Parents have daughter operated on to STOP her from ever growing...
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
January 4, 2007 6:46pm CST
Parents CHOOSE to have daughters breast tissue and uterus removed, and pump her full of hormones to stump her growth to keep her small forever....
I just ran across this article, and at first I was just stunned, but after reading the whole thing, I can kind of understand why the family is doing it. However, I don't think it's neccesarily right.
So, I'm asking that you take a look at the article and tell me your veiws. Also I'd like to hear from parents with bed-ridden children to see if you would of considered doing this kind of thing...Thank you!
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27 responses
@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
5 Jan 07
i hv read the article and same as u i stunned.but i dont agree no matter for what reason.a child life is belong to them and parent had no right to prevent them to grow, dont they think how the child feeling when they saw their friend grows up while they stay the same? its just the same by taking their life out and kill them slowly.they should think what would they feel if they are in the child position.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Innechen's response goes to show that there are people who will comment negatively on things that they know absolutely nothing about.
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@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I undertand why the parents did this but,I think that it was wrong for them to do that.I understand that their daughter is disabled and bedridden but why put this poor girl through more pain and suffering than she has to go threw.I understand that they want to keep her from weighing less because of bedsores but,bedsores with happen no matter what her size is.I do not have any bedridden kids but,I do not believe i would of done this.especially where my child cannot live a normal life so why take something away from her to make things easier on the parents its just not right and it is cruel.she should be able to experience changes in her body like everyone else even if she is bedridden and disabled.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
5 Jan 07
You bring up a good point...she could get bed sores no matter what she weighs. Bedsores are not caused by a certain weight, nor age.
Bedsores, more properly termed pressure ulcers, are ulcers (sores) caused by pressure, friction or shear on vulnerable areas of the body, such as bony or cartilaginous areas. Vulnerability to the effects of pressure, friction and shear are exaggerated by moisture, immobility and general debility. Decubitus ulcers are pressure ulcers that occur when the patient lies on his or her back for long periods (Wilhelmi and Neumeister, 2005). Examples of areas vulnerable to pressure ulcers include the hips, ankles, heels, elbows, ears, and pressure points on the lower back (near the tail bone, sacrum, or iliac crest). Pressure sores are also caused by prolonged sitting, or certain patterns of sitting behaviour (Bain and Ferguson-Pell, 2002). Devices such as braces can also cause pressure ulcers.
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I think it's a touchy subject. I'm not sure that I would do that to my daughter, even if she had that little girls development problems.. but I'm sure her parents thought long and hard about the pros and cons. And I'm also sure the doctors wouldn't have done it if they didn't think it was somewhat of a good idea.
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@cajundharma (641)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Have you ever tried to lift, bathe, change a diaper on a 150lbs person who can't life a muscle to help you at all? It's nearly impossible. As the parents got older, they would have been unable to care for her and she might end up in institutional care. I honestly think the family was making a carind decision based on all the information available to them.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Ummm, yes I have...many of them. That's why they have equipment to help with those things.
I believe that the parents are trying to do the right thing for the child and themselves. I'm not disagreeing with it. I just think that maybe there could of been other ways of taking care of some of these problems without going to that extreme!
Thank you for your response!
@athena_valentine (15)
• United States
5 Jan 07
How weird is that? I have never heard of that medical procedure. Maybe it is wrong but are we doctors? Do we really know what those parents are going through? Who are we to judge?
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I have just read the article you posted and even though under normal situations I dont believe in changing nature, in rthis situation I can understand where the parents are coming from. I understand they are in some way doing it for convienence but at the same time that poor child is not going to understand what is going on when she starts her menstral period and why she is hurting.
I have to agree with the parents decision. That child is in baby mode for the rest of her life. Her parents have to treat her like a baby even when she is 21 and older. They will need to be able to move her and if she is full grown that will be very difecult.
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@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
I have read the article. I understand the dillema that her parents are having because like them, I also have a special sister. She is 11 years old and she will turn 12 this year. She is 10 years younger than me. My parents and I are always worried about her because although she can talk, she cannot walk. It's really an ordeal to take care of someone who is special especially when they are already very big which makes them hard to carry around everywhere. As of now, we are doing everything for her to improve. We have asked a lot of doctors about her and they said that she will be able to walk somehow. She just needs encouragement all the time so that she will brave enough to try walking on her own. Like Ashley, my sister wants to stay young forever. She doesn't want to grow anymore because she knows that we are already having a hard time carrying her everywhere we go. She always tells me that she wants to stay a kid forever so that she will be able to lessen the burden that we struggling with every single day of our lives. Even if my sister would tell that to me, I would not still not allow her to be like this little girl. I love my sister and I will continue taking care of her even if she is already bigger than me. It really makes me cry to see such special children. I don't want to call them retards because for me, that is a very offensive word. They should loved and taken care of. Growing is a natural process in life so we shouldn't do anything to stop it...^^
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
5 Jan 07
I read about this just yesterday in a swedish magazine and at first I was really horrified about what they have done, but the more I read I realized that it might have been the best thing to do to give her the care that she need. on the other hand they probably could have gotten help from somewhere to care for her...
Is it right to have her stay small? I don´t have the answer for that.. Is she more unhappy this way or happier?
This is a really hard wuestion to answer but i do not look down on the parents althoug i don´t think i would have done it. they love their child and probably did what was best for her and them!
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
I heard the discussion on the news yesterday morning and I was horrified. However, like you, when I heard the parents side of the story, I believe they did it in the best interest of the child and themselves. I cannot say either whether it is right or wrong, but I wouldn't pass judgement them as I am not in their position and I am sure they put a lot of thought into it and sought medical advice before allowing any of the procedures to take place. I don't know how I would react if I was in their position. I wish them all well.
@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
5 Jan 07
Gee, I felt bad when I had to get my cat spayed. Now imagine a person. I can't imagine how "pumping" someone full of hormones can benefit them in any way, unless they have a condition that requires such a drastic treatment, which the little girl obviously doesn't. I don't think what they've done is very ethical and it seems to benefit the parents more than the daughter.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I see what you mean. After reading the article, I too, can udnerstand why they would do that. It's strange; I've never heard of anything like that before. I guess if her diagnosis means that she'd need constant care for the rest of her life, that it might not be so horrible that the parents did this. And, of course, if they can keep touching her, lifting her, and keeping her included in family activities, it may be the best for her wellbeing.
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@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
5 Jan 07
At first I was against it but now after reading the article it gives you a lot more to think about. It's easy to judge when you are not the one going through it. These parents have and have had hard decisions to make and it seems they love thier daughter a great deal. So I woiuld have to say they made the best decisions for thier family.
@youfearthetruth (98)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
there are flaws in that story it says she goes to school for disable but is cared for at home? i thought she was bedridden? either way thats stupid to do that
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I do not understand why doctors decided to do it.
They should now better.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Wow, that's a really interesting article!
Before I read the article, I thought you were referring to parents wanting to keep a normal healthy child small. But now I can see their point. If the child is bedridden and needs to be carried, that's a good idea to still be able to involve her. And not having periods would be good too as obviously that's just another thing for the parents to take care of. It's not like she's going to have children anyway.
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@Devinarun (387)
• United States
5 Jan 07
well i have not yet looke dta the article but taht was dint feel nice evn to be heard by the normal ears...i gues theere was some reason for the family to do that.
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@cherie33868 (42)
• United States
5 Jan 07
OMG,,,I just caught a brief glimpse of this story on the Tv news. UNREAL!
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@jaizdeep (397)
• India
5 Jan 07
Oh my god that is rilly rilly sick man
thanx for bringing this topic into light
i rilly do wish that government puts a ban to this
how can a bunch of people just decide the growth of a human being!!
i am strictly againt this
i am strictly against it but i just dont know how many people are even aware of it and i just dont understand what will those parents get by doing this
i just hope that steps are taken in the right directions to stop this from happening
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