Christianity and Islam Religions is Younger Than Hinduism
@researchscholar (2218)
September 30, 2006 12:58pm CST
Jesus said he is the angel and even nobody sees allah. That to Jesus born only 2000 years back only. Allah even didn't born. How can we believe him. Before Jesus who is your god. But Popes are criticising everybody. Hindu gods are born previously some lakhs of years back only and study the geetha that to Hinduism is full of scientific culture. See the civilization of sindhu and each civilization of hindus. So You Must respect elder religions.
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27 responses
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
30 Sep 06
Jesus is God and has been around for eternity. Jesus/God/Holy Spirit are all one God... but yet they are individual. God is spirit, physical through Jesus (human form). Holy Spirit is the spirit of God within us and present with God at same time, Yet they are all part-in the same. That's the best I can explain it right now...... God/Jesus/HolySpirit created Adam and Eve.....From the Bible's account other religions did develop because people rejected the true God. God created us with freewill, hoping we would choose to love him on our own. What good is it if he forced us to..God's plan was to alow humanity to live with freewill and choose to love him.
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@raj_k4101 (65)
• India
11 Oct 06
undoubtedly his hollynes jesus was son of God but he wasn't god himself and he was the one among greatest messangers of God on earth. we have full right for debates on our ideas but misuse the statements delivered by spirits for betterment of mankind. his hollyness jesus never said that he was God almighty.

@raj_k4101 (65)
• India
11 Oct 06
if you want to show your concern, better to give details. just getting agreed with other or following other is not life. have your stand and say it loudly

@Lackingstyle (7509)
15 Oct 06
The core of all religion is usually the same. The time-line of the religions are loose in my mind right now until I go look them up though I realise they are the younger two.
People will defend whatever they believe and I feel when it comes to religion people shoot in the dark, with little backing from facts.
Although I don’t see how a religion like Christianity can ever split, surely it’s the fact some-human-with or without the guidance of that God decided all that went before was wrong and created his own? Doesn’t it just create a internal rift rather than working together with one aim.

@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
15 Oct 06
I think the strength in Hinduism is the fact that it seems to absorb thing and everyone. It's like when Islam splits into Shia and Sunni or when Christianity splits into Catholic and Protestant there is blood shed and both sides of the same religion cannot get along. With the Hindu's they've somehow managed to avoid this split - think its a question of management

@capricornian (22)
• India
11 Oct 06
Hinduism is considered to be the oldest living religion in the world. Unlike many other religions, Hinduism has no single founder, and there is no clerical hierarchy of the type found in some religions, such as the Roman Catholic Church. Hinduism looks to a large number of religious texts developed over many centuries that contain spiritual insights and provide practical guidance for religious life. Among such texts, the ancient Vedas are usually considered the most authoritative. Other scriptures include the eighteen Puranas, and the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana that date back to several thousands of years. The Bhagavad Gita, which is contained within the Mahabharata, is a widely studied teaching that is said to contain, in distilled form, the highest truths of the Vedas.
Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, with approximately 1 billion adherents (2005 figure), of whom approximately 890 million live in India. Other countries with large Hindu populations include Nepal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Fiji, Guyana, and Indonesia. Fifteen million Hindus live in Bangladesh, 2 million in Pakistan, million in the United Arab Emirates, and 1.4 million in the United States.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
11 Oct 06
I think the problems between the three monothestic faiths has always been a question of interpretation and where things end. It's ironic because Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim to worship the same God and have more problems with each other than with Hinduism and Buddhism. It's particularly ironic because if you think about it, the Jews and Muslims are the most similar to each other in terms of their practices - both circumcise, don't eat pork etc and yet as in the example of the ME are doing the most to kill each other.
I think Hinduism has survived with a certain doctrinal flexibility (Though a few untouchables in the cast system would beg to differ) - Hinduism has survived by absorbing various faiths into their own. When Buddhism came about and became competition, the Hindu's turned him into a reincranation of Vishnu, when Christianity came about - Christ became a revered figure in Hinduism - you got to hand it to the Hindu's for being able to absorb everyone else into their own.
@raj_k4101 (65)
• India
11 Oct 06
God is not bound to any religion. religion means to me is region bound culture & conventions. different areas geographically with different system of life followed by religious system called later on.God is ultimate unifying force, ever existing beyond explanations of human and which cann't be understood by words.
no question arises which religion says what.
all human race believe in single faith that god is only allmighty, creator of this world.
i have never seen any religion defying it
so where question arises that which one is right or wrong
as well as seniority is concerned none can be senior than god. then who else can decide except god about others junior to Him
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
12 Oct 06
I once worked for a guy who said that he felt that religion is the root of all evil, while spirituality is the root of goodness. I think I'm starting to understand that now.
@Bugsey (775)
• United States
21 Oct 06
suitsme - i agree because lile you, i profess no religion! what i have is a relationship with Jesus. Religion is what men does to reach God which ALWAYS is inadequate or direly lacking. CHRISTIANITY is God reaching to save men by grace (free gift), that is why the gospel is called "the good news!"
@zahir_dk (1693)
• India
13 Oct 06
Even if Allah needs to get birth than whats the difference between human being and Allah....And whereas it comes to respect, its not only that the elder one should be respected. You seem to be sick in saying tht, you should respect each religion in this world, its ok that you dont follow all but respect each and every religion.
@researchscholar (2218)
• India
15 Oct 06
Here i didn't critisize any religion. I am telling the facts that's all
@hariholla (413)
• India
13 Oct 06
iSLAM AND CHRISTIANITY are born out of converting people from other faiths.Whereas Hindusim is original.The Hindu reliion was not born out of convertions.I think judism is also another religion which did not convert people of other faiths.
@fizza10 (1718)
• Pakistan
30 Sep 06
it is an accepted fact by all religious,peoples etc....that there is was and always be an eternal u can name Him...Allah,Jesus,Bhagwan or anything u want.......even your wayz of worship can be different in respect to your religion but this doesn't mean that only your God is on the right path or is the eternal truth n the believe of the rest is poor.....Adam and Eve were the first humans in this the God they worshipped was the real as time proceeded people came up with different faiths and sects.....yet, this doesn't mean that the God has changed with peoples thinkings.....n yes my friend, v all respect each others religions here.....except a few who turn up now n then too weaken the strength of brotherhood n love here....but that's all invain Smiles :)
@fizza10 (1718)
• Pakistan
11 Oct 06
no muslims are not terrorists at all.....and nor are christians.....both these religions have the same roots...but are some what divided....only it's due to a bunch of non religious,(who initially don't have any religion at all have started calling themselves muslims,and due to it even the true causes of muslims are called as terrorists and are declined)same goes with christians there are certain ppl who prefer to fill poison about them in's all a part of politics and as the doers have succeeded in gaining their targets innocent ppl are fighting over it...we all have forgotten that there is a 3rd party involved in commiting all this and we have to catch them rather than blaming each other...if you're a hindu u'd call ur religion as the best...if i'm a muslim i'd call mine as the best...if we have any christians here they'd call their's as the can't make anyone believe on your belief but yes we should all respect each other....
@dhilchrist (62)
• India
13 Oct 06
I think I've unravelled what you've posted, enough to make a response anyway. The Vedas are the oldest scriptures but the point of all scripture is that it contains, in essence, the way to acheive liberation from our base animal nature and embrace the divine. It doesn't really matter how old it is as long as it does this to the satisfaction of the practitioner. Scripture is the foundation of religion, it is this which should be respected, regardless of which religion.
@sandeep7 (454)
• India
13 Oct 06
islam is a primitive religion,it cant be treated as a religion nowadays.its an idea like racism.its dealing with terrorism only.
christianity is a scientificaly propogated religion.if der is hunger any wer in the world ,they wil send missanaries to help them...
hinduism dont do this ..thatswhy its no is reducing..
@sandeep7 (454)
• India
13 Oct 06
islam is a primitive religion,it cant be treated as a religion nowadays.its an idea like racism.its dealing with terrorism only.
christianity is a scientificaly propogated religion.if der is hunger any wer in the world ,they wil send missanaries to help them...
@somesh1984 (1295)
• India
13 Oct 06
i dont know ...i have never seen...sorry i was born only in 1984..........
@UmairCooL (27)
• Pakistan
13 Oct 06
Hinduism is not a religion.its a myth of humankind.They dont have any messenger n Holy book of God.y Hindus have lots of stone gods do u still belive in stone gods in 21st century.
There is no comperision u made wrong discussion.
Islam is last n complete religion. Nomore Messenger & Holy book of God.coz its the EMD time of the world i mean JUDGEMENT DAY cuming soon.GOD GIVEME
@grreattomas (542)
• Pakistan
16 Oct 06
can you tell me when we put water on a floor where it goes and if it evaporates how would you know that. Can you tell me what's the shape of fire. when the earth is emerged from water from where the soil came. we are made up of soil, water and fire then can you answer these questions. what's our existence? there is somebody who have created us Jesus was also made up of these things how can he make himself. when you can not answer the above questions how will you be able find God? how can i worship any idol which is man made if i want i can break that then what that God will do. He is only my Allah who has created the skies and earth. and also created you and me of different school of thoughts. And we can not do anything against him but if you ask him for something he will give you that, and he will respond to you.
@ajith4action (6)
• India
20 Oct 06
It doesnt matter which religion is young or elder, or which came first and left! what matters is your devotion to the religion you follow, given you are not a fanatic. taking factual accounts we can find that hinduism existed long before christianity and islam . But that doesnt diminish the importance of other religions. Religions are different paths we take to reach God.
@jessclarenz (75)
• India
11 Oct 06
Jesus didnt come into existence only after His birth He was around since the beginning of the dateless past Hey ramayana is just an epic (story) isn't it
@raj_k4101 (65)
• India
11 Oct 06
ramayam isn't a fake story. untill you have some proof to prove your words you shouldn't challange anything. in this world what so ever you cann't see doesn't mean that not existing
@Wellwisher (104)
• India
16 Oct 06
Hinduism is the root of all popular religions. Check out: Actually there's no conflicts between religions. All say the same thing.