Why must people get in other people's business?
By Shannon
@visitorinvasion (7709)
United States
January 7, 2007 6:00am CST
I'm so irritated at people and their condescending BS!!
What makes people think they have the right to judge everyone--especially people they don't even know?
Women who get abortions, gays wanting to get married, people who want marijuana legalized...when will the judging and interfering ever end?
God said it: "Judge not lest ye be judged." and He also said: "Vengence is Mine."
So who are these holier-than-thous fooling anyway?
If people minded their own business more, maybe the world wouldn't be in the mess of sh*t it's in today.
I'm sure I just p*ssed a lot of people off, but OH WELL!
WTF is anyone to pass judgement on someone else?
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37 responses
@Adrenochrome (1653)
7 Jan 07
I agree that the world could do with a lot more tolerance, but am a littlt confused where the source of this condescing BS is? This website is one used by people to open discussions, share opinions and experiences, and have a good rant. It is, in fact, an invitation to complete strangers to give their judgments, and hopefully explain them, rather than just criticise!
If this was a more general statement, regarding society, then, as I've said, I agree with your sentiments entirely.
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
20 Jan 07
Yes, and we will keep losing our freedoms until the people realise what is going on!. I think if people want a good example to follow to KEEP freedoms... They should take a good look at the State of Rhode Island... Especially this project. http://www.freestate.org. After reading their views it may open eyes a little... Truth is do we want to be in a society where just because you do not follow what society sees as normal that it is illegal? ...
- DNatureofDTrain
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
9 Jan 07
It's getting bad in the U.S. too. The country gets more federal legislation by the minute it seems and civil liberties are disappearing one by one. We may as well enjoy our freedom of speech and thought while we still can, eh?
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
8 Jan 07
Thank you for the clarity. I think that you have really hit on a major point of Western society at the moment. I can only really speak authoritively on the situation in the UK, but have heard and seen similar examples in Europe and the North Americas.
Often, it seems that people are shirking self-responsibility and choose to butt in and criticise others, rather than get things straight in their own home first. Also, the media is getting more and more about telling people what they should be eating, how they should raise their children, what their ambitions, hopes and desires should be - as if they are oracles of great wisdom. They used to only tell us how to dress, now they order us about.
Government, too, has jumped on this bandwagon. I have been listening to cricket from Australia, and numerous times heard the Australian commentators refer to how over legislated Australia has come. In the Uk, we are truly becoming a 'nanny state', where the government blames society for everything, and removes our liberties. They never acknowledge that it is their policies that have created the country we live in, and society then evolves to fit the mould.
Religion was the old enforcer, but has dwindled in the West, and the media has taken over. I'm gald there are still sites like this for discussion, an exchange of views, and even disagreement - at least, it's choice, and a freedom!

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
7 Jan 07
Go girl go.....! I bet you feel better for your rant! I totally agree with you, but we do NOT live in a tolerant society and if you are 'different' in any minute way then you're ostracized and 'singled' out. Trouble with the bible is that things are taken out, twisted and adjusted to suit the argument. I am not at all religious but I would never criticize anyone for their views on religion. Yes, you are absolutely right; People should be able to live the lives the way they choose to live them without criticize or their lives being put under a microscope but we do NOT live in an ideal world and the status quo will NEVER change I'm afraid. 21st Century? More like the 18th.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
7 Jan 07
hahaha, you are right, I do feel a bit better.
I felt that needed saying. You are also right about the Bible being hacked to pieces. After King James got done with it, it is hard telling what's missing and what's been re-written to suit his needs at the time.
I'm not a fanatic or anything, but I do believe in God and that Jesus was his Son.
But I also believe in people having the right to live freely and all this holier-than-thou BS is just getting on my last nerve. What started all this was I was in another forum (PayPost) and people just think they should be the boss of everyone and everything. It's sickening.
Also I don't judge people for their religion or lack thereof. None of my business, ya know?
Thanks for the support, Wolfie. I sincerely appreciate it.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Don't sweat it, Wayne, lol. You still got your +
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@dellion (6698)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 07
I strongly agreed with you on this topic. If it was friendly opinions sharing then is okay and always acceptable. To be so busybody to simply talk or judge onto others concerns were not only a waste of time but also consider very rude.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Thank you for your support. Your comments are appreciated.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Well said and I agree with you. I am so tired of people butting in and telling me how to live my life. As long as I'm not in their face why do they insist on coming into mine and then lecturing me or telling me what to do? Many seem more then willing to assume the worst, take a small grain of possible truth and blow it out of proportion then slam you with it.
I could care less what they think of me. Let them think the worst, judge me all they want but keep it to themselves. They don't need to spout off to me. Go ahead and think I'm the worst person in the world, that I'm going to go to hell, or die a few days earlier, what have you, but leave me alone on it. Work out the problems in your own life and let me alone. Unless I ask you for your opinion on it don't give it. If I go up and ask you "Should I have an abortion" then fine I'm asking your opinion on it, however if I ask "Have you ever had an abortion," all I'm asking is a yes/no I'm not asking for an opinion on it or what you think about it just if you had one. Some can't seem to understand the difference though at all and it's very irritating.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
(insert whistling & applause here)
Tell it like it is! Thanks for coming in and letting that out, it needed to be said, and I appreciate that you said here.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Hehe you're welcome hon. Just been getting to me lately how some seem to want to control everyone else's life. I don't go up to strangers and tell them what to do, that something they are doing bothers me, why do others feel they have the right to? That is one that I just don't understand.
@LOver_360 (11)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I agree with you its not right for anyone to judge somebody they dont know nobody just be judge but unfortionly it happens and it sad take beauty and the geek for example look at how the the so-called geeks are judge but the so-called beauties it sad because everyone is the same if you take the time to get to know people you find out that they are just the same as everyone around but they are simple presented diffrently so give people a change dont judge come on people try to change the world set an excample for the kids!!!!!!!!!
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Absolutely. That's why I don't watch that show, it's pitiful and a bore. Thank you for coming in to show your support.
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@onlyme123 (124)
• United States
7 Jan 07
A lot of people are hypocrites. They judge others, but don't see their faults. They assume the role of savior and try to run other people's lives. Yep, life would be simpler if we all just mind our own business and stop imposing our own views on others, or try to convert them. I say, don't give advice unless someone asks you for it; don't "help" someone just to make yourself feel important; don't assume that someone is living an unhappy life just because they don't own as much as you do. We should all just respect people's differences.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Thank you for clearing up my whole point in more calmer terms...in case you couldn't tell, I was pretty angry when I posted. Your comments are most definitely appreciated.
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@domenyag (1273)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
cool off. they are just asnwering the questions being posted here at mylot. they are just giving their own views or ideas. in the first place, this is the purpose of this program. some are asking for advice then people give them what they thought is right. they do not mean to judge every person in this mylot community... they are just giving out their own idea
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I didn't mean to come off like this was about MyLot. It's not. It's about people in general, off or online trying to force their beliefs on others, demean people or whatever. All I'm saying is the world would be a better place if people mind their own business. As far as people opening themselves up to opinions and advice, that's a whole different story.
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@waynet (2650)
7 Jan 07
Theres a simple reason why people do get into others peoples business and it is this, they are so simple minded that they have nothing going on in their own lives that matters one bit and they get involved in other peoples life to make themselves feel better by giving useless advice that only a fool would give.
And plus they are ignorant of every one elses view and feelings that they judge without thinking.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Amen, brotha!
Hit the nail on the head. No-life people with nothing better to do than be in others' business.
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Not sure if you mean here on Mylot or in life in general, but anywhere on the Internet you're always going to see that kind of stuff, since people are pretty much anonymous. Well, actually it happens even when people know each other. It's human nature for people to complain about behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs they don't like, and the Internet makes it eaiser.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I did mean in general, just came to MyLot to vent. I realize it's human nature, but I got fed up with it and needed to vent.
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@MissGia (955)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I too have been trying to figure this out for a long time. I dont know why they think they can pass judgement, as if they are perfect or something. The world would be much better if people just eased up and worried about themself..not if im lighing up a joint next door.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I'm not worried hon, do your thing. Your business, not mine. Anyway, thanks for coming in and showing your support, I appreciate it.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
8 Jan 07
You are so right. As if they have the perfect life and the right to pass judgement on anyone.
People should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it does not hurt anyone else.
It's usually their own fear of the unknown or lack of confidence to try or do things that are not the norm in society that makes them so critical.
I am not a believer in God, so I have no superiority complex to judge people on how they should live their life's.
I've seen things that people do that I personally would not do myself, but that does not make me judge, jury or executioner if I don't agree.
Some people need to get a life and not worry about what other people do that does not fit into their agenda on life.
Good discussion +
I will say one thing though. Why aren't there more intellectual discussions on mylot. I have been a member for nearly 4 weeks and when I look at new discussions most members ask the most stupid questions.
Thanks for a good one!!!
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
ItTakesAllSorts said: "I've seen things that people do that I personally would not do myself, but that does not make me judge, jury or executioner if I don't agree."
BRAVO!! Thank you. That's exactly how I feel about it, you just said it better.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
8 Jan 07
In my saner moments, I just feel sorry for judgmental people. I think they are probably the saddest, most unhappy of all God's creatures. But I admit they can be hard to take...God, they get annoying!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
You have a very kind heart, thank you for stopping in and expressing a different view. Your comments are appreciated and will be taken to heart.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
In my opinion nobody has the right to judge others so I agree with what you are saying, and God did say that as well, most people are very narrow minded and tht is the problem, people have the right to live their lives accordingly but not to judge others.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
You are so right. Thank you for coming in and sharing your views.
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@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I agree with you. If more people kept their minds on their own business, the world would be a better place. Judging others is never a good thing, and is a negative use of one's time.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Thank you very much. Your support is appreciated. Thank you for stopping in.
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@neon2000 (2756)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
Because they don't have their own business. LOL! People who are minding other business than their own life is lacking attention. They are not happy without judging others. Don't worry, you are not alone hating them. They are so vicious they don't think that what they are doing is not for the good of them.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Thank you for bringing a laugh as well as some reason. Your comments are appreciated. Maybe we should just tell those types an old phrase we all know: "Get a Life!" lol
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
8 Jan 07
Flippin HECK!!! You're fairly letting it rip there! LOL! Whatever side of bed you got out of this morning, try getting out the other side tomorrow morning. It doesn't work for me, but sure you might as well try it.
Some of the topics around here can be very critical, I agree. But, isn't that how discussions here arise? (If it's here that you're referring to). Nothing like a bit of controversy to get a rise out of people.
I "people-bash" here, but in real life I love everyone. LOL!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
9 Jan 07
hahaha, I hadn't even been to bed yet. I'd been up all night and was extremely frustrated. There's a lot of judging going on in the world in general (i wasn't referring to here at MyLot, ppl open themselves up to judgement here).
People sticking their noses in where it doesn't belong, ya know? It get's old after a while.
I dunno if you're a redhead or not, but I'm sure you understand a redhead's temper: quick and hot.
All better now tho, lol.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
11 Jan 07
haha, you bet it is. Venting in real life can get ya locked up in this neck of the woods.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
9 Jan 07
Well that's good. Isn't it better to vent here than vent in real life? :)
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@Eskimo (2315)
8 Jan 07
Welcome to Cloud Cuckoo Land i.e. the U.K. where everyone has 'Rights' except the silent normal majority, who are no longer able to do anything without being judged by the political correct brigade. We have Animal Rights (quite happy to kill or maim people though), gay rights, civil rights, and that 'Catch All' one Human Rights, where prisoners have to be treated like babies, teenage thugs can cause damage, and if you dare to catch a crook or housebreaker then you are the one to get charged for depriving them of their human rights by detaining them. You can't even use a video camera without informing them first that you are using one, (and getting permission from the thugs to film them first).
One thing I left out, Family life (husband, wife & their own children is now penalised against), whereas gay family life is being encouraged.
I think you get life a lot easier over in your country.
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@Webrage (47)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Yes, you are correct. However, to my interpretation the Holy Scripture describes the Fall and eviction of Man and Woman from the Garden thereafter this mess the world is in.
It is sad what the world is like, and it will never be perfect. Look at it this way as a saying goes, "Life is not to be enjoyed, but to be managed."
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Interesting philosophy. Thank you for sharing.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Yes, I agree. That is probably the best we can do, teach our children to be better than that. Thank you for stopping by to show your support.
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@MissMac1973 (130)
• Netherlands
9 Jan 07
Non judgemental and totally responsibility for creating reality, is something we all should learn in wisdom. Unconditional love is without judgement.. We need to solve everything that triggers inside of us by the reflections and situations outside of us.. We have to sent love to it, ask for forgiveness and say sorry. Because when we do so, our outerworld will be so much different and without judgement as well..
With Love from the Netherlands,
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
11 Jan 07
You are absolutely right, Hilde.
You put that beautifully and your words have brought me peace. I don't think any other responses will top that.
Wishing you joy and happiness from the Midwestern U.S.,
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