Second Hand Smoke
By Monistyle
@Monistyle (50)
United States
January 7, 2007 11:09pm CST
Without realizing what you can do to any other! Smokers really have no idea that the smoke that doesn't filter through their filter and second hand smoke is worse that puffing on it. I am a very considerate smoker. I don't like to even smell my own smoke, or the way i smell after smoking, or how i smell when i come home from a bar. even the fact is i am helping add to the smoke bomb inside. But honestly, i hate when i go out to eat and i smell someones smoke. How does everyone feel about not being able to smoke in public. Do you think that it's crazy or are you a considerate smoker too?
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54 responses
@CatVegas (709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I can understand about not smoking in public areas and yes I'm a smoker but I do understand the non smokers. Especially the kids as then maybe they won't start the habit.
So far it really hasn't bothered me when we are in areas we can't smoke. But I really wish I could quit and I'm really thinking about working on stopping...It is one nasty habit I wish I never started and I know it is harder for women to quit, so I'm thinking of asking my Doctor for some ideas or help...
When I clean my house I can tell what the smoke does to like our clothes and even furniture and I really em getting sick of it..But like I said it is one nasty habit that is hard to stop.
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
Lots of luck with that. I can see how hard it is for my friends to quit smoking.
Some of my friends have had really good luck with the patch.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I am very intolerant to nicotine and just cannot stand all the stench. I know that second hand smoke can be very bad for one's health; therefore, I do my best to stay away from smokers. However, I do not find telling people what to do in their private or spare time appropriate. If you do not like smoke, then just stay away from smokers. I think it is very invasive, especially for government, to tell people how to manage their daily lives.
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@killailla (1301)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
I believe that I am very considerate or at least try to be the best I can as a smoker, I know other people dont wanna be around my smoke so i try to be careful around all people
@Ambur25 (1006)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I'm a considerate smoker and I hate the smell as well. I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere else in the US, but it's banned in public here. Against the law. Anywhere the public "might" be, smoking is prohibited. I never liked the "Smoking Section" of a restaurant anyways. I hate smelling smoke while I'm trying to eat. But then again, it makes me wonder... If we hate the smell, as I hate the smell of smoke on myself, whyyyy do we continue to put ourselves through it?! LOL.
@vicky19810 (1600)
• China
9 Jan 07
of course,i believe that it is much harmful to smell the second-hand smoke.
@saleemangel (125)
• India
8 Jan 07
smoking itself is injurious to health of self and surrounders also
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I dont smoke but my husband does. He is not a considerate smoker at all. And he smoke more then ever. I wish he would smoke outside and not in my clean house. I cant stop him now.Hes been doing it for years. I should have said something years ago. I am so glad you not aloud to smoke in public places anymore.
@bonnielass (484)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Im a considerate smoker.
I do not smoke around anyone nor in my house or car. I step far far away from people when i smoke and if i see somebody is gonna walk by i step out the way..(not that they could avoive me just as easy)rolls eyes..
I still get people coming into a smoking area and coughing and saying nasty things to me...
hello pick urself up out of the smoking area if you dont want smoke. I have to do that in a non smoking zone.
@caper111 (163)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
I am a smoker, but I am glad that most places are going smoke free. I don't smoke in my house either. I can't stand the smell in my house. The only time I got mad at something being smoke free was on Remembrance Day. If it was just young people I wouldn't care but I think the veterans should have been allowed to smoke in the legion. It was freezing nd some of the men are in their eighties and were outside smoking. They fought to free their country, if they want to smoke in their legion I think they should be allowed to.
@prettypinkbug (437)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I am a considerate smoker. Since I don't smoke around my kids or ever in my house, I treat others with the same respect. If I am in public, say outside a restaurant and someone walks by with their kids, I move out of the way. I also hate the smell of stale smoke in my hair and on my clothes.
@thekiwi (588)
• United States
9 Jan 07
you should have to worry about going out to eat and smelling the smoke, most places have it band, but i understand in bars and such, i always try to get away from it...
I use to smoke and i still cant stand the smell of it but i dont really remind myself that second hand smoke is just as bad either.
@kengkerochi (40)
• Singapore
9 Jan 07
yeah i perfectly agree with what u said..i also hate people who doesnt really care when they do smoking..their sucks!(no offence huh?)..i mean they dont even just think they harm somebody who wants to live without any hard deases that u can get from smoking!, think have a problem already with my breathing.. i think PI government should banned smoking in public..then to those who doesnt want to follow put in a jail!!!haha
@bigsexy33 (13)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I am a smoker and I do have respect for non-smokers. Whenever I am around friends or family that don't smoke, I got outside or away from them. I only smoke outside my house (due to members in my family don't smoke), in my car when I'm alone, and in designated smoking areas at work.
@wilsonsir12 (494)
• United States
8 Jan 07
i heard that in the usa around 2000 people die every year from second hand smoke thats alot of people that die for no reason at all
@glasser3 (354)
• Hibbing, Minnesota
8 Jan 07
well i think weve got just as much rights as smokers as those who are non smokers so why should our rights be taken away to please others. Because we all pay taxes actually more taxes then non smokers as (in minnesota at least) there is close to a dollar in taxes on a pack of smokes and seriously as far as bars go no i dont think they should ban smoking because its a bar and 75% of people there probally smoke anyway. And seriously ive heard all the statistics but do you really believe them all because you know they can make statistics say and show what ever they want without showing you what led to those statistics. But anyway im trying to quit so once i do ill really careless where they ban smoking. i just dont think its fair that our "freedoms" are being taken away and if you dont like second hand smoke then dont sit near smokers.
@JellyBeans (639)
• Canada
8 Jan 07
From what i think most smokers do this because they don't care. That's why, It's your fault that you came here I was here first wait for me to finish my smoke and you can come in.
Well that's just what i think. And when ever i come by a smoker i hold my breath. Does that work or will the fumes still reach my lungs :S
@danx2yrocks (12)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I have hated smoking all my life. I have grown up in a family where everyone but me smoked. it sucks because I feel like i could have more energy but because of the smoke I am always out of breath and tired.