does snoring aloud mean that the person has some problem???

@swasti (1157)
January 6, 2007 7:33am CST
well my mother -in-law snores aloud very time sleeps. he is can it be that she is snoring aloud because of it?? also does snoring aloud mean that u hav a problem??
7 responses
6 Jan 07
really the only problem is sleepin and eardrum problems:
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@swasti (1157)
• India
6 Jan 07
hey thats true....iam asking if any othr serous probs
8 Jan 07
it is!!!
• India
10 Jan 07
Well, some say it's a disorder I don't know how far it is true. I also snore but not very loud that others get disturbed. This was told by my roomate. But when I used a better pillow little higher than the normal one, my snoring went away completely. I would suggest you to make her use of a pillow which is higher than the normal ones he uses. Hope it helps him.
@swasti (1157)
• India
10 Jan 07
hey it is a good info.
@mcarps79 (1262)
• Uganda
8 Jan 07
Yes that is the problem realted to breathing. I think some breathing meditation will control bhastrika pranayam....any pranayam can control this type of issue....
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@swasti (1157)
• India
8 Jan 07
oh good.this is a new advice i habve heard. i thought there was no solution to this problem.
• India
10 Jan 07
snoring occurs when your nose cant get all the air that you need when you air intake occurs through mouth.taking good exercise walk help you t control snoring
6 Jan 07
iam sure your mother in law wont be happy, but hey i have the same problem i still live at home with mum and dad, you can hear my mum snore from two bedrooms away, i dont mind grassing on her lol, but sleeping in our house only seems to have gone a drift. my dad often sleeps down stairs, i really dont blame him but no matter were we go in the house you can still hear her, lol :]
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@hasseyg (312)
10 Jan 07
No but it is most probably a breathing problem or something.
• India
10 Jan 07
What I feels that if one snoring aloud means one has no problem and enjoying a depth of the sleep.