Do strike up a conversation with a stranger while shopping?
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
United States
January 4, 2007 6:21pm CST
When I am shopping, I always strike up a conversation with people. It could be the clerks or another shopper. Sometimes people ignore you when you speak to them. I just smile and tell them to have a nice day. How sad it is that people are so paranoid about talking to a person that they do not know. There are people that enjoy friendly conversation and get so little of it in their own lives. Strike up a conversation with someone you don't know. It may bring a bit of joy to someone's day.
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94 responses
@TheLynx (1)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I always talk to people if they talk to me. They are people that you most likely will never see again in your life so it is easy to have a plesant converstaion, even if short, and move on your way! Yes, there are alot of freaks out yeah, but I still do lol
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
5 Jan 07
My husband tells me that I've never met a stranger. I will talk to anyone. My son is the same way. he is only 9 months old but he will wave and smile at anyone that looks in his direction. I always ask the cashier their names and use their names when I leave. I do the same at restuarants when they aren't wearing a name tag. I worked with the public for 14 years and it always made me feel special when someone used my name. I guess that's where I got my socializing from--when I worked with the public.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I miss working with the public. The people that I run into now tell me that the place I worked at isn't the same without me there. I take that as a compliment.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
5 Jan 07
When I worked with the public for 60 days in a jewelry department, that was my favorite thing. Talking to people about who they were buying stuff for and why they liked certain pieces. Unfortunately, the manager was a jerk so I quit, and the pay sucked so I would have eventually left anyway.
I've found in stores if I have a coupon and don't use it, I often end up striking a conversation with someone and then giving it to them. And it's worked in my favor as well in restaurants. Once my girlfriend and I were talking to a nice old lady in line for a restaurant, and turned out she had a couple more coupons that would expire shortly, and so she saw we didn't have some and gave them to us.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I do most of the time. Mostly about nothing more than the weather or something that had happened in town. There are very few that will not talk with you in our small town.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
My mother tried to strike up a conversation with a man that was behind us in the grocery store last week. He wouldn't even look at her. Sometimes people are too paranoid to talk to strangers. Or, they think they are better than you. Don't get me started on that type.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I have pulled some odd looks from doing that as well. When it happens, I act like a loony and they will go to great lengths to avoid me.
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@patootie (3592)
5 Jan 07
Ohh lorrrs ... the looks I get sometimes ... shock .. horror .. who the heck are you ... I reckon if you can say a few civil words to someone then it's a very sad day ...
I find the older gents are the ones who often appreciate a little chat most ... I often wonder how many times they ever get to speak with someone ... especially if they are widowers .. they can be very lonely indeed ...
The folks who least appreciate me speaking to them are other women around my age or slightly younger .. they are the ones who generally give me a scornful stare and move swiftly away ... never mind .. it' their loss ..
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Huggers to you Patootie. Glad that you share my idea of making someone happy by saying a word or two.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I think that it's really sweet that you like to talk to other people when you're shopping. I wouldn't call everyone who doesn't respond paranoid, though. I have been extremely shy for my entire life, and I know that I myself would have been unable to respond if someone had said something to me out of the blue in a store, and it wouldn't be my attempt to be rude or thinking that I simply shouldn't talk to this person because they are a virtual stranger. It would just be a function of my extreme shyness. In any case, I am trying to come out of my shyness this year, so I hope that things like this do happen to me when I get out there! *laugh* It's about time. So it's good to know that there are friendly people like you out there. ^_~
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Perhaps if you were to try striking up a conversation. Try it when you are looking at vegetables or fruit. Comment on the prices or how poor the produce is, etc. You'd be surprised how many appreciate idle conversation. You could make someone's day a bit brighter just by saying a few words. Huggers to you!
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@Mahindan (563)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
Like you i have been working customer service for the past 5 years and strike up a conversation with strangers regardless of where i am. There are people who gets scared when a stranger talks to them but not me. I love talking to people and it is fun. I have met some cool people and became friends just because we struck up a conversation. It sure does puts a smile on some people.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
5 Jan 07
I have no hesitation about passing the time of day with strangers. Perhaps people are less inclined to ignore one in the UK (from what I have heard, anyway, but it probably varies by locality. People in cities tend to be more reserved.
Not only is it very likely to bring a bit of joy to someone's day in many ways but you might, just might, make a contact which would be mutually beneficial. Actually, you never know when you might be someone's "angel" - or they yours!
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I don't usually do this but my boyfriend will. We were out Christmas shopping and he picked out a really noisey toy for my three year old grandson. I told him no because my daughter-in-law would kill him. So he asked a couple with a child who had been walking down the aisle we were in, if they would be upset if someone bought their child this toy.And he is talking to them just like he knew them and they were very nice about it too.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
That is great that he can do that. He sounds like my husband.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I do sometimes, but usually only if I'm spoken to. But in a pet supply store, I often do because I'll see someone buying something inappropriate and feel like I have to warn them. Especially if it is life threatening (like buying an exercise ball and guinea pig food... guinea pigs can't physically do exercise balls and one can easily break their backs).
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
It is good that you can offer your assistance. I know that it is easier to just let them buy whatever they want, but offering your knowledge to them is great. Thank you!
@dradelelassy (1208)
• United States
5 Jan 07
i disagree with you coz personal privacy is important and sometimes this conversation might break this privacy beside conversation during shopping is not desirable coz everyone is bussy with shopping which by some is pleasure
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Nobody does that here. If some stranger was to talk to me while I was shopping I'd think they were loopy altogether, unless they were asking me about a product on the shelf. That's acceptable. In my local supermarket a few weeks ago this guy was looking at the refrigerated soups and asked me where he'd find some broth. I told him that all the creamy ones are refrigerated and that the broths come in packets in the dried food aisle and I directed him to the correct aisle.
......I probably didn't need to go into that detail here......*blush*
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Was he good looking? I would have been his personal guide! : )
@sushobhit (9)
• India
5 Jan 07
i use to talk strangers its depends on situation if there is problem of buying n select clothes then i use to help them what is perfect to them n if ther is offer of buy one get one free i use to sher cost prize withe some stranger who is also interested in same product n we can sher that cost prize n we get the product in just half prize.i like to talk with strangers bcz who know where we find a good friend.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Normally when someone sparks up a conversation i do talk with them.Far as me starting one on my own,i dont unless i may have a question i guess because i am shy.I will speak to someone though without any problems
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I was once a shy person. Then as the birthdays rolled by, I decided that life is too short to live it with my head stuck in the sand. Live it up!
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Jan 07
Yeah, I like to bug people too. My friends tell me that they were looking for me and when I ask them who they say....the squirrels....they think your nuts. I love to talk and will try to pick up a conversation with just about everyone. I have made a lot of acquaintances and friends that way. I am a foreigner in Portugal and I have lived in the same town for almost 30 years. If people don't know me personally they know me by sight and name or by that "crazy American lady". I love it. Some of my friends that I should be more careful with whom I speak because of what others might say about me. I could care less. If they don't like what they see they can look the other way. I live for myself and dont give a hoot nor a holler what others say or think. It's their problem not mine.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Hey are a wonderful person. Glad that I have encountered you! I like the title of Crazy American Lady. : ) Huggers to you.
@Liasonfan (1702)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
Yep---if I am in a talkative mood and the person seems to want to listen or talk---I talk or I let them talk. Have met the most fascinating people actually, while out shopping. Yep it's nice being able to make someone smile or when they say something that causes me to smile back. Life can be nasty, it is nice to make the best of it when you are out doing normally mundane things such as shopping!
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I talk to lots of people, and the clerks. Someone once told me that so often people are very rude to clerks, when they are mad at someone or something else, so I often go out of my way to be nice. Sometimes there are people who set off a creepy feeling though, and my gut instinct has me stay away. Mostly not, though. Have a great day.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I love joking with the checkout clerks who have just had a jackarse go through the line and gave them a hard time. It makes them laugh and smile to know that not everyone is unpleasant.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I don't mind striking up a conversation with people, but my mom takes it too far. She'll just kind of talk loudly to herself, but it's obvious that she's making a comment so someone will speak to her. I think she thinks it's cute and hip, but sometimes it can be pretty embarassing. Especially one day when we were in American Eagle and she picked up a mini skirt and said "I wonder if they have this in an 8?" These people next to us shot her the most grossed out look and I can't say I can blame them. My mom is FOURTY NINE. No one wants to see a 49 year old in a mini skirt.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Hey, what is wrong with 49? Touchy subject with me. I am 49. Your mom sounds like mine. They like to be the center of attention.
@elusivedarkness (531)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I think talking to people in public is much more common in the South. When I lived up North, no one would talk to me in stores. Now that I live in the south, I feel like everyone is a lot more friendly or at least more likely to talk to strangers. So it may be regional in a sense.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Jan 07
No kidding? I am from the North. What area were you living in? When I lived in the South I had problems with people not speaking to me. I had few friends. Guess ya never know.