I went to college

January 8, 2007 10:01pm CST
Haha not really. I went to visit my new bf Mark this weekend he went back to school and he told me I should go visit him so I told my mom I was going to spend the weekend at my dads apartmnent. She dosnt care she just gets mad and yells that I should tell him he should give her more money. So I got on a bus and went to visit him and he took me to a couple of partys and a bar and introduced me to all of his friends and I had so much fun. His friends are all really smart and cool and they were all very nice to me and bought me drinks and I had so much fun. I just got back last night and I didnt want to leave. This is much bettr than dating somebody who sits in front of the vido games all day so I am very happy that I am seeing Mark now insted of my old bf.
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