The Neighbors have 13 CARS
By sillygirlsd
@sillygirlsd (959)
United States
January 5, 2007 6:33pm CST
So the 2 houses next to mine are 2 2bedroom houses. They are rented by 2 families. The first house has 6 people living in it and they own or have 8 cars. The second house is also a 2 bedroom and has 2 adults and 3 children and they have 5 cars. They all have to park in the street. All DAY and All NIGHT they go outside and save parking for eachother. They even save parking in front of MY house. My bf went and spoke the the father of the 1st house that has 8 cars and told him that it's called "common courtesy" to leave room for others and the mom came out yelling out some bf couldn't understand her. The reason he went over there to talk to the father was because my bf is sick and tired of parking 2blocks away! I know I've ranted about these damn people before but what wouldyou do in this situation? We have so many problems with them it's not even funny! We've been unable to get a hold of the landlord!
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65 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Jan 07
Why on earth does a family of six people own eight cars? Are they running a used car sales business? The same goes for the other side, I guess... perhaps they're partners? lol.
Sorry, I don't mean to poke fun; I'm just trying to lighten the situation a bit because I don't know American laws to well.. I'm a Brit. However, I think it grossly unfair of your neighbours to park in front of your house, when you need space to park your own car. Do you have a local council or something, or a citizen's advice bureau you could go to, to sort out your rights?
Failing either of these, I would put in a small, domestic complaint to the police. Maybe they can give some sort of a warning to your neighbours. I'm really not sure how your laws work, as I said before, and here, I don't know that it would happen. I think your husband did the right thing in trying to sort it out amicably, but that seems to have failed and I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to try a second time.
I can't believe that these people are in rented property but able to afford so many cars... it's amazing! Maybe there's some violation of public rights here or something. You really need to get advice from somebody. I know it sounds a petty argument but it's hardly fair your husband having to park two blocks away. It kind of defeats the benefits of having a car.
I wish you luck in sorting this out. I hope you don't have too bad a time of it.
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@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
6 Jan 07
Either they have a lot of money to throw or they just like to show off. Its time somebody taught them manners though.
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
6 Jan 07
Sometimes it is only the police that has to do the abitration. Which is a sad relection of some society that have no regard to other peoples feelings. I have seen other people that have taken drastic mesures to solve this type of problem and believe me it is not a pretty site when a car is left burning by the roadside!

@teenal (1400)
• Dublin, Ireland
6 Jan 07
I dont know what the law is where you live but in most countries it is illegal to park in front of someones house if you are blocking their access (if you have a driveway they cant park across it) but you can park on the street outside if there is no driveway.
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I had the same problem, the house next to mine had 4 teenagers and they all had their own car, plus the 2 the parents operated. Here, I am in a wheelchair and cant get into my own gate because they parked there!However, we were told by the police and the county there is no law saying they cant park in front of our house, that the streets are not private property, but public domain, so they were in the right! We also could not put our own "No Parking" signs up, because they were not legal signs. But one nice policeman told me it WAS against the law t0 block a gate/entrance into someone's property and told the family this.
It did last long. They measured our gate and began parking exactly the distance from pole to pole (36") to allow the gate open entrance, but we still couldnt park there. Finally a counselwoman told me to apply for a handicapped space to be measured and placed in front of our house with signs that had a $100.00 fine for violators. I applied and it took 6 months, but the county came and made the spaces (I got 2!) in front of our house. Those people were outraged! They had to park 2 blocks away and walk! We took an extra empty space in front of our house just sitting there unused! Its not fair! -- They found a way. They began 'borrowing' 2 handicap car tags from someone and took the spaces again. This time the police had them - the tags are marked with the owner's ID and you better be handicapped using them! The teenagers were caught and the parents fined $2000.00 for "fraudent usage of a government utility". A year later they moved, but we still enjoy our "private parking" and the notoriarity of having the only government-backed residential handicap parking in our small town. LOL
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@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
My dad has handicapped parking parents live on the other side of them and if it wasn't for the handicapped sign they would take up the parking in front of his house! I should tell my dad to get a sign put infront of my house and ill use his sign to park there! I think that's what I'll have to do! :)
They used to block my drive way...You know if some one partially blocked it for a few hours I didn't really care but when the dummies next door started leaving the cars their over night or all day my bf started calling the cops one of the neighbors got a ticket! These people don't care unless the cops come!

@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
Well if talking to them doesn't help...and you can't find the landlord...then I would take it to the local concellor/ for your district...and explain the situation. That is what these elected officials get paid listen to the publics demands. Explain your situation...and I am sure something can be done. Who needs that many vehicles to begin with...that is absurd.
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@madmax2crazy (1569)
• United States
6 Jan 07
if you have clearly marked parking spots and they in it have them towed away. If you don't have clearly marked parking slots get the landlord to mark them or get the spaces surveyed so if they parking on or in front of your property you can get them hauled off.
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@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I live in a house. They live in apartments. There is no way I can have the street marked to save parking for myself because its public parking.
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
6 Jan 07
Why the hell would any family need so many cars?! There's over 1 for every person!..just ridiculous. I suppose you could file a complaint with the local authorities, or maybe get some ballards and put them outside your house in order to save a space for your own car..though your neighbours may move them.
Or maybe one day you should take up one of the spaces outside their houses and see how they like it!
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
emisle...I haven't looked up to see what we could do about it! We have been trying to get in contact with the owner to see if he can do anything about it!
well let me tell you what cars they have and who drives them!
By the way everyone in the house hold is over the age of 18!
The dad drives 3 OLD trucks and a van that's NEVER driven
The oldest son has a mustang and a escalade
The middle son has a eclipse
Then they all drive the explorer
By the way the Mother and the daughter and the youngest son don't have DL! and yet they drive the cars. The only way that they would get in trouble is if they were caught by the police! I can't call and make a compliant unless a cop sees them actually driving!
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
no they are not rich! they have been renting a 2 bedroom for 13 yrs...that has given them plenty of time to save money to BUY a HOUSE but instead they buy used cars(too many of them!). Thanks for the comment!
@banta78 (4326)
• India
6 Jan 07
It happens In India also especially in cities that people that can't afford a house and live in rented properties are trying to show off their wealth by parking cars in front of houses of their neighbours. I think since talking them has failed and they don't seem nice people who don't seem to have little respect for others rights. i think you should compalin to your residential welfare association so that the whole colony as whole get hold of the landlord and make him eapologise to you and so that you can get rid of your rented neighbours. if that doesn't work then lodge complaint in your local police station against them or go to consumer court for breach of your rights, yoru parking space which rightfully yours and how it is affecting your life. good luck and hope yur problem gets sorted out soon.
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@banta78 (4326)
• India
6 Jan 07
It happens In India also especially in cities that people that can't afford a house and live in rented properties are trying to show off their wealth by parking cars in front of houses of their neighbours. I think since talking them has failed and they don't seem nice people who don't seem to have little respect for others rights. i think you should compalin to your residential welfare association so that the whole colony as whole get hold of the landlord and make him eapologise to you and so that you can get rid of your rented neighbours. if that doesn't work then lodge complaint in your local police station against them or go to consumer court for breach of your rights, yoru parking space which rightfully yours and how it is affecting your life. good luck and hope yur problem gets sorted out soon.
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@cliffcliff (1350)
• United States
6 Jan 07
sounds to me like they are immigrants living with more than onr family in a house. I mosr cases this is not legal. There is a such thing as zoning, you should contatct the city planning and zoning board and bring the subject to their attention, there may also be a limit to cars per housenold. They also my be selling cars. This is a problem tell the authorities.

@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
That's our next step trying to get someone from Immigration to come get at least 3 of the people that live there. I know that at least 3 of them are illegal!
@Mommytwink (90)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Immigrants are a big problem here. 3 house I know of over 15 people living therein each. But not many cars.Most park in garages or in there back yard. City here stated so many sq feet per person.

@sabrina_sush (34)
• India
6 Jan 07
may be u shud try telling them once again n if they dont listen telling the cops would be a better option
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@Reviver (339)
• Romania
6 Jan 07
in Sri Lanka people don't go around buying cars for fun and in some families the car is part of the wealth inherited from your grand father. But a family of 6 having 8 cars (2 in excess) and undergoing the troubel and hassle with parking is something strange. You buy a car to make life convenient for you not to make it hard for you. Are they running a car hire business by any chance. Do all the cars move out or are 2 cars always seen parked there. This calls for court action.
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@mrgoodweather (8)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
start slashing tires! (kidding) we had that problem once when we lived in the city we knew plates on the vehicles wern't right after him having to get his cars out of impound a few times he found a new home for them! so check them out at least when you phone parking control tell them you think the plates dont match they should come check it out!!
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
Hello sillygirlsd;
This is rediculous and you shouldn't have to park two blocks away. There is something not right with this picture and I would continually try to reach the landlord.
Problem is what is the landlord going to do? Does the landlord also rent the other homes with all the cars?
I am shocked at your post. Wondering why they need so many cars.. Weird.
I have a suggestion.
What you do, so to at least send a message if nothing else and may only need to be temporary is get two saw horses and some Survey tape.
Set them up out side your house far enough apart to match the length of your car.
Even put a sign on it saying "Private Parking" "Do Not Remove". Then when you need the spot simply pull up, get out and move the saw horses up a bit and the other back a bit and park. When you leave st them back up.
If you have a video camera that works on motion, set it up for when you go out in case they move it. Just in case bacause is there not something your local municipality can do?
Is there not some sort of law for street parking in your area?
Failing that continue to reach the management. You could contact City Hall and complain.
I can't see you left without any recourse. This is truly the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. Surely there is something you can do about it.
What do the other neigbours do who also have to park a couple blocks away because of these people?
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Yup....basically if your off to work and come home they have taken or saved up all the spaces for themselves. If it wasn't for our RV that we recently put on the street we would still be parking 2 miles away! We have to move the RV sometime this week before we get a ticket for not moving it!
@tlex107250 (667)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Contact the village or city that you live in. They probably have an ordinance regarding the amount of vehicls that they have, along with how many people can live in a 2 bedroom home. If you don't want to go this route yet, then contact the owner(s) of the homes, and let him know what is going on, and let him take care of it. If the owner(s) don't do anything, then let the village/city deal with the landlord(s).
@onlyme123 (124)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Have these people been a nuisance in any other way, like noisy at night, trash outside the house, etc.? Because if they are a nuisance to the neighborhood, you can call your local police to mediate. How do your other neighbors feel about this? I'm sure they have to park 2 blocks away too. If your neighbors and you can band together, you'll have more power.
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
all of the above!!! They have parties(not as much as before) all underage! the parents let them! when the mom cuts the grass she throws the rocks to our yard...and this past week on trash day...YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!!! my bf picked up trash from the street and threw it in their can.....the next day we noticed the same trash he threw in your yard!!! Who in the HELL goes around taking trashout of the city issued trashcans and throwing it in peoples yard!?!?!?! I hate them so much!
@celestial_fantasia (620)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Well, accidently leave nails under the tires both front and back. Unfortunatly it is a public street so they are aloud to park there, but some how "mysteriously" shop objects tend to end up there. Or, this will take alot of time on your guys part. When one of them leaves make sure you park there, then leave your car there. Heck, I would borrow a friends car or rent one for a few days just to get the point across. If your yard has a tree, make sure a big branch breaks the window. I know these are immature, however you may get the point accross!
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I've thought about doing that too....but I'm scared our 1 car might get nailed also! and that wouldn't be funny! Unfortunatly I don't have a big tree! but I do have lots of rocks in my yard!lol!
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I've thought about doing that too....but I'm scared our 1 car might get nailed also! and that wouldn't be funny! Unfortunatly I don't have a big tree! but I do have lots of rocks in my yard!lol!
@jonezy (293)
6 Jan 07
if you wanted to make a point then park a huge white transit van infront of their window... but of course this would be stooping to their level. what you could do is apply to the traffic police or goverment, i forget which department it is. to get a white line put outside your house, this will provide room for one car, or room to get onto a dropped curb and onto a parking space in your front garden. a white line will cost you 250 pound once you have permission, otherwise you need a dropped curb which is more costly and then a driveway.
but if you get any of these and then they still park there then you can simply call out a clamping company. they will come straight away because its going to be money for them, then if it isnt payed and removed then the car can be towed, problem solved!
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
7 Jan 07
as soon as they move their cars my bf plans on putting our RV infront of their house so they have no parking and parking his truck infront of our house so they have no choice but to park 2 blocks away like we have been doing......they have already gotten a ticket for one of their cars the cop told them the car has to be driven 2 miles every 3 days so they don't get ticketed!
@angelashupe (343)
• United States
10 Jan 07
As long as their cars are interrupting your ability to park, you have a right to complain. I would recommend continuing to try contacting their landlords until you get ahold of someone. Your best chance of getting something done is by talking to their landlord(s). If in the end the landlord isn't helping, try calling and asking your local police what can be done. Maybe they can do something about it.