks.
Better luck next time in actually getting to play....LOL
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
LOL! Thanks Rosy. I should just carry around the numbers with me to remind myself to play.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I'd tell my family and my good friends. I'd give lots of money to charity.