how can i chnage my relegion ?
By momtaz
@momtaz (15)
213 responses
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 06
is that so? i dont think you're a true muslim, maybe you just started this topics to offend other islam, if you know so many or so much about islam you'll noticed that islam promoted peace and respect others religion as well,
kill everyone who are not islam? where did you get that from, i dont remember reading that in Quran. Please dont says something that you dont know. My country is a islamic country, in fact islam is the national religion, but still other people are free to follow their own faith, they can erect their holy places and even can do what their religion ask them to do such as festival, to think islam is a barbaric is wrong! Prophet Muhammad when he managed to conquer Mecca he ordered his troop not to kill women and children and dont kill unarmed man and even dont burn their holy places. He even grant sanctuary to people who hide in their holy places. even when the cities conquer, muslim and non-muslim live side by side and free to follow their own faith. Yes there are many series of war during islam expansion but did any of you ever heard about massacre by Islam troops when they invaded? none, compared to other *Great* conqueror such Atilla who slaughter everyone!.
Now i was wondering if you're true muslim as you says, knowing that you have only limited knowledge about it!
but alas it's a free world and people says anything about freedom, it's your life, you can do anything you wish. but please stop saying something bad about islam, it's not the religion at fault, it's the HUMAN!
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@missb_68 (21)
• Indonesia
18 Oct 06
Malaysia and Indonesia are different from the islamic countries like in Arabia or Middle East. Both are considered more 'secular'. The muslim women can wear what they want and no one is killed for converting to other religion (but they will be cast out by other muslims, that's a fact).
You can say that muslims in malaysia and indonesia are lucky. But you have to know, those 'moderate' muslims in both countries (muslim women who dresses modernly, muslims who drinks, muslims who befriends the non-believers, etc) are considered 'kaffir' by those muslims in the middle east and arabia. You should know better about that too.
I'm a catholic Indonesian , and I've been to malaysia. I can say, indonesia is even more moderate than malaysia. Of course there are radical islamists too (those who burns down clubs that are opened during fasting month, those who protests about the so-called morality, those who sends people off to jail for reading the koran prayers in indonesian language, those who tries to impose shari'a law in indonesia, and yeah, those who bombs office buildings, hotels, and embassies). So you and other malaysian muslims are really lucky.
Anyway, just thought I'd give my humble opinion.

@Humbleman (1)
• United Arab Emirates
5 Oct 06
Dear Momtaz,
I suggest to you that you do a lot of reading first about Islam as a religion , I offer you to listen to Ahmed Didat he is a great professor and can challenge many priests or even the POPE when it comes to comparison between the two religions, then you can make a wise deciosn , all I can say at this time , Read and study the Islam and Read and study Christianity from both parties point of view. Allah be with you
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@skittlez353 (1402)
• United States
1 Oct 06
Why do you want to change your religion? A good way to start would be by reading the Christian Bible, or parts of it, and going to different Christian churches and see what religion appeals to you the most.
@prncesssly (1373)
• United States
5 Oct 06
I agree with this, I too would like to know the reason. Have your beliefs changed? Do you not believe in your current religion anymore?
Firstly you have to decide which branch of Christianity you would like to belong to. Then there's different processes for each Religion. For example, in the Catholic religion, there's a lot of studying that needs to be done and then you have to receive your sacraments, etc. etc. in order to become an official member of the Church.
Good luck with this! It's a big decision!
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
1 Oct 06
Why do you want to change your religion? Maybe you don't even know your religion and if you want to be christian start learning, or pick which one you want to be first, catholic, jehovah's witness, baptist, protestant, pentecoatal, seven days adv., presbyterian, etc.. Choose one to believe in and then meet with their church, you will need to be baptised into their religion if they accept you.
@dazzling (21)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 06
thinking what u learn about islam,still u child until u adult,no constraining in islam but don't try to make islam is a bad religion and don't falsify any content in quran.Islam teach of us to respect other religion.islam is a peacefull religion,islam not teach about war and if u really know about islam i guarantee that u don't wanna change your religion......islam is a very beautiful.
@heretic_intruder (250)
• India
4 Oct 06
hey momtaz !! ...y do u hate islam, islam is also gud as every religion is ! ..all the religions teach us 2 b gud at the basic ! ...i'm not a muslim ...but then i feel that there are many gud muslims all over the world ...but many are driven blind by 2oo much faith in islam ...which made them not 2 use their brain and reason things out ! ...but instead they tend 2 fight blindly on what that is being said ! ...

@tortoise (181)
• United States
5 Oct 06
Abraham is considered the father of two Nations. He had two sons Ishmael and Isaac. Each brother represents a Nation. There are two more brothers that The Father cares about saving. They are Lucifer and Cain. Lucifer represents the very first children to fall. The first will be last.
Also, just like Abraham has a Divine Father, The Virgin has a Divine Mother.

@crowdofgirls (557)
• United States
1 Oct 06
Go to a church and talk to someone who knows what they're doing. There's probably a form to fill out.
@fizza10 (1718)
• Pakistan
4 Oct 06
to all the leading intellectals here who without any doubt think that islam is an extremist religion are highly mistaken.....coz islam is the updated version of christianity by God a question would be asked by many that Quran is it a word of God or Prophet is a word of God just like Jesus or Issa as we call him....didn't right Bible or Injeel as we call it himself...rather brought the word of God to people same is with here us.....Prophet Muhammad brought the word of God.....Prophet Isaa(as you call him the son of GOd we say God is alone n there is no one with him)himself made numerous Prophecies about Prophet MOhammad's comming as the last amongst all Prophets.......Islam is a complete religion however as my friend Ashraf stressed on the need of reading it in arabic was because it is one such language of it's type in this world that ca never be translated properly becoz each word has different numbers of meanings to it....and that makes it more complicated to be as the time went many a religious scholars,politicains etc. translated Quran as according to their own profits.....that's why in order that the real context was kept safe from being changed God took it in His own hands to safeguard it forever....and if you have the guts than bring a single verse upto the context level of the Quran...this is an extreme challenge given by God in His book 1500yrs as for all those who condemn it....eversince i've been here on mylot some ppl have made it their target to condemn islam in all possible wayz they can....without even accepting the valid facts......and even if i turn up asking 4 discussions they don't reply back.....anywayz in order to cut it all short plz don't blame the whole religion due to a handful of dirty lot and don't comment on anyone's belief until and unless you don't have any idea about the complete bases and ideologies of their religion....thanks
@neon2000 (2756)
• Philippines
4 Oct 06
He can't die yet because he doesn't know what to believe yet. Maybe if he already knows what he believes, he is ready to for it. I pray for you Momtaz. Go ahead for what you want think is right for you. Christians welcomes even the the enemies. Muslim brthers are not enemies.
@Rachieboo823 (8)
• United States
4 Oct 06
I agree with you. I'm not coming against any religion. I am just expressing what I think is right for me just like everyone else is doing with islam. Momtaz you have to do what you believe is right for you and not listen to everyone else. just follow your heart

@Nummer1 (7)
• South Africa
5 Oct 06
Your just some sad guy looking for attention, obviously your not muslim but a christian and looking for some way to get attention and promote christianity by pulling this sad little act of yours behind your pc and call islam a religion of violance. Go crawl away into your sad little unconfident world, if you wanna promote something do so with balls
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
yeah, i was wondering about the samething, if he really is serious then he would atleast pick up the good people advice. he just trying to get attention, how do we know iranian really execute people, if they really is why would world do nothing to stop it? isnt we all promote freedom? if people do get executed i think the world media would has make a huge coverage of it!
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
yes bad enough so it allow you to take innocient life in process, i have seen the news, the suffering of woman, children in iraq, afghanistan, lubnan, if they really is genuine to help, there is a better way, why not making a fair trade for the oil, let everyone get rich also. well im poor too but i own a small car, and it's pain me to pay for the petrol :( ...

@Bluffmaster (22)
3 Oct 06
Before converting to another religion maybe as mentioned by others here you should read up on the basics of been a muslim.
Islam is about peace, don't let others make your mind up for you, read about it yourself and maybe talk to a proper teacher in your mosque and I am sure they can answer ur questions.

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
well im in peace, even as a muslim i have the freedom to work, gain property, study, compete with others i can wear what i want because if i wear something that a forbidden than it will be my sin between me and god not some goverment, im not staying home in kitchen and cooking all days, my hands are chained, i can go anywhere i want (that if i have the money), why blame in islam? why not your nation or maybe yourself?

@illyricum2007 (49)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
Hello! If you are still seriously considering conversion, I would recommend you to visit this site.
Hope you will get some of your questions answered there.
God bless.
@illyricum2007 (49)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
Well, you get all sorts of people, but no harm in trying to help. By the way, I am fairly new here in myLot. Looks interesting!

@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
5 Oct 06
This man so called " Momtaz" is fooling people by saying that he wants to converts to christionity and poor people advising him to read that bible go to that church and many more suggestion. If they knew that he is only making a fun posting his message. Thanks god I am not one of them. He is neither muslim ( as he has posted )nor he wants to converts to christionity. He is disbeliever.
May god help you all those. Please advise only those people who really deserve. and who are looking for true knowledge.

@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Oct 06
Dear Suitsme,
You posted that "He is disbeliever." And what does your Koran teach should be done to those who disbelieve?
I would be happy to see you post the words from the book so I won't have to.
Yes we have a book which is God word. It guides only to those who want guidance. It answers each and every question. I would like to tell you what Qoran say about people like Momtaz.
Here is a verse that directly refers to people who abandon their faith after accepting it. It says what means:
*{But those who reject faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of faith never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have [of set purpose] gone astray.}* (Aal-`Imran 3:90)
*{Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed [to God's will] in Islam. Leave them alone to enjoy [the good things of this life] and to please themselves: let [false] hope amuse them: soon will knowledge [undeceive them].}* (Al-Hijr 15:2-3)
This verse clearly indicates that the disbelievers should be left alone
In addition, there are other verses, too, which says what means
*{Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject [it]: for the wrong doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a dwelling (resting place)!"}* (Al-Kahf 18:29)
*{Let there be no compulsion in religion: truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:256)
See this is God's reply and
Whose words can be greater than the words of God, the Almighty. He created every thing and knows his creature very well.
Hope my post has satisfied you answer.
May God guide guide you on true path.
@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
9 Oct 06
Momtaz see you want to convert to christianity and you friend is referring sites of atheists.
Now you can imagine how people misguide others.
I am referring you some sites where you will read about those christian priest, scholar, scientist, mathematician and biologist converted to Islam.
This is true website not bogus one and there is not a single lier here.
Suitsme its also useful for you. and one more thing suitsme we obey and believe in all messenger and that is our fundamental believe. Jesus(pbuh) was true messenger of God and he was not son of God. He was born of virgin Mary thats true. He was raised alive by God in heaven. The jews neither killed him nor crucified him.
Please check this website so that you could be guided.
Here you would find Former Christian Priests and Missionaries who have Embraced Islam
So can you refer me any website where a scholar of islam converted to christianity.
There are thousand of websites like this but i dont want to make you in trouble. It will open your eyes.
"There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower"

@mohsen2006 (11)
• Iran
17 Oct 06
you cant change ur religiose
because they kill you because they say to u "mortad"
im moslem too but i dont believe to God.

@Force_Fed (745)
• United States
17 Oct 06
I'm confused, how can you be Muslim and not believe in God? That's like saying I'm a great swimmer but hate to get wet.

@maevic (819)
• Bahrain
1 Oct 06
check this site:
this is a good site to learn about being a true christian. Different topics are there and you can browse and check what christians believe in. Please be careful as there are a lot of types of christians out there. You can leave also your address there and they ae offering free home bible study. send me e-mail if you have questions.
Why do you want 2 convert?
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
Iranian want to come to America? wow wee, you will be put on custody when you reach the airport, maybe they even charge you with terrorism, americans are bit jumpy about this nowdays, but still they are preaching about human rights and freedom! very sad indeed

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
*yawn* the only reason is he try to stir things up and even make some money for him, none of this a real for him. we are keep on flaming each other according on one belief, so sad how low we have become... make peace people! It's Human right to make peace!! isnt it mr president (i was being sarcastic)
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
a rich man? surely you can afford a plane to america or anywhere else you want to go right? so why not start packing? you want to donate to me? well feel free to do so, after i have enough money to buy those thingy that i always wanted too i can leave Mylot for good!
@momtaz (15)
• Iran
5 Oct 06
ashra how much money do u need ? tsll me to send it for u . I'm a reach man . but in my mind I'm poor . you're inept. u think that every one are like u . for u and anyone who is like u money is everything . but for me truth is more important . freedom is more important .and love and peace is most important .

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
because he just playing with you all, he must has laugh behind his computer seeing that we keep on posting and keep on flaming each other! you trust every word he says? how long has you being using the internet? this topics is nothing but a lie, but atleast we ranked some credits up! heh
@momtaz (15)
• Iran
5 Oct 06
I'm really sorry for u ashraf . Iwill pray for u to come out from your darkness . I need your help all . not your money , just your pray and idea . you realy hurt me like other Muslems i've seen before u . it's yuor way . u just think about money . I'll pray for u .

@rahul_7173 (867)
• India
3 Oct 06
u just want responce ....are u realiy turning into a christian../:)

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 06
you? you just a guy who has nothing else to do, go wash your face! well if you refer islam is barbarian than you are sadder than i think you are. If what all you says is true and you really mean what you says then there is nothing more islam can do for you. farewell fallen one!
@momtaz (15)
• Iran
5 Oct 06
what do u think about me ? I'm looking for a truth , love and peace . I cant be blind when I see . Islam only gave me sadness and even gave it to all of the world . dont u see your arond ? there is only hate , war , killing and barbarian . It's not about money dear . It's about peace and love .

@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Oct 06
Yes, Now you accepted the truth. Thats what I knew before you post this message. I would like to tell others also that he has accepted the truth and close this matter now.
And Thanks Suitsme. Please first pray for yourself. To guide others first you should be truly guided.

@Bulafj (109)
• United States
8 Oct 06
Hmmm...that is good, but you know nothing can make you be a christian, are you a muslim by race or religion.If you are by race then nothing can change that, that is YOU.
Christian is religion and that can change, no one is born christian.Christianity has nothing to do with going to ask a priest or going to a particular christian church.
If you whole heartedly want to be a christian, it is following the teachings of Christ, to whom majority of christians believe that it is The Lord Jesus Christ.
All you have to do is believe that he came to die for your sins, at the cross at Calvary.
No one has to know , only you must invite him into your heart, confess that you are a sinner, because that is what we all are until the Lord came into our hearts .
The scriptures say that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God and only he (Jesus) can cleanse us .That's through the Blood of Jesus.
Once you Repent of your sins and ask him(Jesus) into your heart.You are a christian.
Just find a bible and read it and pray and ask him to lead you to a Christian church that will help you with your life.
Remember you can always go back to your muslim religion, only you hold the key to that.I have friends who are muslim but are christian muslims and I find it funny because a lot of them have the same eating habits as the jewish. They have a lot of restrictions, And because they are muslim by race they still follow their strict diet habits and now that they are christians it just tops what they have been taught through out their childhood apart from reading the Koran they now read the bible.
@Bulafj (109)
• United States
17 Oct 06
Then what is a Jew ? Is he a white race? I am black but I am Fijian, my race is Fijian.Race has to do with where you originate from, not only skin color. A white Indian from India are Indians , their race is Indian, not white.Therefore there is a Muslim/ Arabic race or Middle Eastern race.
@Bulafj (109)
• United States
18 Oct 06
You are contradicting yourself. You are saying that if a black is a Muslim, he is no longer a BlacK.
My explanation is this, there are black, white, Cacausian Muslim, Just like Indians, Fijians, Africans. They have this set of tradition, that they have, passed down from generation to generation. That what makes a person, belong to a particular race.
Color of the skin, plays a small role as to what Race you belong to. The way we eat, how we converge with people.
But Islam is a religion, that you can change.Christianity, Hinduism.I still stick with Muslim as a race.
I have a topic on, "Is Muslim a Religion/Race?" We might have some new points from Muslims in particular to explain.