should i accept her????????/
By tariqnawaz
@tariqnawaz (351)
January 5, 2007 11:35am CST
hey friend,i m tariq nawaz from india...i love a girl name as ami..she is from from city..i proposed her and she accepted my wen i m planning to marry her she told me tat c was havving relation ship with his brother in law..i love her and she told me tat her relation was over with his brother in law..but yet i m very confused...should i accept her...can u people give me valuable commit on this...
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45 responses
@shajithusa (41)
• India
1 Feb 07
I can tell you one thing, you never accept her, she can not stop it after your marriege also. if once girls tasted, she can not forget that entire life. So better to give a date for her and make it jolly.
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@sameer2cute (584)
• India
26 Jan 07
Yes i think you should accept her as she has honestly accepted that she had relations with someone else but now she dont have anything like that, so you should accept her as you wont get such a honest partner in your life.
@enemies (739)
• India
24 Jan 07
i have a little lindian in me.but anyway thats not the point.she is ur sister.u should love her nomatter what.iknow u may be real big on ur religion but ur sister should be more important.she is blood.she is something that can never be replaced.Love is a very powerful thing.People can not help but fall in love with someone.even if she tried as hard as she could she wouldnt be able to stop herself.u cant help how u feel.u cant make urself hate someone and u cant make urself love someone what if she has only known the guy for 5months all that should matter is that she is in love and he makes her happy.maybe she ran away cause she was worried about what u and the rest of the family would think.things change.thw world and people ur sister and love happy for her.hope everything works out.
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@tariqnawaz (351)
• India
24 Jan 07
wat r u talking abt the topic clearly before replying....
@tariqnawaz (351)
• India
24 Jan 07
i donot know wether to marry her...or just take some more time...
@tariqnawaz (351)
• India
8 Jan 07
i m going to accept her...marry her soon...thank for yr responces...
@yadavyuvi (138)
• United States
6 Jan 07
yes you should if you really love her.
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@netpal_arti (75)
• India
6 Jan 07
Hey man u should accept her only in a condition if you would be able to forget all that happen in her past.... otherwise no mean to accept her and always make her realise that you have done a great favour for her by marry her...
only this can make your life happy. so be honest to yourself before concluding any decision..
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@metalloid666 (35)
6 Jan 07
seems like the girl is more confused than u...dont marry her.
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@neoarvind (22)
• India
6 Jan 07
For heaven sake, make this decision of you own buddy! don't listen to other people opinions on this. Because, once u have made the decion then u will be in a point of no return!At the same time, please do some basic test on her to see if she is really crazy about you or not....Never and never regret your relationship once you have made!
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@tariqnawaz (351)
• India
8 Jan 07
i think...u r right...but i hv made it now..goin to marry her soon....
@mariver101 (162)
• Indonesia
6 Jan 07
she's a little bit confusing...maybe you should reconcider about marrying her..Even though she alresady told you yhe truth,this can be happen again in the future..
@tariqnawaz (351)
• India
8 Jan 07
she told me tat it was just an accident...i love her and tat more dan to forgive her..i m marrying her soon...
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
6 Jan 07
If what the first person said as a response in this discussion is true, they you are lieing just to get responses and that is really sad.
In the end though if you are telling the truth, no way in the world should you marry her, she is a cheater (but then are you also based on the response the one person gave on here)
@tariqnawaz (351)
• India
8 Jan 07
yes he is telling truth...i m having brain tumor...dis is my friends problem...actually i m at home wanted to help him..i donot wanted to make him unhappy..
@mirage1984 (27)
• India
6 Jan 07
can you accept her thats the question,she have been truthfull to you she did what was right know its your turn talk to here and tell that you find it difficult if she loves you then she should help you get over it and same for you if your love is real then you will get over
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@umerasif (532)
• Pakistan
6 Jan 07
Since she has been truthful to you and told you about her relationship in the past. Her honesty goes to show that she is being sincere with you and you should accept here. I am sure that you yourself also have skeletons in your closet, so you should realize how much courage it takes for a girl to admit her faults and try to make a fresh start. In my opinion you should accept her and be honest with her as well since that is what she is doing with you right from the start. Best of luck
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@pb08aw0168 (400)
• India
6 Jan 07
if she says tht her relation with him is over and u think she is reliable, then go marrry her
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@mahen15 (23)
• India
6 Jan 07
I say if u stil love her...then her relationship wid her broter in law shud not be a problem...n becoz she herself told u about the relationship..i think u shud try to maintain ur closeness wid her for some time n see if u r comfortable...if u feel OK then marry her otherwise tell her bye..thts all i wud do if i were u..
@tariqnawaz (351)
• India
24 Jan 07
i m very confused....should i really accept her...wat had u done if u were in my place.............