what u think about big difference of age in one couple?

January 5, 2007 4:22pm CST
u can have a partner whit 30 years older than u? u think that love can exist in that relationship ?
4 responses
• United States
5 Jan 07
Love can overcome all barriers. It depends on the couple and how they deal with it. If you are happy and in love that is great! Who cares about the age difference
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
5 Jan 07
Quite true. It can be love at first sight or love that can grow with time. The most important thing is to have the same interests and be able to share the things you care about together throughout life.
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
love like sunset it's magical - love like sunset, it's magical!
Love sees no boundaries and understands. Love is good. Love is patient. It grows. And it is never in doubt!so i believe their is love in it.
• India
5 Jan 07
truly love knows no age!
5 Jan 07
I was in a relenship for 14 years with a guy that was 15 years older than myself. We spent 14 years togther and when we got together i was 16 years old and he was 31 years old, we have 2 children together i dont think that the age difference bothered us, It is who you are as people age is just a number, I cant see why it should bother people if one is older than the other, if you are together and you get on and you are happy than that is all that should matter, I am now seeing someone who is 4 years younger than me, i am now 31 nearly 32 and he is 28 and it does not bother my boyfriend that i am older than him infact we are happy together and that is how is should be with two people that want to be together, that is all that matters is if you two are happy or not?