Should Mylot charge some amont to register???

January 5, 2007 4:15pm CST
we have seen many users unnecessarily spamming ....the discussion should have some importance for the other users. we alll are here to express out thoughts and gain some knowledge....earning money is secondary....
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10 responses
@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I think there is a lot of people on here to earn money. What you may not find important or interesting others may like. That is what makes this a great site. We are all different.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Jan 07
I completely agree with you. My lot monitors things and they will eventually get banned from the site. What I do is report abuse so these guys don't ruin it for the rest of us and I let My lot take care of it
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
6 Jan 07
I do not think that is advisible and workable. There are lots of forums which have free memberships and which are paying for posting discussions and responses. Therefore to have continuous flow of members, mylot should remain free for all.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Jan 07
No I don't think they should and with so many Spam Sites about People would not register as they would not be sure if they are going to loose their Money also a lot of People here are now reporting the Spammers so as long as long as we keep that up I think we will keep on top of the Spammers
1 person likes this
• Canada
6 Jan 07
I think MyLot should remain free.
@goldjay (465)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I think a lot of GOOD users would not join if there was a fee. I know that I would not join if I had to pay. I am not necessarily here just to earn money. I really do enjoy the cnversations and the ability to ask questions when I have them but I would not pay for that right.
@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
6 Jan 07
More people joined more better for mylot, for spammer don't worry on them fast or late mylot will caught them, we can help to by reporting if we find someone cheating on mylot.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
5 Jan 07
I can understand the benfits in what you suggest, mainly because it would stop people treating the site so lightly. Sadly, it is not likely to work. Most prospective members would be unlikely to pay for the use of a site that they do not know. People would also be liable to suspect a scam if money was required. Basically, Mylot would cease to be a popular forum very quickly.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
5 Jan 07
i think eventually mylot will do that, but it would certainly put me off and i have a feeling it would put many others off too
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
5 Jan 07
No I don't think the site should charge you to register. A lot of people wouldn't even bother to check the site out if it wasn't free. Also, how could you set a fair amount to charge every one. In the US and some countries $5 - $10 is a very small amount but there are countries out there where that is a week's pay.