my mom got a clean bill of health but she smokes like it is going out of style!!
United States
January 7, 2007 1:40pm CST
well my mom went to the dr for her yearly and he gave her a clean bill of health, after she told him how long she had been smoking he said that he was suprised at her health, she is a very healthy person, but i wish he would have just scared her a little about the smoking, like said something about how she could develope cancer or some throat diease or some that would scare her straight or at least lead her to start to quit smoking!!!
how should i motivate her or encourage her to stop smoking, she is really scaring me!!!
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23 responses
@Tellknow1 (604)
7 Jan 07
It's amazing how some people think that just because you smoke that you will definately develope cancer of some sort, of course it is a possibility, but then it's a possiblity for some one that doesn't smoke also.
I myself have a parent with cancer, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer 18 months ago, after successful treatment he was given the all clear only to be told 3 months later that it was back and after further tests it was discovered that it had spread to his bowel, liver and lungs. My father has never smoked a day in his life, I on the other hand do smoke, and even the fact that my dad is certainly going to die within the next few months has not made me quit. Smokers are a bread unto themselfs, they wont quit because they don't have cancer, and if they do get it they have the mentality of 'what's the point in stopping it's too late now'.
All you can do is let your mother know how afraid you are about her possibly getting cancer, ultimately it's her life, this may seem a selfish response to you but in a way you too are being selfish by trying to controll her life.

@Tellknow1 (604)
8 Jan 07
I don't know why you have take that attitude, you post on here because you want people oppinions, I have givrn you mine. The only thing you are showing to me that this is all about what you want, you want this, you want that, well what about what your mother wants? doesn't she get a say in all this?
Mature Adult.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Jan 07
your right i am selfish b/c i want my kids to have a grandma that can tell them stories about her childhood and raising me, and yes, i am selfish b/c they don't deserve to suck in second hand smoke and have their lives possibly effectede without being able to make a choice because they are just babies(1&8months), and you hit the nail on the head I AM SELFISH, becaus she is my mommy and i don't get another one when she is gone and my kids don't get another nana either since my husbands mom past already, she ran my life and told me not to somke and that it was bad for me so now if running her life is what it take for her to have a life then that is just what i am gonna do.....
spoiled brat
aka sunflwrluvr
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Jan 07
your right this site is all about opinion, and i gave you mine to your response, and let me remind you that this is MY mom, and it should be about what i want for her, just like she wants the best for me i want the best for her.
this is not a ??? about am more than qualified in that area.
but what i am wondering is how u would feel if it was you mom, and your childrens grandma, and your dads love of his life for almost 30 years?

@serene2 (278)
• New Zealand
7 Jan 07
We can't force or scare people into doing something they don't want to do.
They will do it no matter what you say.
The more you carry on about it the more she'll dig her heels in.
Just don't say nothing unless shes blowing it in your face.
She will give up when shes ready.
I know,I used to be a smoker.
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@akotalagato (1334)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
i believe that you will die when it is your time to die no matter what you do. you may smoke like a chimney and still live for years to come and you may be very health conscious and get hit by a car tommorow. each and every one of us has his or her own time. its our destiny.
@onlyme123 (124)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Were chest x-rays taken and reviewed by the doctor? How much does she smoke per day? And how old is your mother? Her chest x-rays should be examined closely because there could be initial telltale signs of lung disease. If possible, have the doctor compare her x-rays with one from someone who has never smoked and see if there are any difference. You want to catch any telltale signs in the beginning. I'm very glad that your mom is healthy, and we want to keep her that way!
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• United States
8 Jan 07
what would give u the idea just cause he go old doesn't mean that they didn't have some side effect some cancer, some something that was the result of smoking, he may have made it to being 100 if he didn't smoke!!! who knows???
@JellyBeans (639)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
Exacly like my father, He smoked for almost a full 20 years and has never been sick and is a super healthy person (almost in his sixties). He eats out all the time and works (yes he still works) more then 12 hours a day( No jokes, im serious )
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@sumathishetra (1178)
• India
7 Jan 07
smoking is really verry bad for the health plese stop your mom of doing it.
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
8 Jan 07
well shes is ur mom so as i say just tell her the simple way! i think quitin smokin is not dat tough, i myself have done it!
@micheller (1365)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Tell her that you will stand by her when she quits and ask her to do it for you. Tell her that you don't expect her to just quit right away (because that is not easy) but to gradually work her way down to how many she smokes in one day till she gets to where she doesn't even smoke at all.
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
You have to keep on reminding her everyday about smoking and tell her that you really care about her health and you don't want something to happen to her.Well at least if she's getting older, who have to care for her.
@bryelee (451)
• United States
8 Jan 07
She is lucky and I hope this doesn't encorage her to keep smoking. Just becasue she hasn't gotten cancer doesn't mean she never will. Have you sat down with her and told her how you feel? I'm suprised the dr didn't say anything about helping her quit smoking.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
8 Jan 07
If the doc gave her a clean bill of health, then your mom might get to thinking that her smoking won't harm her. What did the doctor say about it? He should have discouraged her from continuing. The problem with smoking is that the damage occurs over time and that at some point it causes a major problem. There is little you can do. By nagging at her, she may decide to ignore you and keep on smoking. She has to find her own reasons for quitting. Wanting to live disease free or live several years longer would be great motivators. Like so many others, they won't quit until it is too late. Something has to knock them on the side of the head to wake them up. Maybe a close friend dying, or a severe illness that puts them in the hospital. The again, she just might not like being told what to do and knows the risks and is willing to roll the dice. I have known people like this for decades...some are gone an some still living. I can't explain people's reasoning for wrecking their bodies this way. As hard as it may be, you might have to accept her decision not to quit and pray for the best. You cannot force responsibility on anyone.
@imgcul (110)
• Taiwan
2 Apr 08
smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer, but some people who have a long-term smoking still have the normal lung tissues and lung function. i have a colleague who is a super smoker and 58 in ages. i checked his lung by x-ray, and without any abnormal pathological change in naked eye.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
8 Jan 07
my husband been smoking for 37 years and still snokes, I tell him evey day I wish he would stop,he says he enjous it.Every time I get the change I let him no thats is bad for him but he dont listen to me, I wish he would stop smoking to.
@kylerrhys (164)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
well.. one way or another signs and symptoms would appear. tell her that even if she seems clean right now..when she gets older, one way or the other she will have to face the consequences of her actions.
@Thiru178 (460)
• Sri Lanka
8 Jan 07
You can talk to her and tel her to take part in Stop Smoking activitites. ANd ask her to help others stop smoaking. Ask her to read write and talk abt stop smoaking.
If some one think abt a thing very much it'll automatically activated insinde his/her body.
Cheer up it's not a big deal