when you were the happiest???

@aquatic (165)
January 9, 2007 5:11am CST
when, looking back at your life, u wre the happiest? wat was the part of life u were happiest and why? to some people childhood was the happiest thing . to answer they say it wasa carefree world. but why to be carefree if we really want to live in this world. to me my happeist time was when i got my baby and still it is . having the most beautiful thing, your own creation (somehow i believe), your own shadow is just amazing. talking to her in splitted language, i am once again exploring this wonderful world. So i m happiest at the moment.
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7 responses
• Serbia And Montenegro
9 Jan 07
when I was young and free
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• Philippines
9 Jan 07
my happiest moment is when i first met my soulmate. it was the bus ride home. it was the first time we met personally but it felt like i've known him forever. it was early in the dawn when the sun hasn't risen yet. it felt so right when we held each other's hand that night and how he hugged me while i sleep during the ride. everything felt so natural then.. like it was destined to happen
@manu224 (1130)
• Italy
15 Jan 07
the happiness is not a period, but the way to live of to accept the things and the events
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
last christmas. that was the happpist so far as i can remember. i spend it with someone so close to me!
@BigBenas (943)
• Lithuania
9 Jan 07
I don't remember really . And i think that i can't remember . But i say it was few years ago when i was 24 and got the deploma and finish college . That was the happies day of my life . I known that i don't need to go to college or scool again. And I think it is one of the best days in my life . Don't you think finishing scool just great . Because i hate studining and I hate college and stupid teacher who think they are all a childer need in there age . They sucks .
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@sunny5u (2069)
• India
13 Jan 07
Hi,i am an engineering student.When friends are around we tease some fellows of us,at that time we are the happiest of all.And also i am happiest when i get what ever i expected.
• United States
9 Jan 07
If I look back Id have to say that I have had alot of happy moments and alot of bad moments...But the happiest moment would have to be the day my son was born.It was the best day of my life,another best moment would have to be the day(s) with my boyfriend