@texasclassygal (5305)
United States
January 8, 2007 3:56pm CST
At what age is acceptable to allow older teenagers to drink. The law in my state is 21 years of age to drink so my 18 year stepson the other day was in the kitchen and made himself an alcoholic drink while I was standing there in the kitchen, I was upset due to his age and when I confronted him about it all he could say was that he was not old enough to go buy his own so he was drinking ours ... I was upset, would you be??
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52 responses
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Of course you should be. For two reasons.
1. He's disrespecting you as an adult.
2. He shouldn't be drinking period.
Don't confront a child, talk to his
biological parent.
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@dawn5679 (266)
• United States
9 Jan 07
just because she is not his bio mom doesn't mean she can't confront him. He needs to learn to respect her too so if she sees him doing something he shouldn't be doing then she needs to be the one to say something. Running to her husband will just tell the child that she has no say in her own house, which is not true..
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@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I agree with you to a point. If he's
drinking in front of her now whatever
she says to him isn't going to matter.
His father needs to make the boy
understand that he needs to respect BOTH
their authority. Somehow, though, I get the
feeling this boy drinks in front of his
dad or he wouldn't be so blatant.
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@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Yes I would be upset. but in other respects I would prefer our child if she is going to drink to drink at home. instead of going out and not knowing what is going on.
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@anjuscor (1266)
• India
8 Jan 07
I really dont know. I really dont think, there should be some rule about being an alchoholic. I am 22 years old, i still never get drunk. So they should have the mentality and matured nature to think when they can get drunk. Once in a while if they get drunk, that is fine. But not always. My boy friend is 25 years old, he gets drunk once in a while liek twice in a month. I do not restrict that because he knows his limits.
So why dont you tell him about the advantages and disadvantages being an alchoholic. He might listen so be friendly with him and tell him not to cross his limits. That should make his mind think.
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@twistedvanilla (244)
• United States
8 Jan 07
yes, you have every right to be upset! Technically he was stealing from you and being that he's 18 he could actually go to jail for that!
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@pufitza_mison (627)
• Romania
8 Jan 07
that is not so good, becouse even he knows that this thinck maybe upset you he did this thinck infront of you.Maybe he was upset on something, or maybe he was just curious on your reaction or curious on it's taste.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 Jan 07
No age is acceotble for a teenager. Iwouldn't let none oif mine drink, grand-children, My son is 32 he used to sneak and drink when he was younger, I knew that would be as problem because he drinks heavey, I wish he didn't.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Well, you should talk to his dad about that, since as a stepmom, he probably wouldn't listen to or obey you if you told him no.
I drank when I was underage at my house, but my dad would always fix the drink and obviously never put too much in there. My parents always said that they didn't mind me drinking as long as I did it at the house. The only time, underage, I drank outside of the house was my graduation night, and they knew who I was with and that I had a designated driver, and also New Years Eve when I was 18, but I was with 3 guy friends that I had grown up with and my parents knew would take care of me and get me home safely.
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@linzmcwilliams (1552)
9 Jan 07
I don't think you should be upset. In the UK he classes as an adult. I think it's rediculous how long your freedom is denied in the US. I'm seventeen and often do down to the pub with my friends. I was introduced to alcohal at about 15 which has made me respect it. Not i never have more than three drinks in a night. If you deny him alcohal chances are he will rebel and get really drunk. So i would say let him have what he wants in small quantaties.
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@hattipunk (434)
• Nepal
9 Jan 07
Well it has been a fashion to the teen agers to drink alkohol...well its fun having allkohol ....it give us strenth....
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@Paxton16 (15)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Honestly i am 16 and i also drink when i got out with friends and what not. The reason it is a high age is because teenagers are mostly stupid and they don't need any extra substances adding to it.... but i would never drink and drive and i think it depends on the type of person you are wether or not you should drink. somone people that are over 21 act worse then some teenagers when they are drunk... haha you should have to have a lisence =)
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@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
9 Jan 07
How disrespectful of him. An occasional drink at a special moment is one thing but to just go into the kitchen and make it in front of you is not right. Have you allowed him to do this before or has his Father allowing this behavior? He not only should obey the law but more than anything he should be following the rules of the house. Does he realize you are held accountable if something were to happen if he goes out and gets stopped? I would not allow this type of behavior and would tell him so stepson or not. He needs to follow your rules.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I agree with you so much, I had to bite my tongue not to say anything .. oh wait, yes I did say something to him, but as a teenager is he walked away as thou he never heard me ... thank you for contributing
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
9 Jan 07
some of the attitudes on here expressed by teenagers about "I know it's illegal but a little doesn't count" just shows how little respect they have for laws.
That being said, on a special occasion I'd say 18 and over is ok, if they will remain in the house the rest of the night and not operate a motor vehicle, even if it's "just a little bit", that way it teaches them some responsibility.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
8 Jan 07
21 is a rediculous age to start drinking - no other country leaves it so late.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Thank you so much for contributing and you have a good day also
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
8 Jan 07
You darn tootin' I would have been upset. Basically, he was breaking the law right in front of you. If the law in your state is that a teenager must be 21 years of age to drink then and he is only 18, then he has broken the law. He also has made you into an adult who is 'contributing to the delinquency of a minor' in the eyes of the law. Even if you felt your son was mature enough to drink, it is still the law. Now I highly doubt the cops are going to come storming through your kitchen door and arrest you...but it is still the law. And that is exactly how I would present it to him!
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