What do you feel about people who "un adopt" children?
By sylviekitty
@sylviekitty (2083)
United States
January 9, 2007 8:14am CST
Not that long ago, there was a case in the news about parents who had "fallen in love" with a boy in their foster care, and decided to adopt him. However, when he turned 12, he molested two young children. In court, his "new" parents learned some disturbing facts about his childhood that had been kept from them during the adoption process.. things like the fact he'd been abused by his biological parents, to the point where his brain stem had been injured, and so on. He'd also been hospitalized seven different times in various institutions.
(Here's the link to read more about it)
I realize that if I adopted a child, and came to find out later that he or she had serious psychological issues that were kept from me, I would be p*ssed. I mean, there must be full disclosure, before you know what you're getting yourself into. Parenthood is supposed to be for life! However, on the other hand, how do you justify bringing a child into your home, then essentially telling them they're not good enough for you? Isn't this basically what these people told this 12 year old boy?
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21 responses
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
10 Jan 07
well in my opinion if im goin to adopt a child i have to know the true family background ...its necessary i think that we should know..or if as you have stated above it happens not knowing it..then you have to let the child to see a therapist for further evaluation or help if needed..its not good if you wont help the poor boy he really needs you(parent who adopted) its our duty as the guardian then so we must act like one..
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
What a very sad for that adopted parents but if i were on the situation I will just accept him and teach him good manners and right conduct.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Jan 07
its not that simple though, this child cant just be taught to not be the way he is..there is mental disorders that need to be dealt with...You cant spank a molester and say "dont do that" and expect it to work...
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Do you know if the boy did any jail time? Because he could get counseling there. Although, I think it is sad that the parent's "returned" him, I don't know how I would feel about him after learning he molested someone. I know that sound's bad and even if my biological child did something like this, I think I would be ashamed. God, I am a bad mother!!! Sorry
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Well, I don't think any of us would want to know that our children- biological or not- had molested somebody. That is unimaginable. I don't think it would be out of the norm to be ashamed.. I mean, you can't help but wonder what people think of you as a parent if your child is capable of doing such a thing. But then again, some children- some people- do things that others (even their parents) really have no control over.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
10 Jan 07
First off all the agency who arranged the foster care and later adoption was in the wrong. The parents should have known about the child's history so that they could do what was best for him. If they had known they could have gotten him treatment long before he went over into criminal behavior. By not telling them the agency in my opinion is just to blame as the boy themselves. This could have been prevented if the parents had been informed before hand of what all he neded. By not giving them the factual information on the case the agency should be held responsible.
As to the adoptive mother severing her rights I don't know. I think she was lied to and that the adoption happened under false pretenses, which should make it null and void. I can see both sides of this sadly enough. I feel for all the parties involved. I think her situation is unique (or atleast I hope it is) and that it wouldn't be a situation that came up normally. In this case I can understand her severing rights. That said I think with any case of this nature where a parent wants to severe rights each one has to be handled on it's own. You can't go by other cases but by what this one is about.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I wonder if the mother can sue the adoption agency, and what if anything she can get out of it? I mean, once all ties have been cut between her and this child, it's not like she has to deal with any of the responsibility of what he did to these other kids, right? I'm not sure how it would work..
@feliciamimmi22 (101)
• Ireland
10 Jan 07
That is a really sad story! As far as I am concerned, adoption means the same thing as giving birth, the commitement is the same.
Of course it is bad that they did not have all the relevant information when adopting the boy, but that does not make it all right to "un adopt" him. It would be hard for biological parents to find out that their son had molested two young children as well.
I have no experince from this, so I am only stating my opinion. I know it is a difficult question and its impossible to know how I would react if I was actually in that situation.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
10 Jan 07
True.. nobody really knows how they would react until they were in the situation.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
10 Jan 07
That is really awful :( Obviously this boy needs some psychological help, and to be sent this message by his foster parents 'un-adopting' him can't be making him feel any more emotionally stable. I would not have known what to have done if I had been in those foster parents' place. They were really in a sticky situation. But I am not certain that they did what was best for the boy. Perhaps they should have looked into getting him some counselling before they just dumped him back into the system :(
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I agree. I mean, perhaps finding out all of this information about him was extremely overwhelming. But the woman said she was in love with this boy (as a potential son), and convinced her husband to take him in... and then this. There are biological parents going through this all the time, who can't just dump their kids into the system. They can't just unadopt them. Maybe they don't treat them good either, but there is counseling, there is medication.. there must be something they can do before basically turning their backs on a child?
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
10 Jan 07
That story is terrible, and even worse because these people hand picked that child. I am appalled that they would consider throwing that child away. He needs help and so do they! Of course that would be very difficult for anyone to learn, myself included, and I have 2 children-my own blood. But true love would be to stop the cycle and to try to help them as much as possible, not to give up because it is more than they bargained for.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Jan 07
hhmmm I have a seriousl problem with this.....I think that UNadopting him is terrible, they swore to a judge that they would love, protect and provide for this child..AND they gave this boy that impression as well..goin back on that is bullshyt IMO..HOWEVER if it were me I would definately look into what legal rights I have and how I could go about taking the agency to court for NOT informing me of this very important background info...Not providing IDENTIFYING info on the parents is one thing BUT they are LEGALLY REQUIRED as far as I know, to share all NON identifying info BUT I'm from Canada so it maybe be different here in the U.S and I do know that the laws in Ontario are in fact changing in some areas....
I think in all honesty, they just gave this boy his sentence..it wouldnt surprise me in the slightest if that was the final nail in his coffin so to speak...
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
10 Jan 07
I do belive that the childs healthcondition should have been told, however I do belive that u adopt for life and that u just canĀ“t take it back if he does something wrong.
What if u have a kid of your own - and he turns out to do a bad thing, will u put him up for adoption?
The thing about adoption is that u are supposed to love this child as your own and u love him no matter what.
LikeI said - it might have been wrong to hold back this info from the adoptive parents - however they did more wrong!
@Datingtheplayer (661)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I think that's a really hard situation to be in, but if these parents have other children (you weren't clear who the children being molested were) that are biologically theirs then they are going to protect those childfren first. I have always considered adopting, and this is the hard truth about such processes. They aren't always perfect. I myself would keep the child and help him through his problems because the system will just turn its back on him and he is very unlikely to get adopted at such an 'old' age. Which means he will jump from foster home to foster home and probably end up on the streets and mixed up with crime
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I can't imagine the pain this little boy must be enduring. Once you adopt, and make that choice, it should be as if you birthed him yourself. You love your children, unconditionally, for better or for worse, you should accept him for who he is and help him to work on those things you dissaprove of. I think they should never be allowed to adopt again and harm another little boys fragile self asteem. What a horrible thing to do. They should have done thier homework before rushing into a desicion like this. THey ought to be ashamed of themselves!
@bkittybaby (87)
• United States
10 Jan 07
When I first read your post I stopped at the point before the link because I was so horrified. I almost stopped reading and responded right then. I am sure we are all feeling "poor little boy!". After continuing on and reading the article on the link, I have slightly different feelings that what I was first going to post.
There are two topics to discuss here.
The first is the problem of the child's past history not being disclosed to the adoptive mother. That is not only absolutely inappropriate, but downright criminal. The state is now responsible for the acts committed by the boy due to their negligence. Abuse is a pattern. A child who is molested WILL molest other children unless they are given treatment. Sometimes even in spite of treatment, the pattern repeats itself. There are now 2 more children forced to face the pattern and rise above it to better choices. Hopefully the state is getting these children the help they need.
The article stated the boy had tried to harm himself in the past. What if he had killed himself or another while under his mother's care? Leaving out this very important past information was a danger to the lives of all the people around the child. The mother could have used what she knew from his past to look for indications that history might repeat itself.
What if taking the boy off his meds did more harm than good? There is no way that any doctor could say that he didn't need the meds if they didn't know his full history. Since the state didn't provide this important information, no one would ever be able to accurately help this child. Not to mention his brain stem injury. That seems like a small bit of information a doctor might need to know about! The things the mother was doing to raise this boy right may have caused him more harm as she was simply never informed.
I know that children don't come with labels when they are born that say thigs like "may throw things" or "will hit others" but if you did know that about a child, you wold share that information with the parents so that they may raise them in a way to avoid those bad behaviors.
The second topic is whether or not she should be able to unadopt the boy. Of course my heart goes out to the boy. He is too old now that he will probably not be adopted. He will stay in the system until he turns 18 and then be turned out on his own. He will continue to live a difficult life, as he has had so far. As a country, we have failed this child. We should have been able to offer him more.
On the other hand, the mother cannot keep him and any other children. What about the other child in her care? Is it fair that she could no longer keep this child? Her grandchildren would suffer the loss too. What about all the children she would probably foster in the future without the boy? Is it fair to all of them? Shouldn't the state take the responsibility of the one so that she may care for others?
In my opinion, she should be able to continue to be a foster parent. She will be able to provide for many other children in the future. I feel the state should take the boy in and get him the help that he needs. There are only a few precious years left to try to undo all the damage that has been done.
On a separate note, this is the third time I have tried posting to this discussion. For whatever reason, it never finishes accepting my post. So if this pops up three times later, I apologize in advance.
• United States
10 Jan 07
If you believe in your heart that you have feelings for this child, and you believe you are able to care for and provide not only money, sheltor, clothing and food, but also all your love, time,affection, and devoted attention to this child, then you should adopt this child. Every child needs to be loved. Regardless of defects, or illnessess, they are God's gift to the world,and anyone with the financial means should look into adoption. There is nothing more precious on this earth then the innocense and helplessness of a child, and as adults, with all of the knowledge and experiance we possess,
it is our job to teach, and mold these children into mature human beings. This is what keeps life and technolegy growing every year. If I won the loterry tomorrow, I would honestly adopt as many children as the law allowed, because a gift so priceless shouldn't be thrown away. If you raised a child who turned out bad or evil like the one in your article, you have to remember the sweet helpless child you adopted, because after all the times, and good memories, and the love that has grown everyday for all those years, he will always be that sweet helpless child to you. The parents should feel ashamed for this, for they are all this child has on this earth.
Thank you for listening to me,
Adam McMullin
@goodearnings (11)
• India
10 Jan 07
It good that some people adopte a child.
But it is wrong that when child became 12yrs old to teach him nice thing,
disscues with him with good way,teach him
how the pople belive in good or bad.
Teach him good manner,teach him repecte
to there parents and other people.Don't
teach him bad things.
@goodearnings (11)
• India
10 Jan 07
It's is good to adopte a child.But when then you have no child.To adopte a child
we must care with the child.Think that that the child is very luck to us.You must care it give hime a good education
and not to fil him that he is not our child.You must love him.Be truthfull with him.
@lostboy_1 (24)
• India
10 Jan 07
adopting is good but to leave him if he has some problem is not fair.He must be treated with love and care.It could cure him.