Funny or Weird Dog Habits

Yumi - My Yumi
@JashleyB (1441)
United States
January 8, 2007 7:08pm CST
I'd like to read about some of your dogs funny or weird habits. My dog Yumi has quite a few funny but oh so cute habits. :) When my brothers practice playing the guitar and she hears the music, it gets her so upset and she barks like she never has before and she will run to the other end of the house and hide! Sometimes when I'm sitting at the computer she comes over and sits on the floor beside the chair and starts to do a little bark every few seconds. She wants to get in my lap! Now she's a pretty big dog already lol!! We are a family of six and when we go to watch a movie or tv we all sit around on the couch and chairs. Yumi will come over and bark at us until we move and make her a space on the couch too hehe. So tell me some of your dog's habits! :)
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50 responses
• United States
9 Jan 07
my toby has a white tip on his tail and will chase it for hours if we let him. He also seems to think he is still a puppy and will try to fit into spaces just to small for him. He also thinks he is a lap dog . He is hardly that he weighs about 85 pounds and stands to my hips(i am 5' 3") look at my photos for a pic
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@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
Toby sounds like a really fun pup.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
9 Jan 07
My family used to have two dogs named Moxie and Goldie and they were so sweet.^_^ I can't really remember any funny things that they used to do, but I really loved having them around. Dogs are by far my favorite animals in the world^_^ I really loved reading your cute dog stories! Animal behavior fascinates me!^_^
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@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
Animal behavior is so human like.
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
2 Feb 07
I was sitting in my bedroom, playing guitar, and in walked a completly unannounced gigantic German Shepherd. "Oh good," I thought, reasoning that playing music has its moments. The dog walked up to me, and licked the guitar, (playing a good chord, an A11) and walked out...
@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
Hmmm, interesting, do you suppose someone taught him that?
@thekiwi (588)
• United States
9 Jan 07
this is a weird habbit, but we have a weenie dog and we cant keep her out of the kitty litter, shes already obese, and she has a taste for cat poo! isnt that gross? i heard of dogs eating their own dung but cat poo? thats just sick, and weird...
• United States
9 Jan 07
yeah gross...not only do they like cat dog sometimes dig through the garbage if the lid isn't on and will find a dirty diaper. we even started putting it in a grocery bag but he still finds it and tears it open..
@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
Yes, dogs love cat poo. Disgusting but what can you do. I personally put the litter box, a hooded litter box, in such a way that would make it hard for my dog to get into.
@charlazio (215)
• Italy
2 Feb 07
our dog, stubby, has a smaller right front leg and paw, otherwise he'd be a "perfect" cocker spaniel. he uses his gimpy paw when he is begging for food and for when he wants attention he'll put the stubby paw on you.
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@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
Oh yeah, he's definitely got your number.
@jjones474 (123)
• United States
24 Jan 07
My little female beagle, whom is spayed, will follow my other female dog around and pick up her leg like a male and mark (pee) over where the other one just peed, like a male dog! She also tries to hump my other female dog! I've never seen this kind of behaviour, and I've owned many dogs. My thought? The body produces estrogen and testosterone. Take away the estrogen, and you now have all testosterone. Perhaps my girl has enough in her to give her male tendencies. Any thoughts, anyone?
@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
My thought is just plain weird behavior.
• India
24 Jan 07
our dog has the strange habit of looking at the tv whenever the tv is on and its eyes will be transfixed on the tv set and at sitcoms will not come out of its hench even if there is food.
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@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
I've heard of dogs doing that. I don't know why though.
• United States
10 Jan 07
My dog as old as he is still chases the vaccumm everytime I use it. For awhile he would try to pull the cord out of the wall! I had to break him of that since I was worried he would get hurt, but it was so funny!
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@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
That's so funny.
• United States
9 Jan 07
My dog, Harley, goes into the kitchen and gets the dishtowel down, and wipes his face off after eating anything. Now he has his own towel. He figured this out on his own, no one ever taught him. I couldn't figure out why my dishtowel kept falling in the floor when it never had before, until the day I happened to see him getting it down.
@MySpot (2600)
• United States
9 Jan 07
We usually have a bandana on our Sunny, to use like a bib. He likes his mouth wiped after a big drink too! He also sits at the back door and lifts his paws (one at a time), when returning from the yard, to wipe his feet.
• United States
24 Jan 07
My 2 puppys will run from one end of my apartment to the other and then come and jump on the couch right next to me, look and be and do it all over again. My pitbull puppy has to sit behind you on the couch. Lucky i dont always sit all the way back so there is room for him to cuddle up with me.
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@rebelann (113335)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Apr 20
Pitty's are such sweet pups.
@Laydee83 (275)
• Atlanta, Georgia
5 Feb 07
Awe, my little baby Dior is only 3 months so she is still a very energetic puppy. She has spurts where she will just grab a toy in her mouth and run. Run to every room in the house and to every corner as in to tap it before she can go to the next. This goes on for about 10 minutes, seriously!!! She will run from her room to the kitchen. To the bathroom then the bedroom. Out to the living room and to the dinning room and start all over again. At this point my g/f and I have to jump on the couch and tuck our feet so she doesn;t trip over them as she runs underneath the coffee table. This is the funniest things because I have a dog back at my moms hose that does the same thing. He is way bigger and faster so you can only imagine!
• Australia
2 Feb 07
My lovely baby Kaiba has a habit of howling when he plays with his squeaky toys. He howls along to the squeaks, its very funny but after a while get a bit annoying. He owns the sofa and if we are sitting on the sofa he will just sit in front of us staring at us until we make room for him and if we don't he'll just try to squeeze in, he's a big dog but he still squeezes himself in there. He gets spooked a lot too, so if the kids are ever doing anything then he thinks his place is under me, he obviously thinks I'm his protector. He leans as close to my legs as he can or oven in between them for me to protect him.
• United States
2 Feb 07
We have a 4 month old baby girl, and when we lay her on the floor for tummy time our dog will lay right beside her and roll with her when she rolls over. then he licks her to let her know she did a good job.
@paigea (36315)
• Canada
22 Apr 20
When we were at the dining table, our dog would brink mouthfuls of his kibble to drop on the floor. Then he would eat beside us.
@yuki87 (607)
• Italy
24 Jan 07
One of my two dogs, Leo, when he wants to go out in the garden, looks at me with pleading eyes. Then I ask him "Wanna go out?" and he begins jumping like a crazy and running toward me and toward the door. XDDDD The other dog, Luna, being bigger than Leo, almost always stays in the garden, but sometimes we let her stay inside. If that happens, when she understand it's time for her to go back to the garden, she tries to hide herself! XD Another thing, when I give my attention to Luna and stroke her or play with her, Leo usually gets jealous and tries to get my attention by rubbing against me or bothering Luna. XD
@stailgate (2363)
• United States
10 Jan 07
My St. Bernard loves lights!! flashlights, little red pointer lights, and reflection lights also known as tinkerbells. He will ram into walls and doors trying to get them over and over and over and... again!! It's like he don't realize that it is just a light. It's funny.
@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
well our dog when he was still alive doesn't wanna be blown air to his face, he would always elude us whenever he sees our lips pouting, very funny that he covers his face away from us
• United States
9 Jan 07
My chihuahua crosses her front paws as well like a little lady. She howls on command when my husband howls. I am a nanny for a few kids and she is extremely protective over one child, when he cries she will come over and bite my hand so that I will make him stop!! She also has saved me a few times, I have severe asthma and have to use an inhaler. At night I dont realize I am having an attack but she bites my husband until he wakes up and barks at him to go faster until he makes me better. Both of my dogs also bite the air?!?
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
my dog barks hard whenever wants to pee or wanna bowel.
• United States
24 Jan 07
My dog, Pete, is a pretty big dog. He is a pit bull and he weighs like 76lbs. He likes to curl up behind me on the sofa while I read the newspaper or watch tv. He also likes to put his front paws up on my lap while I am on the computer so he can see the screen better. We keep his toys in a picnic basket and he will lift the lid with his nose and rut through the basket to get what he wants to play with out. His favorite game to play is fetch and tug of war.