Is that really my child you are talking about;-)

@ladybear (128)
January 8, 2007 10:47am CST
I am a step mother of two wonderfull children whom I love to death. They are for the most part very well behaved. But as all parents you have to remind them to but the dishes in the dishwasher, take out the trash, make their beds and so forth and so forth. My daughter has just been on a school trip for a week were they stayed in cabin. They had shifts were they would have to cook the meals and do the dishes, cleaning and so on and so on. Well friday night when they came home her teacher called me. Oh no I thought we had forgotten something, or she had brokken something that we had to replace. Boy was I ever wrong. The teacher only called me to tell me that my daughter was such a wonderful young girl and very helpfull. She made her bed every day and helped clear the table even when it wasn't her job. It really warmed my heart that the teacher on her own time called me to tell me that. And the most surprizing thing was that she called me the step mom and not her own real mother. But my daughter had told her teacher that I had said you should never leave the room without something in your hands and she thought that that was really good advice.
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2 responses
@gapeach65 (805)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I have 3 children of my own (ages 21,18 and 8)and a step daughter (age 18), I am always suprised when I have teachers or other children's parents tell me that my children are so well behaved or that they are good influences for the other children. I have been told this a lot, and I always think,"not my child". I guess it is the ultimate goal of parenting for our children to behave away from home, even though at home they can be little monsters. My children would rather me do things for them at home or not do it at all (like clean their rooms, doing laundry, dishes, etc)but when they are somewhere else they help out like they do it all the time. So I guess I've done my job pretty good, even though at times I feel like I haven't, I have taught them the lessons they need even though I can't always enforce them in my own house. Good luck with your children, and keep up the good work...I know step parenting has it's own challenges too.
• United States
8 Jan 07
That is nso nice most teachers don't have the time or make the effort to give good news! How sweet of her to let you know what a wonderful job your girl is doing@! Good teachers are hard to come by!
@ladybear (128)
• Denmark
8 Jan 07
I thought so too. It shows that she gives the students the time they need.