Saddam Hussain Executed
By destroyer
@destroyer (784)
January 9, 2007 6:20am CST
Finally the long saga of Saddam Hussain's trial has come to an end. The court of Iraq found him guilty of mass murdering 148 shias and ethnic kurds! He was sent to the very same gallows where during his reign his secret police hanged those who dared to raise their voice against state tyranny. The trial was a luxury not provided to the poor souls who meet their end here! How Ironic and poetically justified that Saddam be hanged at the very same spot! But even in death the former dictator and mass murderer created controversy! First was statement he gave as his final will:
" Do not trust the Americans and their proxy (the present government mostly comprised of shia)beware of them" (not exact words)
secondly the leakage of the video of his hanging where allegedly masked men (government agents) are mocking him, and chanting the name of Moqtada Al sadr the radical shiite leader! Reportedly one of the those masked men had a brother and father executed on the orders of the Saddam! And it was him who said to the dictator "now go to hell" before pulling down the lever which ended his saddam's life.
Now my question regarding all the above are :
1) Do you guys think hanging Saddam was the right decision? Considering ongoing sectarian violence that has recently erupted in Iraq, wont the sunni minority see it as another blow to their faces? keeping in mind that the judge who passed the verdict, the prime minister (noori al malaki)were both Shias?
2)Dont you think it will widen the gap between these two sects and make the job of handing over control more difficult for USA?
3)The day of Saddam's execution couldnt have been worse! It was Eid ul Adha! one of the holiest day of the muslim calendar! further adding insult to injury!
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31 responses
@tanujbhargava (310)
• India
10 Jan 07
Yes Saddham Hussain is executed ..
Does that mean people take lives of innocent people ??
Lots of disputes going on .. on the name of the leader.
Is this right?
Many effigies are burned .. Riots..
Its taking life of many innocent people ..
Many are getting injured..
I don't think THIS is right !@
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Jan 07
One I thought he got what was coing to him. And it was his own people (judge) that pick the day for him to be hanged.
they violence that ahpen after was already in the works and would have happen weather he got hung or not.
and I do hope he went to hell and not a one of the Iraqie people think he was a muarter
@PainfulPleasure (684)
• United States
9 Jan 07
You can't beleive anything the government says or do. It's all a big conspiracy filled with scapegoats.
@masoud02 (176)
• Oman
10 Jan 07
USA and its allies have killed million times more than Saddam did in Iraq but the question who will punish Bush and others alike.We should not forget that those 148 Saddam is alleged had killed wanted to assassinate him.I think any leader would have done the same (as Saddam did) be Bush, Blair or Chaves.Hanging of Saddam was wrong and in no way would help to heal the wounds and agony of Iraqis."US is resposible to what happened and what is happening in Iraq"
@ljcapps (1925)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I want to know why everyone is pushing the execution of Saddam off on to Bush. No I won't say he has been a great leader. I don't agree with hardly any of his policies, but were I an Iraqi, these expressed sentiments would have gotten me killed were Saddam still in power. The only thing Bush did was have our people find Saddam and bring him to the people he tortured to let THEM decide his fate. Where was Bush on the day Saddam was executed? He certainly wasn't there when it happened and I doubt there was anything said about the things Saddam did to The U.S.'s soldiers in the early ninties. So how is Saddam's execution Bush's fault?
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
The fact that they did this on Eid is absolutly sickening, the fact that they taunted him and his body goes against Islam and the LAw, they made a mockery of him in front of Allah, watch every single one of them will get what is coming to them, even if Saddam deserved it, which is not up to me but Allah, he deserved to have had his body treated in accordance to Islam Law
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
as I am not Shia I would not know, I am Sunni, but Shia's are still muslim and I wish they (all parties involved) had followed Islamic Laws when they did this
@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
10 Jan 07
purepwnage Shias are as much muslims as you or any other! dont believe the biased websites! if you want to truly learn about someone or something you have to study it for yourself and not believe in second hand accounts
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Yes, I think hanging Saddam was the right thing to do. With the violence in Iraq, was it really better when he was in prison? Honestly, I don't think we are going to hand over full control yet or anytime soon. With the news of 20,000 more troops heading to Iraq soon. With Eid ul Adha, I think they should of killed him before it started. They probably had a reason for this.
@serene2 (278)
• New Zealand
10 Jan 07
In the book of Esther, Haman had a gallow constructed to hang Mordecai.
Esther had the Kings favour and told the King and the King said to hang Haman on his own gallow.
Sounds like an instant replay doesn't it.
We will all reap what we sow.
God is very clear about that.
He leaves nothing in the dark to the understanding heart.
1 person likes this
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Jan 07
two of the worlds great dictators gone i mean pin uchet, and saddam, only 1 to go now, Margaret Thatcher.
@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
10 Jan 07
Margaret Thatcher? i wasnt aware that people considered her to be a dictator!
@Chiriac (286)
• Romania
9 Jan 07
I don't know what the day of eid is but i believe it was done on porpuse and we the american people are just left in the dark like everything else we think we know. I hope people around the world realize this. But to say that he did not sin or "dis-honor" i feel is incorrect. Killing anyone who did not try to kill you is wrong. Personally for all i know that is all he did is protect himself but the global media takes controll of the minds of people and we think and make actions on information that we do not really know.
@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
9 Jan 07
Dear Chiriac,
Thank you for your comment. Let me elaborate Eid is to muslims what X-mas is to chrisitians. Its considered a day of rejoicing and celebration, the poor and less fortunate are given handouts, people visit their relatives, carnivals are organized and so on!
As for Saddam (and this is what i think) he reaped what he had swon!! All the atrocities he inflicted upon his own people caught up with him! As far as i can tell the global media has remained quiet unbiased about reporting about Saddam (what a surprise)! but neither can i deny the influence it possesses over people's mind!
@MissMac1973 (130)
• Netherlands
9 Jan 07
I agree absolutely with you, I hope too that we all together realize; wether you are in the netherlands, the us, russia, irak, china or where ever you are, that we are very manipulated through indeed media, governments and politics.. If you ask any person on this wonderful earth if he or she would love his or her newborn child everyone would say yes, right? If you ask any person if they love war, I don't think a lot of people really do love wars and what is the conclusion? Is this us? Or is this a decision which is manipulated on to us..? Everyone single positive person would say yes to a positive world and an embracing environment of joy, abundance, forgiveness, harmony, love, peace and prosperity! So, why don't we take our hands and bonds together and go for that! What has happened, happened. You cannot turn time back, so we must look forward with a positive mind and know that the other one is just an illusion created by our selves. When we solve that part in ourselves, the outer experience will change, the world will change and even saddams would change ;-)
@nishant_022 (395)
• India
9 Jan 07
Hey everyone!
I heard that Bush was actually sleeping when Saddam was being hanged. Is it true? I hope Bush isn't made the President in the next elections.
Anyways, did you guys see the whole video? It was totally bizarre. It was the first time I have seen someone getting executed. Not counting movies.
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
9 Jan 07
yes Bush wsa sleeping at the time he knew what was going to happen he would be contacted if it didnt go down how it was supose to. Bush can not be elected any more you can only serve two terms. The video was grainy but you can hear all that is being said. they do tell Saddam to go to hell but as for him saying that americans are to be blames or what ever he said that they should make peace with americans and not blame them. I have been following the story every seconed of the way. To me he should have been hanged he thought hanging was the most dishonorable way to die. I think that in the end Saddam had more dignaty than the gards that killed him di. they shout go to hell yes he said it back but he kept his composure through the whole thing. He was a bad person and it is a better world with out him oh and by the way the people that recorded the hanging on their phone have been aressted for it. they dont know the charges I really dont see what they can charge them with.
@ramzi100 (69)
• United Arab Emirates
10 Jan 07
1)well hanging saddam was to be done on some day or the other but hanging on the holiest days of islam was a fault.. he shouldnt have been hanged on that day atleast but on some otherday as it is a big blow to the sunni community which are in minority this may widen the gap between the sunnis and the americans which may cause in a serious problem in their govenment this may also create a civil war between the shias and the sunnis.
2) secondly there will be no more unity in the country anymore as it will create a wide gap between everyone .As it is clearly visible that the governemnt is not at all stable as there is constant fight between the shia and sunni community
3) thirdly the execution of saddam was not correct according to me i feel tht hanging saddam on the day of eid ul adha created a feeling of sympathy in the minds of people all over the world and made him a hero among the iraqis but hanging saddam on an another day would made saddam a war criminal or a crule ruler
@JellyBeans (639)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
1) I think it was wrong to have hung Saddam. It can cause alot of wars(not big ones just citizens) in Iraq and alot of killing. They could have settled this better. George w. Bush made the worst decision in his entire carreer. (Although it wasn't all his decision it was the US entirely) The US does not have the right to choose his fate. I think its Iraq who should choose
2) Yes it will widen te gap between them. This could cause another war between them
3) I haven't seen the thing where he got executed so i can't relaly answer this
@vembukumar (61)
• India
10 Jan 07
only for capturing the iraq, american and their alliance told that, "iraq has chemical and bio bombs", these are for stealing their wealth. But america find that there is no bomb like that all, so inorder to escape from that problem. they did this at all and also for not obeying their(america's) comments.
@rathishnarayanan (12)
• India
10 Jan 07
it was a right think,even a single human being done this criminal activity it will be the same punishment in any country,so as a president there is no compensation.
@dass05555 (12)
• India
10 Jan 07
saddam's execution is a right thing...,
b'coz his way of ruling is too worse,& he had killed many shias and others.
@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
i think its much better if they kept saddam alive and served a hard labor high security prison...not kill him its like letting him get away with things that he did....
@rohithiyer2006 (34)
• India
10 Jan 07
i think the americans did a better job by getting him hanged but i would not approve of the way they hanged him and i wished they should have hanged him in a better way with some respect to saddam hussein though he hadcomited the crimes.
@anarki (39)
• India
10 Jan 07
1.) no, hanging saddam hussein was not a right decision... he was a president of a country... if they dint respect his attitude they should have respected his post.... if an american president does the same things they wnt treat him like this......
2.)the judges were determined to give him a sentence..... they never heard what he offered them to say..... it was not a fair trial......
3.)ya.... iagree with u ..... he was insulted to the core which should not have happened.....
but all this discussion is useless.... america has the deadly duo power n money.... whatever happens nobody can stand against such a mighty combination.....
• United States
10 Jan 07
First of all, I think that once there was no weopons of mass destruction found, he should have been returned to power. He was their elected president. They live a simple life over there, whoever has the largest group at the time, scores the most electorial votes, thus this group runs the country. As far as killin the 140 people, records show that this group attempted to assasinate Suddam 3 times in the previous 5 years. I dont know about you, but if a certain group of people tried to kill me 3 times in 5 years, and I couldnt pin point which ones of the group did it, I would kill the entire group as well. Afterall its better safe than sorry. It was just a matter of time before this group succeeded in killing him. I do believe the scretarian violence will keep getting worse until the united states and britain pull out of Iraq. If you think about it, these people dont want a country like ours, or they would of made the change years ago. What I dont understand is why did we do all of this, spend 800 billion dollars on this war, over 140 people? When Darfur has lost hundreds of thousands of people and the united states and britain aren't doing a thing about it. Could it be because of the abundance of oil Iraq has, and the lack of natural recourses Darfur has? I think so. Anyways, that's my opinion, I hope you enjoyed it!
Adam McMullin
@joshua_roby (2)
• India
10 Jan 07
It was not a good decision to execute Sadham Hussain...........they will surely regret for this.Hewas a great leader, he made Iraq a powerful nation.