If You Ruled The World... ?
By mystery777
@mystery777 (403)
United States
15 responses
@yoleis27 (557)
• Israel
6 Jan 07
I think that if I would rule the world i would make tought rules that would make crime vanish.
I would set a rule that people will be able to live whenever they want, so all of the borders would be deleted.
Also I would set a rule that makes people put my photo in their house. :P
Just kidding.
@mystery777 (403)
• United States
6 Jan 07
LOL ... people who made tough rules that made crime vanish in the past, are suffering convictions as criminals themselves now, because in order to do that, you should go down the crime road...
As for your photo in people's houses, you just have to fulfil the first part of your wish written up, and it would happen automatically..LOL...To rule the world for a week... Fact is, it is really much TOUGHER than it looks!
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3 most important
better world
big people
birth control
change world
first world
good behaviour
hot weather
hot weature
human behaviour
if you become
international community
katie holmes
las vegas
making up
nice guy
reality tv
rule the world
rule world
save world
school system
summer cottage
third world
tom cruise
world crisis
world domination
world ruler
@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
9 Jan 07
I think it's mission impossible and i would not accept lol
I'm not a power/authority maniac and it's not one of my dreams to be a ruler or a president, You can make all the rules you want but you can't force people to obey it unless you are a ruthless dictator and that i don't want to be :)
@mystery777 (403)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Perhaps there could be other *sneaky* ways to get people to follow you, without being a ruthless dictator... I'm not asking what you'd do to save the world and solve it's probs once and for all.... I want to know what things you REALLY want to do/implement once you rule, even if they might seem selfish and/or unachieavable.... ;)
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
10 Jan 07
LOL.... there are no powerful people except you and the ones who work under you.... you are the ruler of the whole f***ing world... You make some major points, but is that what you REALLY want?
I also think that there are alternatives to increasing taxes...
What about birth control? don't you think it is an issue that needs to be resolved even temporarily? And world pollution? I could go on and on about these two....
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@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
10 Jan 07
Well, for unachievable things, I would set social, medical and welfare benefits for everyone and make sure there are no homeless, hungry or under paid people.. of course i will need to increase tax and re-distribute the wealth of the world so I will be either thrown out of office or assassinated by the powerful people who would not like that lol
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@tlex107250 (667)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I would start with stopping the conflicts in the world, then I would make sure that everyone had enough to eat for the rest of their lives, then I would finish by eliminating the weapons of the world. Without the weapons, and enough food for everyone, I think that this would at least eliminate a majority of the problems, and by ending the conflicts in the world, it would cause people to realize that there is more to life.
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
7 Jan 07
You are right, but how would you go by to stop the conflicts in the world? What about the increasing pollution and earth heat that aren't taken seriously by governments? Would you increase budgets for certain fields while decreasing them in others?
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@smbilalshah (1316)
• Pakistan
6 Jan 07
first of all this is a crazy idea and besides in one week nothings gonna happen man step outa the fantacy story world
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
Nice!......okay here we go:
1. Tomorrow, everyone must sit down because on day 1 I WOULD DELIVER EVERYONE'S OWN TRUTH...stay home, you may feel nausious, or slighty "burny"
2. Take another day off cuz I WILL THEN DELIVER THE TRUTH of our existence...you may want to grab a towel!?!or a bucket!?!
and..... 3. I'd let all you humans loose to "run a muk"....see you would understand EVERYTHING so there would be nothing to worry about or nothing that could be done about it or it wouldn't matter or it.....LOL!
have fun in this world i create for you!
@mystery777 (403)
• United States
10 Jan 07
You could easily create a brand new religion and have people follow you whether they like it or not....
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
29 Apr 07
What an interesting question. Not that I would want the job, but let's say I do get to rule the wold for a week.
My firtst order of business would be to make me ruler for ever. I have that power right? I would be queen of the world!
Then I would have one big party where everyone is invited! Except I would make the rich pay for it. Because it's about time they gave something back to the world. I mean big celebrities, big corporations, politicians and whoever fits into the top 10% of the income bracket. There will be food and music and it will be one giant Woodstock! Because I think benefit dinners at $1,000 a plate or rock concerts at $200 a ticket is ridiculous. Come on, the average joe can't afford that.
Then I would mandate peace for one week. It would be a test. Anyone who can't get through one week of peace has some serious issues. Anyone breaking this law will be publically hanged. Any country breaking this law will be enhialated. Sounds tough doesn't it? BUt like I said, if you can't make it through one week, then why should they exist? My goal would be that the one week would turn into longer.
Phew, I'm tired after all that. I think my next order of business would be to take a nap.
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
1 May 07
LOL...hmmmm... you'll still get my vote, but under one condition:
Make the richies live the poor life for a period of a year, and vice versa (don't worry,, you rule for a week, but you can take a decision or judgment that would last longer).
Also hire female super models and maxim girls to serve us (opps! I mean you!), and let me be the general counsel and executive manager of all the decisions of your highness ;)
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
30 Apr 07
OMG! You'll definitely have my vote nicolec, should you ever decide to run for royality!
As for being the ruler forever, you reminded me of the magic ring and the 3 wishes. Someone said that their first wish will be to make the numbers of wishes infininte! No way! You only get to rule for one week, and that is already decided!
Kudos for making the rich b/a/s/t/a/rds pay for the average joes! I would add, having each rich b***** responsible for the expenses of a week, for 10,000 average joes, and to fulfil there dreams and financial wishes!
Mandating peace is cool too! But anyone breaking this law, publically hanged? uh oh! I think I'll have to stay away from you for a while.
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Only one week? Yeesh, I better get moving then. There's a lot to do. I need to get my hair done. A manicure. And I better buy some new clothes. Can't rule the world in dirty underwear!
No no, can't fulfill the financial dreams of everyone. You know what sudden money does to people? Haven't you ever read about the people who win the lotto, go crazy spending it all, then end up flat broke with crediters after them. Money is the root of all evil and if some 10,000 average joes suddenly had it, I would hide so fast it would make finding Bin Laden look easy.
Sorry. I just wouldn't put people in that situation. the best I can offer is a night of great food, music and company. a memory to last a life time.
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
26 Apr 07
My first three orders would be:
1. Be respectful - Teach people their basic manners, and what different manners in different cultures are.
2. Ignored disrespectful people - Instead of fighting or causing conflict with people who you find disrespectful, people would be ordered to ignore and avoid them, or to learn to consider the source, as different people find different things disrespectful.
3. Agree to Disagree - Meaning Both parties when they can not find agreements with eachother, would have to agree that there is no answer to their conflict or resolution, and leave the answer as neutral, or free - choice , and take a time out to revisit the conflict or debate at another time, so they would not resort to uneeded violance towards one another.
- DNatureofDTrain
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
29 Apr 07
It does not have to be forced, It is putting more attention and positive recognition on the first and third, Offering special awards for such, Anyone will try hard for a special award or positive public recognition if its done the right away. It's tricky to get adults attention for these traits, but it can be done. Praise is a big one, if people praised eachother for more good than bad, this would cause alot of turn around is everyone wants to be noticed. It is said we make villans more famous than heros in many cases, and this inspires.. more villians. - DNatureofDTrain
@mystery777 (403)
• United States
30 Apr 07
You are making a very good point.
Rewarding good behaviour may help spreading it. Just like how punishing people for bad behaviour, and setting up tough rules, is helping in decreasing it.
I remember some countries in the past, going down the same road. They set up cool rewards in a fun and playful way, and results were very good. The problem is, they stopped offering them after a couple of years or so.
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
28 Apr 07
As much as I like your three selections, I think the first and third are very hard to implement.
These things come in the early development phases of humans. If they aren't learnt then, then the only way is to use force.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 May 07
If I ruled the world I would command peace. Anyone not obeying would go to one very large island for those who are just evil and hopefully it wouldn't work out that we needed more islands and less of a peaceful land! LOL
I would also command the world to take care of their own areas, and then solve poverty and issues around them, moving out of their own areas as they completed tasks.
I would also use one form of money and set a worldwide income level, creating an even playing field for all.
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
10 May 07
LOL! I would suggest sending them to outta space instead of an island, as someone already suggested above.
Also, hockeygal is scaring me with this one worldwide income level idea! As much as it seems as a good solution, underneath it lies more problems...(including the contradiction with my wish of being the wealthiest on earth!)... I'd vote for you, but under one condition... you have to exclude me from the one worldwide income level, and give me a good 2/6 of world wealth.
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@xiongqh (791)
• Hong Kong
10 Jan 07
I know many people want to have this kind of power especially man.
I don't want to have this power because I cannot manage the world good.
But If I can rule the wold for one week, I will do something for child for people in poverty, for women that be victimed by man. make the child smile, make mother smile. and so on...
I don't want to change the world, but I want to make the world more beautiful.
@mystery777 (403)
• United States
10 Jan 07
good choice.... if more people are happy, then less conflicts happen.... but to accomplish that goal, I think there should be some balance between the diff inner structures of each continent/country, which is simply semi-impossible to continue forever.... but having it done even for a short period will make us happy ;)
I believe that nothing stays or continues forever... however working towards the better each time is needed even if we know that it will last for only some period...
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@darckj (885)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
wow, i couldn't even rule a single nation.. aside from international conflicts, you have also to put into consideration the economic aspects and the world situation today. perhaps, choosing the right ruler will be my first option, such as a pope to rule, then try my best to unite all nations of the world. the third may be waking up from dreaming im the ruler of the world.
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Why do you think chosing a pope would be better than chosing military veteran or someone with a phd in economic and/or international community and general relationships studies?
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@DuoMaxwell (953)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I would first be anonymous before I ruled the world.
Then with my newfound powers, I can hire my new secret squad to hunt down those who made my life a living hell, and that includes two of my own family members, and then capture those control freaks I met offline AND online. Then I would have them slowly tortured, making them stew in their pain. All those years of repressing my anger and emotions, and being tormented by them, will finally be released, and after they've learned their lessons for life, I can finally put my past to rest. Payback at last.
After I did what I needed to do to make myself better, and purged myself of any and all bad memories, THEN i'll make the world a better place by submitting my inventions, and being wealthy and rich. That gives me all the time and space in life to write my dystopian novel I was planning since 1998.
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I don't know which of the following you remind me of more:
Uchiha Sasuke, from Naruto, or
A coupla evil marvel comics characters I recall!
I also very much admire your selfishness! Keep up the good work! LOL! Probably one of the coolest answers here!
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@jennybeans (912)
• United States
1 May 07
If I were to rule the world, I would first start sending deathrow inmates and the worst of the worst criminals and terrorists in spaceships to one of the moons of Jupiter. There they would live without anyway home for the rest of eternity. Each time we had a new batch of criminals, off they would go to the moon of jupiter. They would also have to parachute out of the spacecraft so the other prisoners couldn't hijack it.
The second thing I would change would be the location of the Monarchy. I can only live where there is sun, and will vacation where it is fall when necessary. I see us moving someplace tropical. Trivial to the rest of the world I rule, says you? Not if you've seen my temper in the middle of winter, says I.
The third thing I would change would be attitude. All people with crappy bad attitudes and negative thoughts and feelings would have to go through reconditioning camps until they learned how to react more positively. I would probably have to test this program myself a couple different times, ahem, for posterity's sake... not because I need it... *cough*
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
2 May 07
LOL... actually no.1 has already been done in some movies, and a lot of novels. One of my dreams too! (with certain people in mind ;))
OMG! I'm so much against no.2! I live in a sunny place, but I kindda like winter! Something in our family.... we all like winter... sister even so much allergic to sun! Change only YOUR location!
No. 3 is relative. I know so many good people, that others claim they have attitudes. You really don't know how people are really like, until you take the time to know them well. Should you find bad a** stupid attitudes anywhere, I suggest locking them in zoos until they learn respect! Or else, throw them in a wild jungle with nothing but a knife... that way they will learn respect and appreciation of other human kind ;)
@okn0tok (569)
• United States
2 May 07
I would put everyone in a room and tell them to work it out or they were out on there ears.
All people who cannot co-exist and want it all for themselves get sent to an island where they can kill each other off.
Then I would take all skinny people and fatten them up a little and get rid of television so people would get off their assess and get something done.
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
2 May 07
LOL...so much like no.3! But have you ever wondered what would it be like with only perfectly "shaped" people around?
This will create a disaster (at least for me!) where competition will become fierce... I say, non perfectly sized people are sometimes a bless to others ;)
@mystery777 (403)
• United States
25 May 07
At least the world would be boring if all people looked the same ;)
@4skaisthelimit (412)
• Niger
5 May 07
Unfortunately I'm a believer and as for one that believe deeply in God I don't think that there is something to change in the world we are living.
God have already make it perfect,Just that everything have it's time to happen...
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@mystery777 (403)
• United States
6 May 07
That's a contradictory theory... the world is NOT perfect, and can be made better, if we know how, and have the power to do so.
Maybe everything has it's time to happen, but depending upon this theory, one shouldn't bother to even feed himself, because at the right time, God will rain him food AND AUTOMATICALLY feed him! Doesn't work that way.