wanna hear gud jokes!!!!!
By kavin_joseph
@kavin_joseph (61)
4 responses
@pd_davies (149)
• India
29 Jan 07
One day The Lord spoke to Aadam. "I've got some good news and some bad news," The Lord said.
Aadam looked at The Lord and replied, "Well, give me the good news first."
Smiling, The Lord explained, "I've got two new oragans for you, one is called a brain. It will allow
you to create new things, solve problems, and have intelligent conversations with Eave. oamThe other organ I have for you is called a paenis. It will give you great physical pleasure and allow you to reproduce your now intelligent life form and 2007 populate this planet. Eve will be very happy that you now have this organ to feb give her children."
Adam, very excited, exclaimed, "These are great gifts you have given to me. What could possibly be bad news after such great tidings?"
The Lord looked upon hum Adam and said with great sorrow, "You will never be able to use these two gifts at the same time."
Small Compensation
A drunk in a bar pukes all over his own 005 shirt, which was brand new before he came in. “Damn,”
he says. “I puked on 22 my shirt again. If the wife 21 finds out, she’s gonna kill me.”
“Not to worry,” says the ba07 rtender as he sticks a $20 bill in the drunk’s pocket. “Just tell her
someone puked on you and gave you some cash to cover the cleaning bill.”
So the drunk goes home and tells his ok wife feb jan about the guy who puked on him. She reaches
into his pocket and finds tjawo twenties. “Why are there two twenties?” she asks.
The drunk replies, “Oh, yea nh, he crapped in my pants, too.”
@sehgalskapil (1332)
• India
27 Jan 07
very good ha ha ha ha ha ha .....now take this one...
A man was carrying a large fish in a bucket of water away from a lake, which was well known for its excellent fishing when a Fishery officer stopped him.
The officer says, "Do you have a fishing license?"
Man replies, "Don't need a license, this is my pet fish."
"Pet fish?" the officer asked.
Man answers, "Yes, every night I take my fish down to the lake and let him swim around for a while, then I whistle and he jumps up on shore and I put him in his bucket and we go back home."
"That's a bunch of baloney, fish can't do that."
Man looks at the officer and says, "You want me to show you?"
Very curious now, the officer says, "O.K. I've got to see this"
Banta pours the fish into the lake then stands there waiting.
After a few minutes, the officer turns to Man and says, "Well?"
"Well, What?" Man says.
The Officer asks, "Are you going to call your fish back?"
"Fish! What fish?"Man responds.
@hobohobo (678)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 07
An Act of Charity
One Sunday a pastor asked his congregation to consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns.
After the offering plates were passed, the pastor glanced down and noticed that someone had contributed a $1,000 bill. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation, and said he'd like to personally thank the person who had placed the money in the plate.
A very quiet, elderly, saintly widow shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor. He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so much and asked her to pick out three hymns.
Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three handsomest men in the building and said, "I'll take him and him and him."