computer operating system-----------BEST--------------------
By luvboy
@luvboy (63)
January 6, 2007 12:41pm CST
* It depends on several things:If you're heavy into Gaming I would say that Windows XP would be your best choice, provided that you download all of the Updates. If you're looking for a stable Desktop Enviroment, I would reccomend Mandrake Linux, or Red Hat Linux.If you want a Stable Server, Slackware Linux or a BSD/Unix Distro would be your best bet.
* Windows would be the best for me. I use a Mac at college and, to be honest, it is heavily unreliable on a network, where as windows handles networking easily. Windows also likes games where as Macs tend not too and the single click is very bad for FPS.Macs are better for producing graphics and artistic things. With photoshop and illustrator both on the PC, I find Macs are just lagging behind windows.
* Windows 98 is trusted by most of people because it is the most bug free and virus free microsoft operating system, but as with the flow, windows xp becomes suposedly better. 98 is more stable than all the others, including apples osx ,etc.Windows 98 is also the easiest to understand.Windows 98 SE is the best Windows gaming system, not only can you play virtually all old DOS games, but it can handle most of the newer ones too.
* Mac has always been strong and grows everyday. Since the release of OSX the war has been over. Sure PC's have the majority that is easy to see, but macs have the superiority its plain and simple to any computer knowledgeable person. Anyone who understands the architecture behind a computer and its operating system will easily recognize OSX as the best. The unix core makes the system outstandingly reliable, the GUI is unmatched because of how crisp and resource savvy it is. As for Gaming, yeah because of programmers it doesn't have as much support but that doesn't mean it can't handle the latest games with the best graphics. For example, World of Warcraft, a new game with mac support runs beautifully on my Mac machine. The ability is there the support is not, the system still stands as the best. A few years ago compatibility issues among productivity software could have been an issue but if your still holding onto that there is no need, a Mac will do anything Microsoft Office will throw at it and just as well and 100% compatible with the rest of the world. As for the networking problems, I have found non as a network administrator, they are very friendly and easily configurable. They are also the only systems I have seen with standard gigabyte ethernet on new machines. I can search for a flaw and not find one in the system, maybe only in the support by the rest of the world. The fact remains 90% of the world is on a PC, and change psychologically is rarely liked. Bill Gates simply took his very similiar software for use of nicer terms and released it first. He worked with Steve Jobs and did a bad thing.The winds of change are coming, but for all the PC users who swear by their machine, I challenge you only to try the OSX platform, and really try it with earnest, you cannot be dissapointed in the system itself, it is the best operating system and I'm sticking to it.
* Best UNHACKABLE Operating System is for over 25 years OPENVMS.It's relaible, unhackable, scalable.And you don't need a whole classroom full of System Managers to maintain it....
* The best OS is (for the casual user) MicroSoft's Windows XP. OSX isn't for somebody that just wants to use the internet and play solitare. The only place for a Mac is in photo, sound, and video editing. Most games don't and will NOT have an UNIX build. So unless you want to get stuck with inferior programs, use windows. Liunx is good for having the ability to have full controll over EVERYTHING, but finding decent software is a challenge, not to mention... drivers. To compile a kernel will take a lot more knowledge then what the average user has. Try giving the ALPHA OS, Windows Longhorn a spin. Then tell me that Mac is the best, if it's coming along so well in it's alpha, wait until its release in 06. OCX won't be able to touch it. In short, Stick with Windows.
* I have used mac my entire life until a year ago, and I promise I will never go back.Although it doesn't have all the problems with the programming, I have found it much harder to do everything on mac and I love to build computers and I can't find parts for mac.
* The specs of "Best" will be depend on what are you doing with your computer and how good you are in it.For example, if you are a newbie to computer then operating system made by Microsoft will be best suit you. However, if you are really in to networking stuff then I think Unix or Linux (the OS with the suffix *nix) will be nice ... Therefore, i will say there is no good or bad OS .. just that how you will like to use it and what spec you will expect out of it that's matter.
* The best operating system is MEPIS Linux. I own a small computer services business and have sold many custom pc's with MEPIS Linux installed. I install MEPIS Linux on the many Laptops that I resell. Installation and configuration is fast because MEPIS Linux includes support for many wireless and graphics cards. My customers are very happy and I save them hundreds of dollars. Compare spending $200 on XP Pro, $500 on Office 2003, and even more for all the antivirus software you will need. Why not save money by using MEPIS Linux which includes Open Office. Of course it's not all about saving money. My customers also like never having to worry about virus's, trojens, etc.
* OSX because it is a solid operating system that is virtually unhackable, and it can run a virtual pc so if you need certain things that are pc only, you can run them with no risks of getting a virus that will screw up your computer scince your running two os's so you can asily fix your virtual machine and there are modes on virtual pc which allow you to save a pc's state so if you get a virus, you can just revert to when you didnt.
* Between Windows XP and Max OS X, it is mostly market dominated to which OS to go with. Personally I have both, because I need both to serve my needs and therefore I prefer both. Windows XP is full of conflicts. It allows programming prractices that are for all intents and purposes, poor. They are much to blame for adware, spyware, key logging, and many of the defective activation routines built in modern day software. They have. however done some things right in making programming easier for gaming platforms. Microsoft has slick down, and they know what they are doing. Windows XP has the best game support (as in vendors willing to make games for their platform), and application base between the two. Mac OS X is stable, contrary to what you read here. It is Darwin at the core, and a very stable unix write of Mac OS. The fact is, when you have 10% of the market share, it's hard to get the world to invest in your OS. That means a much greater burden must be carried by Apple to support these devices themselves. Windows XP definately has better hardware support. But with Macs you just have to know what to buy. I use my Mac for security online, and the peace of mind that Mac OS X will require authentication prior to allowing any changes to system sensitive files. The next version of Windows will have a locked down Kernel, so I expect Windows to become a much safer operating system in the future. Why is Windows leading? In my opinion, it's hardware. Mac has locked down hardware and price. Mac systems give you a lesser value. The working class has no reason not to buy a PC. PC's are inexpensive and have the most software support of any OS designed for the end user. I genuinely like the Mac OS myself, because of the value. A full version of Mac OS is $109 vs. $300 for XP Pro, or as relevancy dictates, $200 for XP home if you are a non-developer. As for networking, I have never had any issues with Mac's on a network with PC's, but I suppose some do.As for the other OS's, again, it just depends on what you need it for. Linux is a good OS, and it is good to get your feet wet with Posix OS's. It's known to be secure, and it does amazing things. But, it's a pain in the butt. It lacks organization. Everyone is doing their own thing and it's chaos, although that has much been improved by Redhat and SuSe thanks to IBM and Novell. As for security, the less likelihood that an OS would exist outside of the corporate world, the less likely there is to be malware/viruses for that platform. If your goal is simply to be hacker proof, there are some very good recommended OS's above. There is, however, nothing that is hacker proof. All software contains a flaw, somewhere. It's just that Windows contains all of them.
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