A nurse with a tatoo
By crazynurse
@crazynurse (7482)
United States
20 responses
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
13 Jan 07
A tatoo has nothing to do with a persons abbility to proform their trade. A nurse with a tatoo is fine too, however, if it is offensive, it should not be seen in my opinion. A lot of cultures look at tatoos differently. Sometimes it is taken negative, like they are trashy. Others think of it as beauty. So, it may depend on the country and area that she works in too.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
19 Jan 07
If it is an issure, just have the tatoo covered with the uniform. Then is should not bother anyone. Thank you for the best response dear.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Hey jimbo, if my husband and I move to UK, I feel certain I could find a job as a nurse. Could you find him a job? If so, we're on the next boat!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
19 Jan 07
You bring up a very important point here....culture. This is such a hard situation! (I am on a committee to decide what will be done about tattoos)
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Jan 07
It doesn't make the person any less professional in actual fact, but I can see why some people might view it as making the person _seem_ less professional. I don't have any problems with anyone else having a tattoo, honestly. But I do kind of feel that in the workplace it would be better if such things were covered as much as possible. Not just in the case of a nurse or doctor. It also depends on what the tattoo is of! *laugh* ^_^
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
12 Jan 07
ah, shywolf, you have gotten to my point. (and I started this discussion because it is an actual issue where I work and we are trying to decide on a tattoo policy!) What is it about a tattoo, that makes the nurse _seem_ less professional. That seems to be the feeling of most patients also, and we/I am curious as to what it is about the presence of a tattoo that makes a person seem less than professional! I do not personally have a tattoo, but have been asked to assist with development of a policy and it is a much harder task than I had imagined!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Inked, I am proud of the professon. Sadly, the nursing profession has fallen victim to our society who chooses to judge a person on their outward appearance rather than their worth and merit! Because some cry 'offended' when they see a tattoo (of ANY type) there has arisen a 'tattoo policy' mandating that all tattoos be covered. D*mn I don't understand. (policy enacted since thread first started)
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I just don't get the closed-mindedness of people in regards to this subject. Having a tattoo has no bearing on your ability to do your job...do these people think that you are some kind of reformed jailbird or biker that is now nursing. As for offensive..what is offensive to some is art to others, so who actually decided what is or isn't? You have, in my mind, one of the most important, and underappreciated jobs out there...be proud of who you are and what you do.
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@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
5 Jan 07
As long as it is something that is not going to piss people off or anything, it should be okay. My husband was at a military academy that will remained unnamed, and they made him and the other students remove and tattoos that they had before coming. This is the most ridiculous thing ever, not only because tatoos have no bearing on a person's abilities, but because as soon as he graduated and was commissioned, he could get tatoos head to toe! Well, maybe not that much, but he could get more.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Hi and thanks for your reply. The argument at most hospitals and schools of nursing seems to be that one never knows if their tatoo will offend a patient because people are offended by different things so the best thing to do is cover up all tatoos. I agree that tatoos have no bearing on the nurse's abilities. Hard to belive that there would be a patient out there offended by a tatoo of the sun or a dolphin. Now, a tatoo of a swastika, that would be different. What a dilema!!
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@Script (592)
• Australia
5 Jan 07
A tattoo doesn't impact on the ability of a nurse to do her job. Or any other occupation for that matter. I don't agree with a nurse to have to cover up a tattoo they have. The only time I would agree to that is if the tattoo was offensive in any way. But then again, that would be hard because different people are offended by different things.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Hello, yes, I agree that an offensive tatoo should be covered. However, as you so aptly say, what is offensive differs from person to person. So, in this respect, should all tattos be covered as any particular tatoo might be offensive to someone? Or, should we try to guess what might be offensive and only cover up suspicious tatoos?! Just debating here.
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@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
A tatoo is only an art on the body it doesnt make the person less profesionnal. If it's only a small tatoo I don't see why she should hide it. But as for big tatoo I think that some people don't like it, so for a respect of patient they should hide it.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Thanks for your reply. The argument seems to center around whether or not the tatoo is offensive to patients more than the size of the tatoo. However, what is offensive changes from one patient to another. You bring up more food for thought however. I imagine that a very small tatoo would seem less 'in your face' than a very large one!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Hello and welcome to the discussion! I agree with you Jimbo, but I have been assigned the daunting task of developing a tattoo policy at work. What a mess! You say it so well, a patient should worry more about important issues like, 'has that nurse washed his/her hands' and 'is that nurse competent?' As for the institution, they should be more worried about the spread of MRSA and severe understaffing, but they want to waste time devising a tattoo policy! Again, the 'suits' sit in the office and think of more work for the 'ones in the trenches!'
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
23 Jan 07
well jimbo, sadly, the policy was made. All tattoos have to be covered. Nursing has fallen victim to the few in society who cry 'offended' by ANY tattoo. Makes me sick. Yes, I will make certain that if I see any 'suit' (my term for them is much more crude) with a tattoo, I am going to scream loudly about how offended I am. I don't care if it is a tattoo of an angelic baby, I will find some way to be offended!
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@my3busyboys (207)
• United States
19 Jan 07
It is against our policy to have your tattoo visible. I think if its covered that is acceptable.
@my3busyboys (207)
• United States
20 Jan 07
yes, I am a student nurse and I didn't write the policy. I was just sharing how its handled where I work. If you want to work somewhere and that is not allowed, they tell you up front, as well as artificial nails and multiple piercings that aren't allowed. its your choice to accept the job. Now, tattoos may not have anything to do with the nurses ability to care for you, but I work at a religiously affiliated hospital and their dress code may be stricter than somewhere like Starbucks.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I'm a nurse and I have a tattoo, but I chose to have the tattoo in a place that wouldn't show when I'm dressed for work. (It can only be seen if I'm wearing very short shorts or a swim suit) There is still a lot of negative stigma given to people who have tattoo art on their bodies. There's still a lot of people who believe that the only people who get tattoos are low class, or ignorant, or scooter trash mentality. It's not true, obviously, but still a lot of people still think that way. Back when I was in nursing school it was strictly forbidden to have a tattoo where it could be seen, and when I worked at this one hospital we routinely had policemen coming in to have theirs removed because it violated their dress code while in uniform. Times and opinion have changed, but unfortunately all people have not.
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
5 Jan 07
Not at all. Maybe it is a little funny, but if you aregood in your work it doesn't really matter. Did anybody say it to you?
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Hello, No, no one said it to me as I do not have a tatoo. I was just wondering about tatoos on nurses because more and more schools of nursing and hospitals are telling nurses that they have to cover up their tatoos. You are correct that having a tatoo doesn't change whether a nurse is a good or bad at their work. Thanks for your reply!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I do know many facilities require that tatoos be covered, not just in nursing but especially for those. I don't think it makes them any less professional. It's their choice to have one and it doesn't effect their work. Now if it was offensive or in a part of the body that shouldn't be displayed anyways then yes it should be covered. That is just being polite to everyone they work with.
@nanrezhel (43)
• Philippines
21 Jan 07
basically an impression about a nurse is someone who is presentable and with a very good hygiene. they give assitance to ill persons and if they will have a bad impression, their pateints will not follow in their orders.
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
5 Feb 07
i think that some people may not like the tattoos on a nurse. because it is a professional job and you are working with older people and religious people. it may offend someone. i think in a professional field tattoos/piercings should be covered/taken out/replaced with a clear ring etc.
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@fluffleshark (810)
• Ireland
13 Jan 07
I really don't think nurses should have to cover their tatoos, unless they are something that would be generally accepted to be offensive, such as something 'speaking' hate or racism etc. I think that the same rules re tatoos should apply to anyone working in the public sector, not just nurses. If people are offended by someone having a tatoo of an 'inoffensive' nature, then they are probably living in the wrong century lol!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
19 Jan 07
yeah, the word offensive keeps popping up. But if we make a policy that says 'offensive' tattoos must be covered, then we have to define offensive..where does this end!
@mnksmommy (301)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I really do not care one way or another. If my nurse had a tattoo it would not matter. I just want her to do a good job. Obviously, the tattoos should not be vulgar or offenseive if they are in plain view, that could definitely be distracting.
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@mohsin3161 (654)
• Pakistan
13 Jan 07
its her personal matter .doesnot matter for me as long as it doesnot effect her performance.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
19 Jan 07
i think in most professions tatoo's should be covered up during work hours with a bandage or sleeve. i have no problem with nurses or anyone having tatoos, but we were taught that it was just unprofsional to display it duing work. i worked for a theater and some of my friends had to cover up their tatoos with long sleeve shirts. its like a common courtesy. they can't fire you for having a tatoo, but just the same, they may have rules about colerd hair, painted nails and so fourth depending on where you work.
@suscan (1955)
• United States
13 Jan 07
i am not a nurse but I am a Ct tech. I started way long ago. BAck then you wore white uniform,white hose,clear nail polish, even the size of your earrings were mmonitored. I like wearing scrubs and different colors. I don't see anything wrong with a tatoo as long as it is not offensive
@nytrisco (567)
• Philippines
15 Aug 08
I think culture has some impact here coz some countries find tatoo as a taboo thingy and dirty. Some people think that those people with tatoo printed on their body is not nice, are bad, gangsters, or just negative approach and thinking. For me, It is just an art but sometimes it can also portrays one person's way of thinking or attitude. Like my batchmate, he has a tatoo printed on his right upper arm of a thorns with a nurse logo in the middle and it is hidden on his sleeves, It doesn't affect his attitude nor his skills in fact he was one of our brains in our group.