Could anyone tell me how I'm 'sposed to fit this round peg in a square hole?

January 4, 2007 11:21pm CST
explain how it is done....PLEASE I have been workin on it for years...and, to fit! p.s...."I hope this one bends yer brainz in half!...LOL! but please be as detailed as possible in your suggestions...I'd just like to see this peg...urghh...emmph...rrrr...FIT!...fer once! peace Dissposition
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12 responses
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
5 Jan 07
How about. . . you use the square hole as a candle mold, those square candles are pretty neat. Then you use the round peg to roll around and over things to smooth them out, like pie crust perhaps, or noodles. We could have noodles, and pie, by candlelight. Ooh the carbs.
• Canada
5 Jan 07
absolutely fabulous!....instead of all this back and forth leading no where.....we could just eat! while we are at it we'll take the carbs problem! LOL! Dissposition.....yummmmmm!..scrambled pegs and toasty holes!
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@rebelann (113406)
• El Paso, Texas
29 Dec 19
You two are too funny ...... did you have salsa with that?
• South Africa
5 Jan 07
Step 1: Get a blowtorch Step 2: Get a heat-resistant vessel of some sort Step 3: Use the blow-torch to melt the peg into the vessel Step 4: Pour the peg down the hole Problem solved!
• Canada
5 Jan 07
nice "tech's" I'll have to try it that way...n..burn'n stuff iz alwayz fuuun! Dissposition
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
5 Jan 07
LOL!!! This topic gets my vote for having the funniest answers on Mylot. I absolutely love what the above poster suggested. I just might have to try that! LOL (okay, maybe not for real). Thanks for giving me a good laugh today! ^_^
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Jan 07
shave it to be squared off...I wish more ppl woudl do that with their beliefs and attitudes actually...shave off whats holding it back and then it WILL fit ;-)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
yer both correct!
@patootie (3592)
5 Jan 07
Streuth .. you and your tricky questions .. but always questions I want to post something for ... You seem to be having a few problems with this round peg in a square hole ... well I've always been under the impression I am a triangular peg striving desperately to fit into a round hole .. so if you and I get together .. maybe we can make our round and triangular pegs fit into each others round and square holes ... Blushes furiously .. iyswim ...
@patootie (3592)
5 Jan 07
I remember when I was a small child I had one of those liitle racks with various shaped holes .. and a set of matching shapes to hammer through them with a little mallet .. I ALWAYS tried to get different shapes though the holes .. never wanted to play it by the book .. and I've been a 'misfit' in the world ever since :o)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
that's alotta pegs in a couple holes...i dunno patooie...I thought we got off on the wrong foot...and looky looky....we're already pegging holes and and aiming pegs at solving the historical delema of holes that mite fit on pegs of various shapes n sizes in all kindsa places!.....this could take all nite!...pheeew! lol!
• United States
6 Jan 07
I would recommend K-Y grease it up pretty good. if it's wood you could get a knife and whittle the hole round, or maybe whittle the ped square??? Perhaps plus is the hole equal size? If it's bigger it could fit.... I am WAY over thinking this one huh?? Just shove that sucker in there and duct tape it still!! :)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Jan 07
LOL but then you have the issue of dealing with the duct tape etc...I find that smashing things with a hammer does wonders more often than one would expect..and if it doesnt help, the thing was already broken which is why it didnt work in the first place :-D
• United States
6 Jan 07
if there is, i haven't found it yet!!
• United States
6 Jan 07
I never kid about the duct tape!!!!! :)
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
6 Jan 07
Before we descend into something wholly irrelevant, and get too pegantic going round trying to square everybody with everything: Have you considered counseling? Some nice, urbane, genteel gathering, just you, peg, hole, and maybe a posse or so, perhaps with a few Taoists to explain that the hole which can be described isn't the real hole, and a few nice insurers? A further development would be that having proved you need neither peg nor hole to have the problem, that you can now infest both psychology and mathematics with a series of sustainable conundrums. Therefore we can have an entire series of psychological tests on mathematicians, like "Right angle? What do you need a right angle for?" That establishes a lot of new principles in geometry you could work on ...and drive stationers and newsagents to strange and possibly unnatural acts by asking for non-committal setsquares, broadminded protractors, and perhaps a pencil set dedicated to free love. You have an industry in the making here...
• Canada
6 Jan 07
...well, thank you....but where to start! p.s they booted me outa thearapy grup...due to Gov't cut backs!!...LOL! peace
• Canada
6 Jan 07
LOL!...I could'a jut walked out?....HUH!
• Australia
6 Jan 07
Saves time. I walked out on a therapy group. Peace to you, too.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
5 Jan 07
First you have to make sure the square hole is big enough. If that doesn't work get some sandpaper, use it on both peg and hole. Works everytime.
• Canada
5 Jan 07
...i think the sqare hole may just be a wee bit too small...what grade of sandpaper do you reccomend?....LOL thanx fer rok! peace
@balasri (26537)
• India
6 Jan 07
You are blinded by emotions.Have a good look.the hole is not square at all.
• United States
6 Jan 07
Actually if the peg is the same diameter as the square it will fit easily.
• United States
5 Jan 07
Grasshopper.... secret is not to attempt to fit peg into hole, but rather reaalize that there is no peg, nor hole for it to fit into. Then again, if you can't clear your mind to that extent... LUBE LUBE LUBE LUBE... enough of that and you can make it work.
• Canada
5 Jan 07
there may not be a peg or a hole ...BUT...there is always lube!!...LOL! peace, a wise approach! Dissposition
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
No! you can't, forget it. If you don't quit doing it, you either destroy the peg and disform the whole. (not unless the peg is a lot smaller than the hole lol) There are tons of good things in life to waste your efforts on rather than trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Come on!
• Canada
5 Jan 07
LOL LOL!....i got my peg/hole ratio under controll! ....'ya know?!?... does the peg or the hole REALLY deserve having all that uncompfortable stress pushed upon either of them?...the never did anything but try to help us think!...they are helping us!!!...and we just keep on pushing and pushing...and PUSHING!..when will we all learn! this is probably my fav. discussion so far...get'n people to THINK!...and read between the lines of their own lives!....I LOVE LIVING KUNUNDRUMS!...does that make just strange? lol! rok! you ever have to let yer brain "out" for a all by itself, sometimes!?!?....LOL peace Dissposition
• United States
5 Jan 07
The hole is not rally square. It is only an illussion. he peg is not really round. It too is an illussion. There for you place hte peg over the hole. You focus all your attention on the hole and the peg should drop right in. However if for some strange reason this does not work, then you need to start over, place your attention on the peg and see if the hole will then raise up over the top.
• Canada
5 Jan 07
....and the hole and the peg become one. then I could finally sit down on it n take me a break!...LOL! is ALL about FOCUS! thank you for this side door approach...this is music to my ears! peace Dissposition