The Bermuda Triangle

January 7, 2007 12:11am CST
the world's toppest mystry after black holes is the brmuda triangle. anybody who has gone above it has not returned yet have you ever heard about it before?? if yes what do you think??? some information is given below The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a geographical area in the Atlantic Ocean which has been made infamous for the many people, aircraft, and surface vessels noted to have disappeared within its bounds. Many of these disappearances involve a level of mystery which are often popularly explained by a variety of theories beyond human error or acts of nature, often involving the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings. An abundance of documentation for most incidents suggests that the Bermuda Triangle is a mere legend built upon half-truths and tall tales from individuals who sailed the area, then later embellished on by professional writers. well if you want the full info, click on {plz rate my topic if you it informative}
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