Feral Cat Newsletter
By feralcat
@feralcat (426)
January 6, 2007 1:48pm CST
I wanted to let the cat lovers know of the newsletter I bring out every month. This newsletter is not one from a professional perspective but a more personal and intimate look at issues surrounding feral and stray cats. The topics vary month to month. When I started with this newsletter, the purpose was not one of claiming to be an authority figure on the felines since I beleive that no one is but it was a way for those others who are care givers as well as those who support a humane way of caring for these cats to be given a glimpse into this often misunderstood cat. It was also for as I said the care giver; those who dedicate their lives to help these cats but are what I call the "unsung heroes".
If anyone is interested in recieving the newsletter you can email me at feralcat@lovingtheferalsoul.com and I'll add your email address to the list to get it every month.
3 people like this
20 responses
@amitkokane (17)
• India
7 Jan 07
When I started with this newsletter, the purpose was not one of claiming to be an authority figure on the felines since I beleive that no one is but it was a way for those others who are care givers as well as those who support a humane way of caring for these cats to be given a glimpse into this often misunderstood cat. It was also for as I said the care giver; those who dedicate their lives to help these cats but are what I call the "unsung heroes". If anyone is interested in recieving the newsletter you can email me at

@clownfish (3269)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I've seen this person stealing a post on another thread, too. I'm sure he/she won't be around much longer!

@enchantedemerald (454)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Last night was my first chance to explore your website. It's great! You have done an excellent job. I tried to sign up for your newsletter and my computer gave me trouble because I don't have outlook express. I will be emailing you so you can add me to the newsletter. Thank you for being so caring and dedicated to the feral and stray cats in our world.
@Pixell (192)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Hello please add pixellovescats@yahoo.com to the list of us who thank you for what you are doing for cats. I would like to be added to your newsletter address list. If you do not mind sharilovescats@netzero.net also. And as to your questions about your 7 acre dream for the cats........ what better use of the space than a safe place for the cats to romp... I lost a cat to cyotees a few years back and it still kills me. Thank you for loving and feeding etc while protecting the feralcats.
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
Thank you. I have added the emails to the list. I fully understand about the coyotes as I too had losses to them and found the cats. To this day it still hurts me also and whenever I hear coyotes now no matter what time of the night I'm outside walking around with a flashlight making noise to keep them away. I've had close brusehs with them but so far I have been able to keep the cats safe :)
@meeoww (1174)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Couldn't seem to get to your website, but I saw in an earlier reply that you were moving the website. So, I'll e mail for your newsletter when I get a chance. It's such an awesome thing you're doing. Yes, I believe that you've found your calling in life, you lucky cat, you!
BTW, I listen to a band called Makena, a Hawaii girl duo. They put a portion of their record sales towards an organization that they created, called "Concerts 4 Cats" (C4C for short). They care for abandoned and injured adult & senior cats. Maybe you'd like to check out their story and music at www.makenamusic.com? They recently got signed to an Indie record label, so maybe it won't be so hard on them now. Much aloha to you!
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
8 Jan 07
That sounds awesome. I've written a book on feral cats and another with poetry, prose and a few short stories not related to cats. I am also working on 2 other books which one is on feral cats and the other a sci-fi/horror collection. The proceeds of all the book sales I've made and make all goes to the cats. I'm not a rich person money wise but I pay my bills, have food on the table, a roof over my head and clothes on my back. and pretty much the rest of my money goes towards cat food, cat meds and supplements, and vet bills. To some it might sounds extreme but you know I love it. With all its hardships and heartbreak at times nothing comes close to knowing that these cats know there are humans out there who do look at them for who they truly are and not just "alley cats".
I will check their site out for sure. Since they are being signed on to an Indie label are they classified as alterntive?
@brightbluesea (1143)
• United States
7 Jan 07
My babysiter is a huge cat lover and took in a pregnant feral cat last year and helped her through the birth of the kittens. Since she could not give all the kittens away, she kept quite a few and now has many cats (but not too many :)
@debsstuff55 (19)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I just sent you my email address. So many of my cats have been rescues and the kittens of feral cats. The two I have now are descendants of feral cats that a friend of mine took in. (Yeah I know, he wasn't able to get them spayed quite fast enough).
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
8 Jan 07
Sometimes Trapping, neutering, return sounds so much easier then it in fact is. I've had success o the first round setting up the traps but with others the food would be taken, trap door closed but no cat.
It can take days even months to be able to trap cats and once they see the trap and what it does then it can take even longer.
These past two years with the way winters have been and its milder temperatures it has created much confusion for wildlife including feral cats. They are even breeding in mid-winter which is quite odd.
Cudos to you and your friend for taking one kitty off the streets for a better life and for you to have 2 of the babies :) I have always found socialized feral cats make the best pets.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Hi! What a wonderful idea! My sister owns a feral cat. She found her looking for food in a dumpster when she was a kitten and took her in. The cat, Sunday, lived under the bed for two years, then she would only come out to see my sister's other two pets, another cat and a dog. Sunday is very close with other animals, but people are another story! My sister is the only one who can handle her, but sometimes she gets scratched and bitten, too. I would love to receive your newsletter! Thanks very much! :-)
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
I have a few feral cats that I have been caring for for several years and have never been able to get within 10 to 15 feet of them without bolting whe they see me but this is one of the reasons I love them so much.
To watch a mom on the hunt and comes back with a mouse for her babies is mind blowing to see. The proud stance, head held high I can't think of anything more worthwhile to watch.
I have a cat before she was spayed. Her name is Aubrey she's 100% feral. She had babies and when I found her with them I noticed that one was still in the sack but sadly I was too late. I tried gently removing it from the sack but it was stillborn and one of her other babies was behind her and needed to feed. I took my chance, took the baby and yeah she was hissing and growling like crazy at me but I lifted her back paw and placed the baby close to her and she tried biting me but once she realized what I was doing she relaxed and allowed me to place her baby with her. :)
@dreamsncharms (1340)
• United States
7 Jan 07
That's a very nice idea. I have been feeding one stray for over a year now. It seems that this could be the cat dump where I live. It seems every few months there is a new one or two cats. Now I am feeding 3 strays and kitten just showed up yesterday.
@suscan (1955)
• United States
7 Jan 07
What a wonderful thing that you do. Your web site is great. Cats are such wonderful animals. I signed up for your newsletter.
@morfessa1 (190)
• Australia
7 Jan 07
Can I just say that what your doing is great. We have alot of feral cats on our street and one man who takes care of them all. For some reason the feral cats like my cat as well and he's become part of their gang. This is good because everywhere else we have lived it has been just me and Mo against the other cats. It's not I beleive feral cat's fault they are where they are, and the native animal thing that keeps getting told to us maybe a problem but we kill more native animals than the cats do. Should we be culled? Cats are a very successful species which is why they get to where they are, a little like us. We spread the cats to where they are in teh first place. Yet you constantly hear people saying that it's the cats fault.
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
The number of feral cats is quite disturbing to me. I live near Winnipeg which is a city of less then 1 million people and the city is split ito several sections. The SPCA few months ago released a news press that in two areas of the city (1/8th of Winnipeg) there was an estimated 40 to 60 thousand feral/stray cats in those areas alone.
People do blame the cats all the time. Dealing with a few shelters in my area I have heard and seen some of the most pathetic excuses to why people want to rid themselves of their cats. I've rescued cats from clinics who were brought there by their owners with you knwo the usual excuses and some of these cats were over 10 years of age and the owner never looked back once after ditching the cat there.
Sad world but when we see what many do also with our elders and even newborn babies we notice a very disposable society.
@luka_24 (102)
• Chile
7 Jan 07
All I can say is that I am very proud of you! I posted a response in your "Are we scarred for life?" topic, and you surprised me nicely then. Now, I have a second reason to think that God gave you so much suffering because that was the only way a person can understand the suffering of others. Cats are awesome. I love them. And if you can do something to help the ones who are suffering, I thank you on behalf of all cat lovers like me. God bless you! :)
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
I have to admit at times with the things I have witnessed out there with the feral cats, there are times I feel like I would trade this sorrow and pain in caring for them for something that is less painful and heavy on the heart but I honestly know o other way for my life.
They say we all have a purpose and I think this is mine and why? I have no clue but I just do it and love feral cats like crazy and as I keep telling people if anyone deserves credit for what I do then it's the cats who do let me give of myself and knowing that I can save lives is all I need to know.
@Catkin (480)
• United States
7 Jan 07
What you're doing is indeed a wonderful things. :) I've volunteered a bit with CAT (Cat Adoption Team) here in Oregon and loved it...there were so many kitties I wanted to give a home to. It is a no-kill shelter, and while most of them are not feral, I think some are. I'd love to receive your monthly newsletter, I'll send along an e-mail shortly.
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
Oregon is known to have many feral cats. I have a video here of one feral cat's life from being trapped to being neutered and returned.
I have so much respect for those who volunteer. Beleive it or not as much as I do for the feral cats I don't think I could handle working in a shelter.
@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
7 Jan 07
It is so great that you are doing something good for feral cats. I have a great interest in them, and have rescued several myself. I wish you all the best in your endevors. There should be more people out there like you!
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
geminigirl it is people like you who help me when I get down with what I do and to know that others out there also feel these beautiful souls should be treated ethically and humanely helps me move forward.
I have great goals for 2007 in respect with feral cats and getting the word out there even more :)
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
7 Jan 07
This is a great idea to have a newsletter for all the cat lovers, as for myself I am more of a dog lover than a cat lover, when I was young I used to love cats more but something happened when I was young that my grandmothers cat did and since then I have never felt the same about cats.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I think that what you're doing is great! ^_^ It is wonderful to see you posting here to round up more support for such a great cause. I hope to be emailling you to join your list soon. I would just put my email address here, but I figure that that would cause me to get a lot of spam from other people. LOL. Thanks again for being such a great friend to cats! ^_^
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
9 Jan 07
You are doing a wondeful thing! I will be emailing you so that I can be on your newsletter mailing list. My home is situated about 2 blocks from the local animal shelter. The animal shelter is up a long, winding dirt road and many people must bring strays and litters of cats to the shelter and then get spoofed by the road and just let the cats out of the car. I say this because there are always MANY stray cats and kittens in my neighborhood. Seriously, on any given day there may 25-30 new faces. Now mind you, there is no way that I can take all these into my home (although it is soooo tempting!) I feel so sorry for them. Many take a brief refuge under my parked camper, or under my bushes. The point being, I know that many end up on the mountain behind my house and live out their lives as feral cats. I would like to choke the people that keep adding to this problem! You are indeed a wonderful person for helping these animals.