How to Stay Motivated When Trying to Manage Weight?

United States
January 7, 2007 10:24pm CST
How to Stay Motivated When Trying to Manage Weight?
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7 responses
• United States
12 Apr 07
you dont need motivation you got looks. i love you just the way you are so stay that way!!!!!!1
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
12 Apr 07
My first motivation is the results ... as long as I lose it keeps me motivated ... and I see the clothes becoming loose that's the best But maybe you could try to put a picture on your fridge for instance ( or inside if you don't want any guest to see it) of a "fat" you or a sexy top model, or an old picture of yourself when you were slimmer And finally I think the best would be to find a diet buddy ... it is always wasier when you find someone to share things with maybe excercise together as well .. Good luck with your diet!
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@dellion (6698)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 07
Keep on telling yourself first thing in the morning when you wake up. Always think the good side of getting great shape,health and other things that will make you work even harder to manage or control your weight. The only concern for this was you must always find a solutions to balance your own health Vs your weight. Wish you all the best to get your idea weight:)
@justreal (2364)
• Canada
8 Jan 07
follow a diet, and when you see results of about 2-3 pounds lost, you will be motivated. Or check out my profile, you'll find lots topics about weight loss.
@umerasif (532)
• Pakistan
9 Jan 07
Well I take out an old trouser that does not fit any more. I work to fit into it and then when it does fit I take out an even older one and then make it my target to fit into that one next. I think the best motivation is that you should give your self targets and then work to achieve them
@usman400 (1587)
• Pakistan
8 Jan 07
Just be punctual, it will give u motivation, simply when u will see irregular fat ppl u will be motivated that u urself is not like those irregular ones
• United States
8 Jan 07
hi jen i find it comes easy to some to manage weight but to other its hard what i think might motivate some people is to find some type of clothing for example a pair of pants buy the same size that you want to be and just try to get to that size so you can wear those jeans that you truly love then you will start to look great and fell great and that will also give you selfesteam.