at what age would u prefer to get married???

@dihearted (2688)
January 5, 2007 10:55am CST
marriage the most important discussion in mans life... so what do u think at whats the ryt age for getting married???? or at what age did u get married do u think that was the ryt decission?????
9 responses
@nanhegujral (4632)
• India
6 Jan 07
I am 23 mow and I think I would like to get married by the age of 26 being a boy. I think 26 is a proper age to get married as we are mature and have learnt lot. We should get married by the age where we can stand by ourself and not much of the guideance is required.
@dihearted (2688)
• India
29 Jan 07
ok... thanx for ur reply... have a nice time.
• India
6 Jan 07
for manthe age is 28 and for women 25
@dihearted (2688)
• India
29 Jan 07
ok... thanx for ur reply... have a nice time.
• India
5 Jan 07
Atleast by Quarter of our life i.e. 25 Years we should get married & 23 - 26 the perfect age.
@dihearted (2688)
• India
29 Jan 07
ok... thanx for ur reply... have a nice time.
@tintusam (1168)
• India
2 Feb 07
i am now 22. i would like to marry after i get a good job. i am from an average family. so there is not much responsablities. only thing that i have to concern is that i have to get a good job. i think the age for marriage is 25-26
@naiina (135)
• China
30 Jan 07
boys of age 25 or26 n girls of age 22 or 23..
• United States
30 Jan 07
I think it depends on the person. Everyone matures at different rates, and if you aren't mature enough to care for others more than you care for yourself, a marriage won't work. I've been married twice, I got married at 19, and I was divorced at 22 and remarried right after my 23rd birthday. I wasn't ready for marriage at 19- what I mean to say is that I wasn't mature enough to pick someone to marry that I would really want to spend my life with. And my new husband was WAY more mature than my ex, so that matters too. My ex remarried when he was 25, but he married a 20 year old woman, and from what he and my daughter say, they are already headed for divorce, after less than 2 years. My best friend got a woman pregnant when he was 15, and they got married when he was 16, (she was older) and they have been married a really long time and are really happy. But I think a lot of 16 year old father/husbands don't work out quite THAT well ^_^ My brother plans to wait til he is 30. Thinking about it, that does seem to be a better age than in your 20s. Wait til you have experienced life. Then experience life with someone else.
@rachelcaron (1679)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I just think it depends on the couple and their situation. I was 24, almost 25. I think that was a great age for me. I was old enough that I had been able to do quite a few things (travel, finish studies), but still young enough that I could have kids at a decent age and yet still spend some alone time with my husband.
• India
29 Jan 07
I prefer to get married at 27-29
• United States
29 Jan 07
21-25 in my opion is a good age.