christ & islam
By fathima111
@fathima111 (13)
18 responses
@guesswhomsa (1168)
• India
7 Jan 07
yup that is 100% true jesus christ (isa alahis salaam ) peace be upon him is the prophet of islam
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
7 Jan 07
From what I understand about Islam they view Jesus as nothing more than a prophet, not the son of God nor God itself. The Quran does support the virgin birth but Jesus is just a proghet. Unlike the Christian belief of trinity there is only one God of Islam and that is Allah. If I am wrong I will gladly admit it but I think that this is the right view according to Islam.

@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Thank you for the info I studied compairative religon long ago and I was hoping that I still had it right. Once again Thank you!!
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@paarsurrey (62)
• Pakistan
19 Jan 07
What you have mentioned is according to Paul and the churches established by him. Jesus never said himself that he was God or Son of God, there is no such mention in the OTBible or in the NTBible; no mention of Trinity by name in the NTGospels. JesusIssa was a Jew and he believed in the ONENESS of GodAllahYHWH as all Jews do believe.JesusIssa never believed in Christianity, in my opinion, as it was introduced not by JesusIssa himself, but it was introduced by Paul when JesusIssa disappered from the scene. However, there is no compulsion in the religion and I respect everybody's religions, even I respect the atheists.One is free to believe any thing one wants to belive, no compulsion.
@taipingonline (128)
• Malaysia
9 Jan 07
Yes, you've the right point. Islam is like what you are saying. We believe only to a God. There are no trinity in Islam. Jesus is a prophet and not actually a God.
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@edigital (2709)
• United States
7 Jan 07
In Islam religion Jessus knows as Hazrat Isa (alai hesslam)and son of Marium. Muslim believe that Jessus was given a religious book called Ingil (which is Bible)but peopled killed Isa and divided his religion and mistranslated Bible according to choice of Killers. After 570 yrs. of Jessus born prophet Mohammad was given another religious book called Forkan or Quran. In Quran there is story of many prophets including Hazrat Musa (alai hesslam), Hazrat Isa (alai hesslam), Hazrat Ibrahim (alai hesslam) etc. Prophet Mohammad is such a Prophet that he could not killed by his enimies though tried many times through wars. Accordingly Islam religion followes should have to believe all past prophets but not to follow their religion as God said, He choosed Islam religion as a last religion in the world and to follow it as a best religion. Unfortunately due to huge benefit of his own in this world many Muslims doing such a activities which earn bad thought about Islam, in fact that activities is not a way or support in Islam religion.

@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
27 Jan 07
The prophet Isa (P.B.U.H) was lifted up alive!
If any christian says that he was crusified
and quotes that there is any evidence in history that he was crusified
then remember according to an astimation there is doubled the data that states that he was not crusified!
These things are a fact!
The Prophet Isa(P.B.U.H)
was a true Prophet Of Allah and brought the message of Allah to people!
But he was (Nauzubillah) not the son of Almighty Allah
as Allah says in the Holy Quran
chap:112, verse 3
(interpretation of the meaning)
'He beggets not nor He is Begotton'
so it gets clearer that Hazrat Isa(P.B.U.H) was the messenger of Allah
and (Nauzubillah)not His son!
@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
7 Jan 07
That was very true, Islam believe Jesus is a prophet it's written in Quran we call Jesus as Isa-Almasih and only Jesus can kill Dajjal. not only Jesus If I'm not wrong there is 4-9 prophet and the last prophet is Muhammad SAW.
@paarsurrey (62)
• Pakistan
19 Jan 07
You are right that our ProphetMessenger Muhammad SAW has prophecised that a Dajjal or Anti-Christ would appear in the end of the days or Latterdays what they say. Dajjal or Anti-Christ is not necessarily a person but a group of religious powers who would present false teachings of the Revealed Religions of Islam and Christianity. It is also true that Dajjal or Anti-Christ would be killed by IssaJesusMasih, but that killing could not be physical. The truthful person whoever it is would kill wrong beliefs of the Dajjal or AntiChris by presenting true teachings of Islam and Christianity and that way that powers would get wiped out. Muhammad SAW was Khatamun-Nabiyyeen, the greatest of the prophets and the representitive of all the ProphetsMessengers whether mentioned or not mentioned in Quran.
@taipingonline (128)
• Malaysia
7 Jan 07
Yes, he's actually one of our prophets. The last prophet is Muhammad. Jesus came before Muhammad.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
I think I have a version of the Holy Koran around here somewhere (I'm not Muslim, but I have one anyway!). I'll have to look it up.
I think that they believe he had sime significance although I'm not sure exactly what, but that Mohammad is the prophet. I can't help but wonder if Mohammad was to Islam about as important as Jesus is to Christianity.
@paarsurrey (62)
• Pakistan
19 Jan 07
All the Prophest or Messengers of GodAllahYHWH have message from Him that is why they are called ProphetsMessengers, when the message becomes dim or lost, people go away from the true path that is basically believing in ONENESS of GodAllahYHWH and obeying His commands; then the message has to be revived. So Muhammad SAW is also a true ProphetMessenger of GodAllah. Please remember the the denial of even one ProphetMessenger of GodAllah is in a sence denial of all the ProphetsMessengers as he has not come by himself but sent by GodAllah YHWH. Therefore not believing in him is not believing the commandment of GodAllahYHWH. That's why we have to believe in all the ProphetsMessengers who would have come in any country/race anywhere anytime.
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 07
According to the history of mankind as told and researched with the guidance of Islamic knowledge and faith, it is found that there many prophets that exist in this world, the real numbers are unknown, probably hundreds, probably thousands, it is unknown. In Islam prophets/messengers are called "Nabi". And in these "Nabi", there are 25 "Rasul", they are messengers/prophets that must be known to all Muslims as told in the Quran. In term of role, ordinary "Nabi" is someone who has the knowledge, but is not responsible to spread the teaching. "Rasul" however is a "Nabi" who has responsibilities to spread the teaching. And in Islam there were 25 "Rasul". These are the list and their other name as stated in the Christian Bible.
1. Adam
2. Idris (Enoch)
3. Nuh (Noah)
4. Hud
5. Saleh
6. Ibrahim (Abraham)
7. Lut (Lot)
8. Ismail (Ishmael)
9. Ishaq (Isaac)
10. Yaaqub (Jacob)
11. Yusuf (Joseph)
12. Ayub (Job)
13. Shuib (Jethro)
14. Musa (Moses)
15. Harun (Aaron)
16. Zulkifli (probably Ezekiel)
17. Daud (David)
18. Sulaiman (Solomon)
19. Ilyas (Elijah)
20. Ilyasa (Elisha)
21. Yunus (Jonah)
22. Zakaria (Zacharias)
23. Yahya (John The Baptist)
24. Isa (Jesus)
25. Muhammad
@belligerentwarrior (223)
• Pakistan
19 Jan 07
Yes Jesus was a prophet of God and he is alive up there. He will come back to this world before this world ends. Then whole world will become muslim.
@jabrunk (41)
• Indonesia
28 Jan 07
In the Indonesia Country,that the Islam religious majority, Jesus was still becoming the available debate his meeting point.The conflict of the religious teaching concerning Isa's figure between Islam and Christian was contrary,approximately like this :
All Christian group trusted Isa as God
All Moslems did not trust Isa as God
Also concerning Muhammad's figure was gotten by the conflict contrary as follows :
All Moslems trusted Muhammad as Nabi
All Christian Group did not trust Muhammad as Nabi
Respectively the side acknowlegded about the right an the side's obligation headed by the other religion to teach his religion for his follower personally although the religion condemned our religion. For example a Rev preached in front of christian group or the other religious person that came to listen to the christian teaching,while in his sermon had the teaching that 'Muhammad was the example of the false Prophet who was pointed out by Jesus in Markus 13:22'
Might not a Moslems were then touched on and complained about this as the insult to the Islam religion.
Even so was the reverse,if a person ustadz taught in front of moslem or the other religious person that wanted to listen to the analysis of the Islam teaching,while in his analysis was said "Who that deified Isa was Musyrik" then might not christian group were touched on and complained about that as insulting towards that christian religion.
Because indeed was in Qur'an, a thrid of his contents was the correction against Jewish and christian group about their corruption on their prophet's teaching (Musa and Isa )
@friend722 (343)
• South Korea
9 Jan 07
yes it is true.....muslims belive that jesus is a prophet....
@flikkenni (537)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 07
Yes, that is 100% correct. Jesus in Islam know as Isa as. which was a prophet before Muhammad SAW the last prophet.