If final fantasy is real, which of this jobs would you take and why?
January 5, 2007 5:24am CST
The jobs to choose from are soldier, chemist, knight, wizard, archer, monk, time mage, white mage, summoner, lancer, dancer, bard, mathematician, mime, geomancer, or thief? This is from the game final fantasy tactics on playstation one.
7 responses
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
Yes i think i forgot to include ninja job. Yes its good to jump to avoid enemies and their attacks, but you cant help your friends while your up in the air too.
• Philippines
16 Jun 08
yes it is called a dragon spirit. kinda frustrating to if you are revived but do not heal at once.. your enemy might kill you again.
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
10 Jan 07
Final Fantasy Tactics, can I choose the job of Holy Swordsman like TG Cid? Oh, that's too strong. :D Ok, I would go for Monk. Deadly at melee and medium range. Ability to heal HP and MP. One of my favourite settings are:
Job: Monk
Primary Ability : Punch Art
Secondary Ability : Time Magic (Time Mage)
Reaction :Hamedo
Support : Two Swords (Ninja)
Movement : Move+3
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
my favorite setting is for ramza.
ramza (the protagonist) - soldier- basic skill secondary ability- math skill (can use magic without mp,) reaction- counter movement- teleport or fly or move +3
@shigoto (69)
• Indonesia
14 Jan 07
I thought TG Cid was a Templar Knight? It is Agrias that is a Holy Knight.
Monk,nice choice.
You can deal 999 damage bare handed if your level is high.
Though they kinda lack of defensive power since they can only wear light armors.
Chakra is one of Monk's best features
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Summoner. I've always loved the summoner class, I think they have great moves and spells, and they kick butt.
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
I too would like to summon monsters to aid me, looks very cool too. But in ff tactics its so hard to make a summon and consume so much mp. But still a very formidable job against enemies.
@shigoto (69)
• Indonesia
14 Jan 07
I think in FF Tactics,it takes way too long time to cast a strong summon monster. All of those casting end up,like,the target got away.
The only advantage of a summoner is that they can learn Zodiac summon (a secret summon which you can only get it once while you fight Elidibs,the Serpentarius).
@moto47 (555)
• Indonesia
5 Jan 07
I choose THIEF
because you can steal item while hitting the monsters (mug)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
but in fftactics, the thief has no mug ability, well anyway in all final fantasy i think there are mug abilities. thief is cool job too especially if you dont want to spend money to buy item and armors
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
yes its almost like ff5. Yeah i think controlling the earth is cool too. And it doesnt consume any mp if your a geomancer in fftactics.
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I would choose the calculater job because even though they have a slow CT, they are really powerful. I've one many of my battles on FF Tactics through the Math skill. Plus it's like being a sage without consuming MP.
@blindedfox (3315)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Seems like you are a Final Fantasy Tactics lover like me. =) I'd want to be under either the Samurai class or the Ninja class. These characters are cool and has lots of abilities. =) The Lancer class is a good choice too!