Their kids are TERRORS!!!!
@western_valleygirl (1363)
United States
January 7, 2007 9:01pm CST
Don't you just hate it when people bring their kids over and you think that they are the cutest and most polite kids ever, and then within a couple of seconds, those kids become absolute terrors. And the second their parents turn their backs, the kids are out of control. Usually I don't have anything against active and fiesty kids. And I can understand when a parent is trying desperately to get the kids under control, I usually give them some moral support and tell them, that the kids will grow out of it. However, some parents have the most nightmare-ish kids on the planet, and all they can say is, "As you can see, they are a handful." Sometimes I just want to shake the parent and say, "That's because of you not doing anything" or "Maybe they wouldn't be, if you tried to control them." I do not have children, but I have worked with them and spent a lot of time with them also, and it is my understanding that they look to us, adults, for guidance. Why can't some parents guide their kids, why do others make excuses for their kids. Aren't you doing your kids a disservice by not teaching them how to behave in polite society?
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44 responses
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
I take pride in the fact that my child acts better around people then he does when he is just with me, which is fine, act up in front of me but not when we are around friends and family!!!
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@tbomb2002 (269)
• United States
8 Jan 07
You know, I used to be hard on parents who had unruly children back when I had no children myself. Now that I am a parent, I am a bit more forgiving when I see children acting out and the parent not knowing quit what to do about it. Sometimes young children act out at times we are not prepared for them to do so. There also might be many reasons on why the child is not behaving at the moment. Perhaps they are not feeling well, or over tired. Maybe they have been dragged around all day by their parent and are unhappy about that and really have no other way to express it. Could be they are just having a 'bad day'. Adults have bad days, makes reason that children will too...however, children have not yet learned the skill of either expressing how they feel in words or just keeping their feelings at bay. They tend to 'act out' their feelings of frustration. I will agree however, that there are some parents I have seen on more then one occassion who let their children do whatever they feel like doing, and those are the parents that I think are doing a great injustice to their child's future of learning how to behave properly in social settings.
@micheller (1365)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I agree with you. Some parents just make excuses for their kids and just straight up don't know how to control them. I hate when someone comes to your house and just lets their kids make a mess and when they leave they don't even clean up after their kids. You should atleast teach your child that when you are at someone's house to have respect and don't act like a maniac.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Jan 07
Because inn this Day and Age a lot of Parents do not care anymore as long as they have Peace don't get me wrong there are still a lot about that are strict on Discipline but there are a few now that just can not be asked to discipline their Kids
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Yes yes yes. I have three very small dogs and the worst are the kids who tease or hurt my dogs and the parent(s) just sit there and say "Susie or Joey just love animals" I don't know who kick in the @ss the parents or/and the kids. I can feel my face freezing and daggers shooting from my eyes. I cannot wait until they leave and never come back.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
Oh yes it is dreadful when the kids come over and they turnout to be little terror and I also give the parent some kind of support as well, but the trouble is if the parents don't correct their behaviour they never seem to grow out of it at all. We have to teach the children when they are young.
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
are you proud of yourself for all the wonderful one word answers you leave?
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@ineedaname (957)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I know kids like this. But it took them a couple of times coming over before they started showing their true colors. Usally they come over and I end up with something broken or something written on that shouldn't be written on. I have finally learned to tell them not to do things that are bad. I use to just let it pass but I finally figured out they will never learn. Their mother does get on them but they just don't listen. I don't know how she don't beat them.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
8 Jan 07
I am an educator so I do work with children and I am a father too. Yes handling nowaday's children is not easy and they are always ready to challenge what you say. But one has to remember that all of us were kids. And young children do misbehave every now and then because they are children. They are still learning what is expected from them and how to behave in society. Children are mirrors of their parents, they say.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Yes, they are just children. But there must be some sort of limit to keep them from growing up with no manners, values, or morals. I do remember being a child and we were not allowed to behave like most of the children you see nowadays...and like you said, a major factor of that is that they do challenge what adults say and have less and less people to hold them accountable for their actions. Even teachers, tend to blame the parent, when they do not know that the child might have learned a bad action from a fellow classmate. Children grow up very fast, and so parents, teachers, and family members in society need to work together to keep each generation from becoming worse. That is something I believe we have lost in the 21st century. Nobody cares about anyone other than themselves these days.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
8 Jan 07
It's the 'no can discipline rule' in action. All the parent's rights are being taken away and power being given to little Johhny to do as he pleases. When I was a kid, there wern't all these laws that prevent dicipline. Most of us turned out just fine. And for some parents, they don't know how to guide their kids because they are just as lost. It can be difficult to control kids when your powers as a parent are being taken away. That is not to pass on the responsibility, but facts of life. The discipline avenues have changed drastically over the last 50 years.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I agree with you completely. So many times I here of kids making scenes in supermarkets, and then when the parent gives them a little spanking (I don't condone abuse, but a little pat on a diapered bottom, never hurt the kid), the parent immediately gets a call from child services. Yeah, we did turn out just fine... a little discipline is better than none at all. Unfortunately, the real abusers tend to get away with what they do, while the honest parents are the ones that always get caught. And yes, society plays a major role in the discipline arena...not just the parents or the children.
@infobyaj36 (907)
• United States
8 Jan 07
You go Girl...You hit the nail right on the head with this one. It seems to me that parents today feel it is only their job to protect their kids and not to punish them. My husband and I have 5 children and I am happy to say not once have we said "not my kid' about anything. Kids will try anything once and if they do not have guidance about their behavior they will continue. It is not right, if you allow your kids to behave like animals stay at home because no one else should have to put up with it!
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Absolutely! People in my family have begun to notice that if they don't chastise their children, or give them any sort of response to their negative action, that I will say something to their kids myself. And many times, they have begun to look to me for advice. I do not even have kids, and I too, feel that if you do not have some sort of punishment (my favorite being time out, from everyone else and your toys), then they will turn out like monkeys and climb the walls everywhere you take them. And it is so true, that they tend to try everything once.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Jan 07
By the way, good job on raising your five properly. The more good kids out there, the more hope we have for future generations. :)
@serene2 (278)
• New Zealand
8 Jan 07
We have friends who come see us when they are in town and there boy is a bit younger then our boy.
He can be very rude and violent to our son.
The mother does not condone hitting but the son hits.
Friends and us give them a hard time that their son needs the wooden spoon.They say he doesn't know what that is.I say, when I'm finished with him he'll know fully what the wooden spoon is.
I have thought about teaching our son to fight for himself.
But I think,when he's sick of hurting he will hit back.
Thats how I learned.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Yes, I am not for violence or hitting either, and it is a shame that a lot of kids learn that behavior early on, and then do not get stopped from doing it continually to others, perhaps even the parents get hit by their kid also. I hope he doesn't grow up to be the school bully. My friend had two wild sons, they were out of control, (and it was because they were going through so much turmoil within the household, divorce, moving, new people in and out of their life, etc.), one day I had a talk with both the little guys, telling them that I was their mom's friend and that meant that I was their friend (unlike being a family member, that they stopped listening to), and if they ever needed to talk, I would listen, etc. Needless to say, they were much better, because of that. And now, that things have settled somewhat in their lives, they are doing much better in general.
So perhaps, the child is just reflecting what his parents are going through, or he learned that by hitting, he can get the attention that he needs. I suggest, however, not letting your son get hit by that guy. Tell him, that it is not right for your friend's son to hit him, and that if he does, he should tell you. Also, tell him that he has the right to defend himself if needs to.
@vampirestonez (1181)
• Pakistan
8 Jan 07
I agree with you, I have seen kids who act like innocent little angels in front of their parents but the moment they turn their backs, the little angels seem to sprout horns from their heads, believe me once I had to look after 2 kids who I thought were really really cute and sweet, Instead they made me realize that Dennis the Menace is a cute and innocent kid ! Well too much pampering can lead the kids to be mischevious, but hey they are spelled K-I-D-S for a reason so there you go :)
@poohandchocolate (348)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Ya thats true. My dad complains a lot about how my brother talks back or disrespects him. But it's his fault because he doesn't do anything to my brother. My mom keeps everyone in check and she gets respected. So parents should just be more authorative with their kids.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
3 Feb 07
That is true. There are certain parents that can become pushovers, and it will be too late for them to get respect from their children. Also, some parents are not good role models for their kids (not to say that your dad is not), and so that can be a part of it.
@Veerbhadra90 (22)
• India
8 Jan 07
My kids are a terror too. But only to me and that too not everyday. When they are with others, they are absolutely quite and sometimes I think why don't they open now and let me off the hook. A week back we had a relative over along with his two daughters. I went over to receive them at the Railway Station. They were so nice on the ride to home and at home too for about an hour. Then suddenly they changed and showed me all the qualities you have written. I had an especially tough time driving them around town. The younger one had a special affinity for me ear. She would just behind me and bawl away endlessly in my left ear while I was driving. Believe me I had hell for 1 week at my home. And imagine when they were leaving, I asked my relative why they are like that and he replied that he wanted them to grow like that - aggressive. I felt like kicking him in the butt. How can you bring up your kid like that? We as a parent have to teach them the right things. Otherwise when they grow up they will only curse us for not having brought them up properly.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Yes, Exactly. That is the point of the matter. Because children blame their parents for everything anyway, they are surely going to tell their parents (when they are older), that they are the ones to blame for their bad behavior. I have to say, I feel bad for the experience that you had, but it teaches you to be prepared for the next time they come, you can be more aggressive yourself and show them that you have certain rules that need to be obeyed, and that if they do not, them they will be punished. After all, when they are in your care, they are your responsibilty and you can treat them the way you treat your children.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Most of our parents didn't have problems discipling thier children. Being a child's "friend" was unheard of! Parents are afraid of thier own children, they don't want to make them upset or mad at them, so they refuse to discipline them. They somehow got this idea that they needed to be friends with thier children, and allow them to do what they wished, so they could become good adults. I think that logic is very flawed. Children need and crave boundries, when they are throwing peas off of the table, they are practically begging you to take control and lead them. Especially toddlers whose emotions tend to get out of control very easily, will be much more calm knowing that if they get out of hand, mommy and daddy will help them by disciplining them. Children lack self-discipline and need it from an external source. Im not sure why parents have such a hard time understanding that.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
I agree with you and i also have had the same experiences and i can not stand this as i always make sure that my children are always on their best behavior. Especially when we are out somewhere or visiting at a friends place i always teach them to use their manners and act accordingly!!!
@Sawsen (793)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I know of such a kid. She's not just fiesty, she takes the house down with her out of control personality. Her mother just sits around and watches her. Sometimes, out of courtesy she'll just get up and tell her not to do anything, but it doesn't get to the point where she wants to give her a spanking. One time she spilled an entire cup of coffee on my carpet, and her mother was like, "who put the cup there?". Like, it's my fault for putting the cup there, rather than for her daughter having spilled it. She did try to help clean teh mess with me, but there was this BIG coffee stain there for a few weeks, until finally we remodelled the house, and placed tile instead of carpet. I'm not saying she's a bad kid, or that her mother is a bad mom, because the poor thing is as thin as a stick from dealing with her daughter, but I think there must be some beneficial ways to teach her child to be a little less of a trouble maker. I think she needs to go to that nanny woman on tv, I forgot her name, but she knows how to get kids in check.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I love SuperNanny and all the other nanny shows, I wish more parents would watch them also, so that they could get advice as to how they are raising their kids. Also, that is sad about the rug, but at least you have tile instead so that if it happens again you can clean it up easily, since coffee is one of the most difficult things to remove.
@elpiesworld (75)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
i have a 9 year old niece that was just a total terror when she was stil young. i think kids are just more emotionally unstable and need proper guidance and care from their parents and friends.
i also think that parents are responsible for how their kids develop.
@joey_matthews (8354)
11 Feb 07
Yes i do.
I love laughing about it after but while your running around asking them not to touch things and you a smash a second later. It is cute and funny =)
My cousin used to do this whenever she came over. at the time she in the stages of answering people back and my parents went potty because she dropped things on the floor which was valuebale to them. (not money wise but memory)
I let things slid more and i remember what it's like to be one and i am still at heart.
Good discussion!